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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Anyone know what castillo will be doing this game, if anything? Hes gotta be involved if they were using a spot for him id assume?
  2. Well he shoulda taken the safety, not rush the goal line and trip over it lol.. Rookie mistake but its gonna happen.
  3. yup.. ya totally did post this in wrong thread eh?
  4. Yeah, Longo let through a few early, almost like the ex-Vancouver goalie, but he does have force, and now he's seen the force - Monroe, Chick, he'll have a better idea of what to expect. If they ever could clean up that side, we'd be off and running. we also gotta remember longo had minimal reps before slotting in.. worrying about the yard off the ball probably had him panicked a bit.. as the game slows for him his size and strength will make him a better option.. on some plays he absolutely held that stomach rubbing rube in check.. Guy reminds me of nate davis (monroe not longo) and in a bad way.
  5. that glorious pile of hair.. come on.. you know he uses horse mane and tail shampoo.. coupled with a whalebone brush. (bonus points for getting reference )
  6. Both the Montreal tour stop and meeting up with Bombers while there, both posted yesterday.... ...But yes....indeed........Oops! Old news travels fast. last stop? travels back with kyle walters perhaps?
  7. Hah, ya.. Anyone who is a fan of the english language as it is must despise the idiocy of a lot of it.. Urban dictionary is scary in how big its become and how common place a lot of the phrases and words used..Lets just hope the bombers pwn the als like the newbs they are and we can lolz all week long.
  8. Just like newb =noob or wuddup = whats up..Internet lingo constantly bastardizes words to make em sound cool and leet.. Leet = elite I thought you were boned up on this stuff gbill. Please don't say boned up to gbill...lol yea I'm starting to get excited over here...c'mon! Lol it was by design im afraid.. Just like pavlov's dog.. It recieved the response expected
  9. Please define "pwnt" because I clearly don't know what the hell it means. Pwnt.. Is the bastardized version of owned. Owned was coined in online gaming.. I believe in halo or counterstrike is where it originiated.. Essentially means, i kicked your ass so bad.. IE I own you. Owned. Pwnt. Hope that clears it up.. Is this actually a real thing or just a tongue-in-cheeked response to a typo?? Neg. online gaming comminity butchers words on a daily basis for laughs and such lol. It probably came about after a typo originally but then caught on like wildfire.
  10. Just like newb =noob or wuddup = whats up.. Internet lingo constantly bastardizes words to make em sound cool and leet.. Leet = elite I thought you were boned up on this stuff gbill.
  11. I thought all contracts had to be 2 year contracts anyway? So would it be a signing and then release out of contract? That seems dumb.. Almost wish we had the option year clause still. Let him go try out again and bring him back for the back half.. I do agree with people saying the 1 year concept is an absolute joke. Renting him for half a season would be dumb. I could have sworn lawless said he was looking for long term contract and big dollars..
  12. Please define "pwnt" because I clearly don't know what the hell it means. Pwnt.. Is the bastardized version of owned. Owned was coined in online gaming.. I believe in halo or counterstrike is where it originiated.. Essentially means, i kicked your ass so bad.. IE I own you. Owned. Pwnt. Hope that clears it up..
  13. Hey, we all get a little crazy around here at times.. Think its the only way all our oddball personalities manage to keep it together lol
  14. Id hate to lose buff and all he brings but we do have the depth and he would fetch a great return..
  15. Jokes are only funny if they make sense to more then one person, gramps. Also, you carried on after your post with a "blah blah who cares!" Post.. So you essentially made a joke and then complained about it at once.. Having your cake and eating it too? Maybe thats a reference you might get becuase you clearly didnt know how to use pwnt right.
  16. This is exactly what I'm getting at. We've seen tons of highly touted built for the CFL qbs come up here and flame out. Until he proves himself he's just another prospect qb. Somewhat agree here. Not that I'm disappointed in the signing - I think it's good. But right now he's on our PR only. If he proves he has any sort of feel for the Canadian game I could see him supplanting Brohm once Willy is back though, with Nichols as the backup and Davis back to the PR (if Boyd impresses more than Davis). Though I see it more as a "Here's how are league works and looks like, try to learn the game and if we like what we see we'll give you a contract to come back next year to compete for a spot in our TC - you'd have a leg up on any other rookie" kind of thing. Smart play actually - and it's a conditional pick (7th rounder lol) so I doubt it's anything huge unless he ends up as our starter Guessing you didnt feel like reading.. Its a swap of picks. If he starts x amount of games we swap that rounds pick. So we dont even lose a pick.
  17. Although I couldn't put it so eloquently, I agree. This is nothing more than a sham/stalling technique for a return to the NFL. I don't believe they are seriously considering the CFL, unless there is some jaw-dropping numbers that I don't believe any team can provide anyways.Quite the little play for drama, but let's get serious, he doesn't have to visit all the cities...he's been there, and knows all the offers. He would be on a roster by now. They're wasting our time and we can tell them to call us, if and when they get serious. you cannot be serious. this os a crutial point in his career! he deserves to take all the time he wants, hes earned it. so what if he takes a week to check out his options.. he IS essentially the toast of FA players for the CFL.. im actually quite stunned anyone feels that hes abusing his position or dicking around.. sure stalling for a week to see if he can get another NFL shot seems odd to you but this is essentially his make or break time.. give him time to chose his destiny. Then Henoc should go home & let his agent do the work he's paying him to do by talking to the CFL teams, weigh the offers & then discuss what team is the best fit for Henoc. Just like every other player has done in the past. Not this sham. And sign with a team tomorrow. Not draaaaaaaaaaag it out for weeks. Week. Its been a week hasnt it?
  18. ????? so you dont try normally? good god man. you could win last comic standing if ya turned on the effort!
  19. Hurl looks better and better with each passing week. I like Henoc, but if Hurl can hold up vs Messam, he can hold up vs a dinged up Cornish. hurl and bass with simmons for good measure really held ssk run game in check.. Cornish is a different animal but realistically should be the same method to shut him down..
  20. Sweet. Even better! Wonder why Austin was so eager to move him.. Didnt like hamilton or felt it was a dead end? Eager to move him? Not really. Tajh was eager to play in the CFL and being on Hamilton's negotiation list, they have to offer him a contract. Seen as how they have Collaros, Masoli and Mathews ... not really much room for him, so instead of losing him for nothing, they knew he was highly regarded enough that they could get something for him. Everytime I have seen Massoli play he didn't look good at all. and mathews is unproven too.. just seemed odd to me that they moved him.. maybe he didnt like the look of trying to get ahead of the incombents and was pushing for a contract..
  21. Although I couldn't put it so eloquently, I agree. This is nothing more than a sham/stalling technique for a return to the NFL. I don't believe they are seriously considering the CFL, unless there is some jaw-dropping numbers that I don't believe any team can provide anyways. Quite the little play for drama, but let's get serious, he doesn't have to visit all the cities...he's been there, and knows all the offers. He would be on a roster by now. They're wasting our time and we can tell them to call us, if and when they get serious. you cannot be serious. this os a crutial point in his career! he deserves to take all the time he wants, hes earned it. so what if he takes a week to check out his options.. he IS essentially the toast of FA players for the CFL.. im actually quite stunned anyone feels that hes abusing his position or dicking around.. sure stalling for a week to see if he can get another NFL shot seems odd to you but this is essentially his make or break time.. give him time to chose his destiny.
  22. how dare he try to set himself and his family up for life by chasing his NFL dream. what an *******... oh.. wait. hes not the *******..
  23. a) did nichols kick morleys dog? b ) im rooting for boyd too.. liked his answers in his interview and seems confident. not cocky or arrogant..
  24. what a bizarre thing to get angry about.. every team did this..
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