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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Smith was probably being hyped by suitor and we all know how he is. Smith is not very good. He is still developing but if he wasnt on an offense that works so well, he would stuggle mightily. Mobility isnt the be all end all in the CFL, you need an arm capable of either deep threat or pinpoint accuracy.. I havent seen either outta Smith.
  2. The reason why he is so connected is exactly that. He runs his rumours to the ground before speaking on them for the most part. Hes considered a very good and solid source imo.
  3. Lawless is the stupidest sports writer in Winnipeg. I won't read his crap and if he is ever on TV I mute it. Do you ever have a balanced opinion? I get this visual of you yelling every word you speak. What an ironic post. Funny how those who think so highly of themselves as balanced/good always have to pull out the name calling and bullying. I don't have to be balanced about Lawless. I do not find any redeeming qualities in what he does. I don't read Paul Friesen either, because I think he is often just throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks, but I cannot argue that he does have valid points every so often. Lawless just spews out opinions or information that has not been vetted and in some cases has been flat out made up. I will stick with paying more attention to the real reporters like Penton and co. Again, I may not always agree with them, but they have a much better track record and try to stay away from spreading rumours. Umm...he didn't call you any names, nor did he bully you. He's just asking you a valid question and stating his opinion on how you come across. The only person I see name calling in this post is you calling Lawless stupid. Thats just it tho.. You are either with dragon or against dragon! No middle ground! Never has been.. And you are any different? You just don't like anyone that doesn't share your overly biased opinion. You are free to ignore anything I say. In fact, you probably should since you cannot do anything but get into flaming/trolling me. I certainly don't pay attention to the bulk of what you have to say. I love everyone here actually because of how we function and would gladly buy a beer for anyone I came across. I dont dislike Burgess or Iso or dr.cfl or anyone who i lump into the negatron grouping.. You seem to really think people who dont agree with you are out to get you.. Its a very strange stance to take in an online forum. what I dont like tho, is people who state something and then never back it up. If you voice an opinion, support it.. Dont just say "because I said so.." You're (not just you but anyone who does is) not stone cold steve austin. You dont get to just proclaim something without any reason behind it.. If you do expect backlash. Lastly, I have posted or comment on a lot of posts youve been involved in without flaming or trolling.. You seem to have a real myopic view of how things happen here.,
  4. Curious if anyone is selling tickets to fridays game? 2 or 4. Assuming the boycott by some is on... especially considering its calgary lol
  5. i said the same thing.. Launched himself with his head down, deliberate attempt to spear with helmet.. The fact he launched directly into JFG's helmet is just further intent to injure.
  6. Lawless is the stupidest sports writer in Winnipeg. I won't read his crap and if he is ever on TV I mute it. Do you ever have a balanced opinion? I get this visual of you yelling every word you speak. What an ironic post. Funny how those who think so highly of themselves as balanced/good always have to pull out the name calling and bullying. I don't have to be balanced about Lawless. I do not find any redeeming qualities in what he does. I don't read Paul Friesen either, because I think he is often just throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks, but I cannot argue that he does have valid points every so often. Lawless just spews out opinions or information that has not been vetted and in some cases has been flat out made up. I will stick with paying more attention to the real reporters like Penton and co. Again, I may not always agree with them, but they have a much better track record and try to stay away from spreading rumours. Umm...he didn't call you any names, nor did he bully you. He's just asking you a valid question and stating his opinion on how you come across. The only person I see name calling in this post is you calling Lawless stupid. Thats just it tho.. You are either with dragon or against dragon! No middle ground! Never has been..
  7. Lawless is the stupidest sports writer in Winnipeg. I won't read his crap and if he is ever on TV I mute it. And another tick in the "odd things to say" column.. Hes one of the most connected reporters in Winnipeg.
  8. Again.. If players are going after each other during said practices... Would you not agree that the intensity sounds like its there?
  9. They started from zero & could direct the money any position they wanted which other teams couldn't. That luxury is probably is becoming harder to do. I don't buy that. You can literally cut your entire team in the offseason and start over if you want. Maybe we should? Except that they got to build their core with some talent from the expansion draft. If they just hacksawed their roster again (say if they were in our boat) then the outcome would be nowhere near as good.
  10. Lots of ex-Bomber olinemen around Oddly enough, some have landed in other CFL dressing rooms lol.
  11. And he really is.. He misses so often on his rumours. i cant really even understand why anyone who isnt a rider fan would argue that he isnt this way... Hmm.. Wait a second.
  12. Picards snaps are brutally bad.. they so slow up the entire offense tempo.. you can see it.. Backs are sluggish, recievers waiting or off their routes..
  13. Every article or player interview ive seen and read indicate zero issues in locker room and faith in the team.. Really not sure why this is even a consideration at this point.. other then heresay on this site lol
  14. As for the "people who know how to run a practice" im pretty confident a former standout canadian CFL player and a former HC with tons of experience know how to run a practice..
  15. Yup so casual that johnson and JFG almost came to blows... What a fun carefree atmosphere!
  16. Lol austins karma screwed collaros.. dunno if thats how it works..
  17. Hey, he got his info straight from Wally Buano.
  18. We should bring in john murphy with taman as GM assistant/team sandwich artist.. All jokes aside, Murphy would be my pick once walters takes the Guelph job and my concern is zero experience at actual GM duties (officially that is as he has probably acrued some on the job experience by now)
  19. It's called sports rivalry, you should try it sometime IC - in a league devoid of superstars, I find it very sad when any solid player goes down. Collaros was, by far, the best QB in the league this season and a runaway MOP winner this year (and he still may win it). Banks is dangerous and exciting to watch whenever the ball gets in his hands. When I went to the game here (where they pretty much blew us out - Edmonton) every time we kicked to Banks I was on the edge of my seat. Mind you the Eskies kept him in check, but you never knew with each kick what could happen. And it's a lot more fun watching a team stop a Banks then some no name scrub. But that's just me I guess. I hated it when Willy got hurt, Durant, Crompton, Reilly, Lulay, Ray not starting the season now Collaros. Why would anyone want to watch pathetic football? I cannot believe how many QBs have been hurt this season. 10 different QBs with long term injuries and only 2 starters to not be knocked outta games? Mind boggling thinking one of them is burris lol.
  20. Oh please just give up that this team can make the playoffs. They are freaking terrible. They are easily the weakest team of four crap teams. You are seriously delusional if you think the riders are a better team then us.
  21. bellfool definitely is guilty of not having any room for error in his offense. Either the play works or else its a fail. Its also predictable... One would assume due to his time in the CFL and lack of "new age" thinking. His offense is one dimensional.. Its time. He has shown to be unwilling to make changes to put his players in positions to succeed. He puts players in positions where he thinks (hopes?) they can do what he wants them to.. I agree, denmark on hitches is asinine. Why not veltung or someone who is shifty and elusive?
  22. picard is better then morley, chungh better then whomever we had platooning at guard before him. greaves was a weak link and was moved for assets. westermann has been the biggest impact signing in the league imo. One of the best DEs AND hes canadian. Hurl is an upgrade over Kuale, Waggoner is coming along nicely (anyone expecting more is clued out) and our other depth guys are adequate defensively (ST a different story lol with exception of Waggoner) but others like Jones and Sherman are solid. JFG and Kohlert are both good for canadian receivers. Not stellar, not great but good. bastian is still a question mark as is Richards.. Thomas and Westermann are both very good dlineman for what is expected of them. All in all, I agree. Our Canadian content is really not that horrendous. We lack an impact canuck on offense a la cornish, brett jones or formerly watson. american scouting has turned up Bass, Johnson, Adams, Cole,and Leggett on defense but has struggled on offense with veltung and Marshall (i believe) being only bright spots. that said, Kyle has also done well bringing in quality americans with trades and free agnecy. Bryant is still one of the best tackles, Nichols will be an adequate #2, Paris cotton was a find off the trash heap and darvin adams up til the last few games was excellent. Boyd looks to be a very legit prospect with tools in his bag to play in the cfl. We still lack some game changers on offense tho for sure. Defensively Simmons was a nice snag and Lin J Shell was a shrewd signing as well.. so really when you look at it, there is a very good core of players walters has brought in. Is it perfect? No. Is any GMs roster? No. Has Kyle stood pat? No. The walters hate is really misplaced. Getting upset that a centre has taken two seasons of seasoning to look meh is more common place then people want to admit to. His glaring weakness was scouting QBs but landing Willy, nichols and boyd could and may very well shore that up. If Nichols heads for other pastures then we are back to square one depthwise so I would assume getting him a new contract would be key. I get people are pissed and want to blame everyone but after looking at our roster and our inability to be successful in any aspects other then defense, I think it really rests on the shoulders of Oshea and Bellfool.
  23. Yup. Almost a third of the season left and two teams within a game of us but hey, lets just shut er down.. Unreal.
  24. nichols is a backup QB. Why does anyone expect him to be some great prospect at #1? If bombers play mistake free football, we can win with him... If we had edmontons coaches and roster, we could win in spite of him like they did... Crompton is a backup QB as well but hes being foisted into the starters role. They too can win in spite of him if they play mistake free football.. We gave this game to Mtl with our turnovers and piss poor ST coverage.
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