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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. ive truly never thought that before but first the force out call.. then the horrible spot before the even worse procedure call.. Ive never seen a procedure call made almost 30 seconds after the ball was snapped.. Procedure is a presnap penalty..
  2. Yea cuz we put so much trust in what is said on a rival forum on game day... But hey, feel free to be as pessimistic as you want. Im going to remember how well we played em.. In calgary.. With a much worse QB..
  3. I have tickets to both. Can't even give my Bomber tickets away. (literally)Never thought I'd be choosing to go to a Jets preseason game over a Bomber stretch run game but that's how put off I and many others are with our team. The bombers just keep taking my money and I'm just that stupid, naïve, whatever to keep giving it to them. Probably not after this year though. Step 1 to future bomber success! Stop hiring Rookie Head Coaches and GM's. The last time we hired a good experienced HC was Big ol Dave Ritchie. Loved that guy. Then you didnt try hard enough. I cannot believe nobody would have said sure to free tickets.
  4. If the team noise you mean is gagging and retching, then, yes. I'm guessing he was referring to the Jets... yup me too.. thought it was obvious seeing as its ducky lol
  5. You're also an Edmonton fan so your opinion isn't valid. I disagree completely. To you maybe, but take a poll in Winnipeg - go ahead. I know who'd win. But sorry to disappoint, a lot more Oiler fans in Saskatoon then there are in Wpg. The Oilers play the Wild on Saturday afternoon in Saskatoon, so my guess is that's where McDavid will play (McLellan already said McDavid won't play both games). But the star player in the NHL is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over the CFL. All I see here is people trying to sell their tickets at 1/2 face value for a bomber game - with no takers (see the one super fan here looking for bomber tickets but not willing to pay face value). Fans were paying their own way to Pentiction just for a chance to see McDavid. 'nuff said. you have a problem with me looking for tickets to a bomber game for cheap? Pretty dickish comment. For the record ive seen a total of 5 people selling tickets and 2 are at face value. im a member of 5 cfl and bomber fb groups and the forums so your info... as per usual.. is flawed.
  6. You are ignoring what I see as key aspects: O'Shea presumably chose his assistant coaches and at least three have proven to be very poor choices. What makes you think he will choose better given another opportunity? He took two months to mull over whether to fire an obviously horrible defensive coach before he pulled the trigger, and then there are his really poor assessments of his quarterbacks and choices of game personnel. Add these up and it sure as spit looks like we need a new head coach. oh noes! Two whole months? also wasnt he essentially saddled with MB? Hall has been outstanding as a DC as well.. he was an O'shea pick im assuming?
  7. A choice of Yugo, Trabant or Lada. Yuck. Ill take a cup of clam juice in lieu.
  8. Interesting that Wild didn't take the route Muamba is taking with the tour and all. How do you figure? ian, no offense to him as he is very good, is an american LB. I dont believe he was even an allstar while here. great signing, love to have him back and I value all he brings but Muamba is essentially one of the biggest and most valuable canadian FAs currently available. Former first round pick who actually plays like he was a first round pick, plays better then some american MLBs, is a leader and a ST ace. If you cant see the difference here..
  9. Ive also never missed multiple plays a game so they can show a prerecorded interview during the game like CFL broadcasts do.. Soo annoying to listen to the crowd go nuts and see a coach or player drone on about some random garbage..
  10. If Oshea does get axed. I really kind of want another offensive guru at HC. lapo as the other.. Not Oshea obvs lol.
  11. Anyone able to explain Cole? Its baffling.
  12. He is all of those things, but he is also this season very emotional which leads to irrational arguments that he just keeps hammering away on even if other people show him to be in the wrong, at which point he takes it as a personal slight. I respect his opinion, but when he starts in the old man yelling at clouds act I just roll my eyes. I saw one of your posts today or yesterday where you called out another member & used ***** & ***** twice in a sentence calling them out. If that isn't yelling & showing disrespect then I don't know what it is. You know that I also respect your opinion but please don't point fingers at me & say I yell & scream like an old man at members when you do it here as well. Long time members know you have a temper as well. Hey I didn't say you did it at members, you're ranting and raving about the team a lot though and then take thing personally when people argue with you. You're damned right I use colourful adjectives to describe opinions I don't like, but that's a far cry from what's going on here. I wouldn't really say I have a temper so much as I have an argumentative streak a mile wide and don't give a **** if people get offended. You get a forum full of people with that attitude and within a month the forum is done and done. Why would one feel he has to offend people he does not agree with. People don't do that with those they work with or play with or those you live with so why feel it is an entitlement when you deal with people who just want to express an opinion on a subject of common interest. This thread is an example of what a forum should never be. Who said anything about offending people? Colourful adjectives are offensive now?? We seriously going to try and PC the forum to lameness? As for the second point, I use my vocabulary and its many choice and succient words in conversations with friends, foes, family, co-workers and bosses.. There is nothing wrong with being creative with your word play. You are right tho, this thread is what a forum never should be. There never should be people crying about being bullied or attacked when their opinions are discussed or shown to be erroneous or off-base. Smh.
  13. All taken care of, thanks for the offers tho guys and as to the ticker master side of things.. why not try to see if there is a cheaper option first? *shrug* if there was no takers Id probably gone to coop first and then ticket master lol.
  14. No clue. O'shea was considered as one of the best and brightest by more then a few people. He tanked hard. Burke too was considered one of the best coodinators not wearing the big headset. IF O'shea is canned this season or off-season, we need to entice someone who has boatloads of experience and then match him up with some stellar coordinators, up and comers like khari or bradyesque or stick with experience like Hall or Lapoesque. I dont care if he is NCAA, NFL or CFL experienced ar HC but he needs to know how to run a team and get maximum out of his charges. I think O'shea leans too heavily on Bellfool and to a lesser extent Hall. Hes not offensively gifted so im assuming he lets MB dictate..
  15. Imma need you to back those opinions up sir. I respect you for voicing your opinion but In feel it is flawed.
  16. Lawless is the stupidest sports writer in Winnipeg. I won't read his crap and if he is ever on TV I mute it. Do you ever have a balanced opinion? I get this visual of you yelling every word you speak. What an ironic post. Funny how those who think so highly of themselves as balanced/good always have to pull out the name calling and bullying. I don't have to be balanced about Lawless. I do not find any redeeming qualities in what he does. I don't read Paul Friesen either, because I think he is often just throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks, but I cannot argue that he does have valid points every so often. Lawless just spews out opinions or information that has not been vetted and in some cases has been flat out made up. I will stick with paying more attention to the real reporters like Penton and co. Again, I may not always agree with them, but they have a much better track record and try to stay away from spreading rumours. Umm...he didn't call you any names, nor did he bully you. He's just asking you a valid question and stating his opinion on how you come across. The only person I see name calling in this post is you calling Lawless stupid. And I answered it. The thing is I shouldn't have to answer BS questions like it. This forum is for opinions and my OPINION is I don't like Lawless he hasn't provided any enlightenment to the sporting community here. Much like Friesen. If you don't like my opinion that's fine but making me answer for my opinion while no one else has to is bullying. Oh, and in case you cannot read he didn't call me names but he did dig into the personal insult pot with his second unneeded sentence. Bullshit, everyone has to answer for their opinions. You are allowed to have opinions, but people are allowed to have the opinion that your opinion stinks and ask you to defend it. That happens to everyone here which is the entire point of message boards. It's not a forum for people to ***** and ***** and ***** and never have to back anything up, even if a lot of people want to view it that way. You have an opinion that's fine but you should always be able to justify your opinion because chances are someone is going to ask you to. No the only ones that have to answer are those who YOU or a collective do not like. I haven't asked you why you have an undying devotion to Gary Lawless. Wanna know why? I don't care, that is your choice. Gary produces subjective op pieces and I am under no obligation to agree with or read them. Period. If you want to post love or trash about the Bombers you can absolutely do that. I MIGHT dispute your arguments but I am not going to get you to answer for them. I might ask you why you have those opinions, usually because I may not understand what you said or it might fly in the face of reason, but that is by no means bashing you for having those opinions or trying to force you to see it my way, which is what you and your buddies are trying to do in a not so civil manner. I provided an opinion and an answer and becaus ethat answer was unsatisfying and I stood up to your good buds you guys continue to take me to task. I don't like his rumour mongering, often he says really odd things that makes me question his knowledge, and many other things. He ultimately rubs me the wrong way so rather than have to deal with him and his opinions I choose not to listen. I don't care how connected he is, I don't care if you want to bear his children, I just don't like the guy and, I think many of his opinions are, like I said initially, stupid. If you don't like that so be it. Not much I can do about it. If you think I am stupid or whatever, that's fine too. So be it. No.. Everyone is held to the same standard. You just dont seem to understand that.
  17. .....? Shot goes wide and its a clean miss. Didnt get what you were goin fer here.
  18. So in essence, a nice score for us if he doesnt have an attitude issue or anything like that..
  19. Perhaps this is just somewhere to let off some steam....you know like the gym?People who take offense are just immature imo. The people who are bullying him need to take a much closer look at themselves. Bullies either feel threatened or are insecure and have something missing in their lives. In a way I feel sorry for them.Uh.. Just curious but have you even been bullied or seen it go down cuz, this is not even remotely bullying..If you think it is, i feel you may have your diaper in a knot, may need to be changed to training pants. Yes to both. And I've had conversations with other members here recently and they agree. I can only imagine who..what, 3-4 posters you have discussed this with could be.. Regardless, you and their definition of bullying isnt accurate. People not agreeing with each other isnt bullying. People pointing out the fallacy of a post isnt bullying.. Insults, degrading or slighting a poster.. Sure. Dont really believe Ive seen that as of late... It has been MUCH worse.
  20. Sucks for us who drink in the sports media in this town.. The dank cesspool that weve come to know just got that much more murky. Sigh. Good on him tho to further his career onto the national stage. Tbh, print media is a dodo, just waiting to go extinct.
  21. Perhaps this is just somewhere to let off some steam....you know like the gym?People who take offense are just immature imo. The people who are bullying him need to take a much closer look at themselves. Bullies either feel threatened or are insecure and have something missing in their lives. In a way I feel sorry for them. Uh.. Just curious but have you even been bullied or seen it go down cuz, this is not even remotely bullying.. If you think it is, i feel you may have your diaper in a knot, may need to be changed to training pants.
  22. As the HC, I would expect him to correct that immediately, not let it drag on, we are at game 13 coming up. Also the quote in the paper from the Bomber player calling out the special teams guys for not selling out on those returns. The players clearly aren't buying in to the snake oil being offered to them. The players not buying into a coaches game plan on special teams reflects on players not listening.. Id liked to have seen this weeks ST practice sessions to see what exactly was believed to have gone wrong.
  23. Soooooo anyway.... Whats the deal with Cone? Why is he in the CFL? Size and stats say he ought to be in NFL.. Ran outta time? Was a STer? Pros and cons?
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