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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. We need to let his hit points replenish!After a long rest he should get them all back. Not sure what's taking so long. Can we set him up at the local inn? no no.. just use one of those campfire or tent spells..
  2. this argumenet has become as foolish as this entire thread lol
  3. What does uns stand for? Unsigned REM UNS - Player was on practice roster and released/removed from CFL.ca Weird. So i guess released/removed and unsigned (released from contract?) Weird letter choices.
  4. It wasnt boyd that hyped it as easy and truthfully, his coach was just pumping him up.. Not sure why so much angst about what was said.. It wasnt like Boyd was saying "imma come down there, kick willy and nichols off the depth chart and dominate until the nfl comes a callin.." Angst? What are you talking about? Was that your word of the day on your desk calendar? You want angst i"ll give you angst.. You and didnt recall who else seemed to think the article insulted the cfl and make Boyd out to be a kid expecting to walk in and crush it.. *shrug* i didnt see that way. As for angst, thats all me my friend. I have a vast collection of useless knowledge wedged into my brain. Used to be an avid reader until the dawn of tablets n phablets. Now, ive homer simpson'd myself a tad.
  5. Jesus christ, it wasnt a physical altercation! How does this not compute to you people.
  6. How's this for sportsmanship. I was on facebook yesterday & a bunch of former Eskimos were posting about Deon Lacey & his actions the past 2 games the Esks played vs the Stamps during the coin toss. How Lacey refused to shake BLM's hand as well as trash talking him when they were on the field facing one another.The former Eskies (about 5 players) all said to a man that that **** like this goes on all the time, that it was about time an Eskimo did that to a Stampeder, who gives a damn about sportsmanship, football is all about intimidation & getting into your opponents head & we as fans are totally clueless not having any idea about what goes on during a game as 99% of us have never played pro football. So therefore, we have no business criticizing their world for what Lacey did. If that is how players view the coin toss maybe that explains what Austin did. The former Eskies are basically saying that they have a code we don't understand as fans. So, because we don't understand we should butt out of what went on as it's no big deal. It's part of the game. To me, as a fan.... I care about sportsmanship as I believe in the integrity of the game. I believe, what Lacey did was worse than Austin's actions. Austin let his emotions get the best of him & was caught up in the moment. What Lacey did TWICE what deliberate & planned out. To me, that made it worse. He attacked that integrity in my opinion. Players play and coaches coach. That is the issue here. Coaches should ALWAYS rise above.. You this is the truth.
  7. It wasnt boyd that hyped it as easy and truthfully, his coach was just pumping him up.. Not sure why so much angst about what was said.. It wasnt like Boyd was saying "imma come down there, kick willy and nichols off the depth chart and dominate until the nfl comes a callin.."
  8. It's never one or the other. If you have no base it takes more time to build. The Bombers might as well have been an expansion team the way things went. Patience was required instead we kept blowing **** up every year or two. And this is the crux of it. After Kelly and Mack, this squad was essentially an expansion team minus the expansion draft.. Our canadian content was garbage. Imports were not much better..QB was a joke. We have just began to have inhouse draft picks developing and hopefully filling the ranks and not just cut or traded. Our QB situation is still murky and our imports, although slowly, have been improving steadily at most positions. This team was brutal, period. They covered it up but at the end of the day it is what it is..
  9. Stop being so positive. Its not suiting your demeanor lol.
  10. Heres hoping. I thought he had an injury knack on him even before we signed him.. Remember it was one of the few things people complained about... That and his price tag lol.
  11. Sweet. Even better! Wonder why Austin was so eager to move him.. Didnt like hamilton or felt it was a dead end?
  12. How is it hard earned? He wasnt scouted by us.. By your thought process.. Nichols is a garbage bag until proven otherwise because hes a bomber.. How you can just assume hes gonna suck because hes associated to us is really crazy. The kids got tons of potential. Lots of positive reasons to be even luke warm to this move.. Not to mention the most it could cost us is a 4-6 rounder..
  13. Simmons, Nichols, Cole, Boyd. Walters hasn't hurt himself. Forgot bass, leggett, westermann..
  14. Same as Taj Smith, former WR with the Riders. Cool. So just an odd silent H thrown in there. Always tryin to confuse the potato..
  15. How would we pronounce his name if he does come to the CFL? Taj, like raj from big bang theory?
  16. Anyone got the info on him? Never heard of him but people seem stoked lol
  17. It was barely off the sideline and the play took him there.. Man, how this concept of respect your oponent and sportsmanship eludes some of you...
  18. Obviously your message board etiquette needs some brushing up. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. You don't get to call things facts without being prepared to source that claim.The 5 people who liked that post and myself agree.BTW, Iso, at the press conference when O'Shea was hired, O'Shea and Walters both said they were "teammates" - not friends, not roommates. Bill Frank posted the link proving they were friends, looks like you owe iso_55 an apology no?Why? Iso did nothing to back his claim with links, just his "memory". Lucky for him Bill Frank put in the work and found a story citing the Walters/O'Shea friendship after their CIS days. Kudos to Bill Frank for actually doing the research. You guys might want to re-read that link carefully. Running into each other at "football functions" wouldn't really register as a personal relationship. If it does, nobody in Canadian football could hire anyone else in Canadian football if they are avoiding their "buddies" and "friends." And it also says nothing about being roommates.That link actually backs up what I've been saying. Thats what i got from it as well..
  19. .......Then why are you still here and posting if its so meh to you?!? Djfjfjrjeirurrhfhdjskaosodjfjfjriek!!! (I had a minor anyeursm there i think..) Also.. JETS WIN!!! JETS WIN!!!!!!
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