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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Id take whomever coaches our refs up cuz man, they are fantastic!
  2. You're also an Edmonton fan so your opinion isn't valid. I disagree completely. To you maybe, but take a poll in Winnipeg - go ahead. I know who'd win. But sorry to disappoint, a lot more Oiler fans in Saskatoon then there are in Wpg. The Oilers play the Wild on Saturday afternoon in Saskatoon, so my guess is that's where McDavid will play (McLellan already said McDavid won't play both games). But the star player in the NHL is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over the CFL. All I see here is people trying to sell their tickets at 1/2 face value for a bomber game - with no takers (see the one super fan here looking for bomber tickets but not willing to pay face value). Fans were paying their own way to Pentiction just for a chance to see McDavid. 'nuff said. you have a problem with me looking for tickets to a bomber game for cheap? Pretty dickish comment. For the record ive seen a total of 5 people selling tickets and 2 are at face value. im a member of 5 cfl and bomber fb groups and the forums so your info... as per usual.. is flawed. Really Spuds? How is it flawed? First off, it's not a 'dickish' comment. It's fact. Period. YOU take it any way YOU want. What, feeling 'guilty' now. Tell me where I'm wrong, go ahead. A buddy of mine has 3 pairs of Oilers seaons tickets. It's an investment, he's had them for years. He usually breaks even or loses a bit of money (as the Oiler lose over and over as the season progresses). This year, in only PRE SEASON games, he's sold out his tickets - for $1600. He can't believe it himself. YOU, a BOMBER FAN, are wiling to buy tickets but only on the cheap. 1. I don't blame you, and it's a fact you are and 2. You'll NEVER get an Oiler ticket on the cheap, not here, not in Winnipeg, not in Calgary, not in Vancouver. Those are all facts, and it's a majority. Maybe not here on this forum, but facts are facts. I guess the truth hurts, don't it? Though not sure why. Just admit it and move on please. Actually asshat, not feeling guilty at all.. Feeling broke and unable to pay full price and your dickish comment bothered me. Deal with it. You dont get the right to be critical of another teams fanbase buying tickets.. Pretty simple concept. Besides the fact "you dont care anymore" about our team. Seriously, your trolling has gone to unreal levels again.
  3. I don't know, you'd have to ask him and yes I am serious. It's late in the game, my opposition just made a circus catch that I didn't get a view on yet, my opposition is all of a sudden running hurry up to get on the ball quick when they should be taking their time so I need to slow things down now, what's at my disposal? Time out or challenge flag. I choose the challenge flag because the bonus is there's a chance it could be overturned based on Calgary not wanting it reviewed. Little bit more than a whim.You'll probably find that very few professional level coaches use "the force" to make critical decisions. I'm thinking that they rely a lot more on evidence, which O'Shea didn't have available to him at that particular moment. The other way to look at it was he made a decision, without any evidence, to let the play go. If he didn't have time to compile that evidence (Calgary rushing to the ball), you simply let it go? No, you use your options to have time to collect that evidence especially being how critical that play was and the time we had left in the game. Yes I risk losing a timeout, the flip side is I risk letting Calgary move up the field on a non legit play.Doesn't the team have multiple people watching? I find it hard to believe no one saw even the possibility of a non catch? I think everyone was mystified by the circus catch. It was very obvious on reply. Id expect someone somewhere to raise an eyebrow at game speed since it's their bread and butter Have you not read the entirety of the thread? And in real speed it looked like a good catch. It wasn't until after the Stamps ran their next play that TSN showed a definitive replay that looked like the ball hit the ground. And those two idiots (Black & Suitor) were still sporting chubbies over the non catch. I believe the replay was shown before he next play. I saw it as a non catch and assumed the flag was coming and the next play then began We never saw the trap catch on the jumbotron. Only hand fighting snd roll over. And THAT only came after snap.
  4. *RABBLE RABBLE* wasted another timeout on a suspect challenge!!! *RABBLE RABBLE*. Would have been how it went down if CFL blew that one too.. Like they have countless times this year.
  5. I don't know, you'd have to ask him and yes I am serious. It's late in the game, my opposition just made a circus catch that I didn't get a view on yet, my opposition is all of a sudden running hurry up to get on the ball quick when they should be taking their time so I need to slow things down now, what's at my disposal? Time out or challenge flag. I choose the challenge flag because the bonus is there's a chance it could be overturned based on Calgary not wanting it reviewed. Little bit more than a whim.You'll probably find that very few professional level coaches use "the force" to make critical decisions. I'm thinking that they rely a lot more on evidence, which O'Shea didn't have available to him at that particular moment. The other way to look at it was he made a decision, without any evidence, to let the play go. If he didn't have time to compile that evidence (Calgary rushing to the ball), you simply let it go? No, you use your options to have time to collect that evidence especially being how critical that play was and the time we had left in the game. Yes I risk losing a timeout, the flip side is I risk letting Calgary move up the field on a non legit play. Doesn't the team have multiple people watching? I find it hard to believe no one saw even the possibility of a non catch? I think everyone was mystified by the circus catch. It was very obvious on reply. Id expect someone somewhere to raise an eyebrow at game speed since it's their bread and butter Have you not read the entirety of the thread? And in real speed it looked like a good catch. It wasn't until after the Stamps ran their next play that TSN showed a definitive replay that looked like the ball hit the ground. And those two idiots (Black & Suitor) were still sporting chubbies over the non catch. "Eric rogers, the best receiver in the CFL today makes another spectacular one handed grab! *replay shows trap on ground* and hes st it again, making huge play with an amazing catch in coverage! Class of the cfl!" Man, i almost threw my drink at the tv.
  6. I say good for you, Mike. You're doing all you can to help us win. It's not your fault CC got it wrong. Then when the video showing he trapped it becomes available Mike is vindicated and I feel even better about him. I hate being so negative about him and I understand your frustration at all the negativity. But we can't pretend things are better than they are. On a positive note, the special teams played better. Mike deserves some credit for that as do the players. The defense played fairly well also. Assuming you were not at the game. He had maybe, 10 seconds to challenge that call. NOBODY that I saw on the field was motioning that it was incomplete, including Shell who made the breakup. I Said to myself " that was a catch?" And they had already lined up and were snapping. That late into the game, without any reason to think otherwise, you think he risks losing a challenge? For zero reason other then snap judgement? It was bang-bang and calgary knew it. The ref should have conferred with his peers and then made the call imo, not indicate catch and move on. Another mistake in a game full of them.
  7. I hear you. I guess it's just easier for some to wallow. All's I know is, it was an entertaining game...and we had a chance to win. Pretty simple really. What I find insanely entertaining is the gear change. First its, "Osheas a bum! Cant get guys lined up!!," now its, " hes an idiot for not challenging in the 5 seconds he had after the blown reception call" People wanna hate Oshea no matter what.
  8. True but at the same time the team did fight back to get close. It doesn't matter when the points are scored. Just that they are scored and the refs significantly hurt our chance to tie the game. That argument is pure hogwash they hadn't lost the game at that point but they were behind. The bad call didn't cost us the game. It may have contributed but it wasn't the sole reason why we lost. Still hogwash. Know why? If that penalty at minimum doesnt happen, we get the first and hypothetically 2-3 yards more at MINIMUM by running.. That 50 yarder is now.. A 43? Minimum if we dont do a thing its a 45 and lirim nails it. He was wide by like, a half foot? The play killed any chance we had of making that field goal and IMO the way calgary was reeling, potentially a TD..
  9. In the case of no end, which is a formation penalty, not a lineman moving before the snap, the play proceeds.But usually the flag flies immediently I thought, not after the snap or even after the play.. Correct. I was referring to the part where you said it's a pre-snap penalty, in which case most plays are blown dead. yea sorry I was not tryin to be snippy, just verifying for my own denseness lol
  10. In the case of no end, which is a formation penalty, not a lineman moving before the snap, the play proceeds.But usually the flag flies immediently I thought, not after the snap or even after the play..
  11. Why cant our league have NFL level officiating? Pay? Not enough demand for refs in canada at that level? Its baffling to me.
  12. It was bang bang as calgary knew it and was in hurry up.. Apparently the feed to our booth staff was down or something so they didnt see it and I didnt see any defenders telling Hall or Oshea to toss the flag..
  13. Yea we cant fire bellfool fast enough. Calgary's defense was not that stellar last night.. We left a looooot of plays on the field. Poor execution? Poor design? stubler just in bellfools head just like every other DC whos seen him in the last decade.. We are hooped if we dont move on.
  14. What if nobody did but the zebras? Id hope they would get the axe in such a situation as well..
  15. This i agree with. If our offense manages to do something.. Anything.. In the third and first half of the fourth then this doesnt come down to some very exciting and disappointing 3 minutes of football..
  16. I believe it falls under the "Dey tuk er jerbs!" laws. terk deerrr jeeerrrrbs! derk er jawbs! *rabble*rabble*rabble*
  17. This one hurt because even how bad the offense played, the team fought against the best the league had to offer and lost on one of the most garbage calls ive ever seen. I was even ok with the "force out" bs call that led to a TD because we fought back.. We had calgary reeling and had the first down... Before the penalty imo but got a horrid spot... And i think would have at least moved into easy kick range if not a td the way calgary was back on their heels.
  18. Good read as per usual. I reallllllly want... No... Demand clarification on how denmarks drag toe catch is not a force out and yet an over throw caught outta bounds stands., And of course the procedure penalty called AFTER the play has happened... When a procedure call is a pre-snap penalty.
  19. I loved how the bombers advertising people kept the freep ad that said lawless was their sporte guy lol.
  20. Ill take option 2 and when the cfl agrees you gonna back pedal? Guess what is really more likely.
  21. I'm with you on that one. Thought he was still not in control on the way down and "secured" it with the help of the turf. I kinda dont blame oshea for not challaging.. He has been snuffed what.. 3 times on for sures that im positive everyone thought were great ones. Which is embarrassing to say as the league should not be blowing instant replay calls.
  22. How have you decided to blame the coach and not the player for that? Absolutely. Who else is supposed to watch to make sure the players are where they are supposed to be?The player. You're expecting Osh to run to the Calgary sideline and line his guy up correctly? O'Shea has the responsibility to oversee the alignment. Period. If he didn't notice it or he didn't instruct the player (Moore?) to line up properly, its still on O'Shea. It was either Bastain or Adams.. Not moore. Follow along.
  23. Yup. stubs changes his defensive game plan to defend what we were doing.. Bellfool continues the quick hitters and gut runs for an entire 3rd quarter and into 4th.. He is undefendable at this point..Nichols may not be elite but he is capable of wins..
  24. how we can have such atrocious reffing at the biggest time of cfl exposure in a decade blows my mind... we look so bush. Even our instant replay guys cant get **** right!
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