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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Nichols is clearly the backup we have needed.. chevy did not too shabby today.. Cole, where did you come from? Outstanding start to his cfl career.. Simmons looking as advertised.. Even Longo minus some hiccups looked better then greaves or paddy.. Anyone im missing? Oh and O'shea as ST coordinator... Better coverage and blocking on kicks and a trick play that worked?!
  2. Exactly. Hes a known commodity AND known to be effective. He earns his respect by making passes and plays with his legs.. Marve and brohm get no respect and rightly so. nichols is simply superior to both of them. So glad we stole him from EDM.
  3. ....? Not sure what was boring about our offense today.. Lots of misdirection, long tosses, fubars and great catches..
  4. Improving your defense covers up some other holes tho, you realize this right? Sure,doesnt change ratio but improves blitz, pass coverage by an MLB And run stopping., henoc > hurl. Now, if we take hurl and henoc on field at same time.. 3-4 or whatever, we can use another american in liu of bucknor or on dline.. Henoc instantly makes our defense even better then it currently is.
  5. Calgary edm games been pretty entertaining.. Not banjobowl entertaining but good watchin none the less.
  6. MB sucks. With a legit QB tho, his offense can be effective...
  7. Lirim was sub-par...Has been all season, and that's on him... Its gotta be a mental thing. He HAS the ability. He can accurately punt.. So odd. Almost sernaesque with the consistency issues.
  8. Great game if you remove the first quarter lol. Offense moved the ball well at times. Running game worked! Outside and inside.. Defense stopped what was considered a very good offense despite their record, messem who? Lirim continues to make me nervous. Gotta get his focus back, return and blocking games tho vastly improved.
  9. Can we say that O'Shea's contributions to the ST made a difference? Obviously. They played way better on coverage and blocking..
  10. anyone who believes Austin was ok doing this simply doesnt understand professionalism or respect in sports. a couch should NEVER deliberately hit a player... even soldiers of the battlefield show respect to each other.. hitting an opposing player from behind no less... is unfathomable in my mind.
  11. i sincerely hope if we lose out on the bidding.. its not due to money.. id beat any deal tabled... period.
  12. I'll refer you to the topic A Comprehensive Review of Kyle Walters by AKAChip. His take is hardly flattering and while the recruiting process may be on a better footing who are the key acquisitions Walters has made? Surely not Moore or Picard and the QBs have been a disaster although it remains to be seen what Nichols may be able to do. Walters entire body of work to date has done little to improve this club. We are agreed on O'Shea and I suspect Walters will get another year but I don't hold out much hope of seeing any earth shattering personnel moves. I hope I am wrong. willy isnt a disaster.. Nichols is still a to be determined. moore, ok. picard has been serviceable.. We havent had to forcefully yank him yet and he hasnt had any brutally bad snaps. He also brought in Westerman, Bryant, Bass and even hurl could be argued to be better then what we had last season. Your myopic view of what walters has done betrays you yet again. Our canadian depth imo is better then its been in a long time. We could be looking at some good pieces in the future at LB, DB and Safety. You can't honestly believe that Picard has been anything but a disaster, can you? Sure none of his snaps have been over the QB's head, but they are either extremely low or floaters that take nearly a full second to get to the QB. Combined with his atrocious blocking, undisciplined penalties and salary and you get a disaster. Just because he hasn't been forcefully yanked doesn't change that. In fact, it's a testament to O'Shea's lack of accountablity for veterans. No.. Hes been supbar and borderline useless BUT disaster is a bit much. If he was a disaster, Goose or an american would be in there. Hes far from dominant and hes far from the best but whos to say he wasnt selling out hard to cover up greaves play?
  13. You know... It is funny that hes raiding our roster for stuff.. Cuz our draft picks and scouted players and qbs are just so lousy and garbage.. Wonder what edmontons record must be.. Taking our castoffs and utilizing them. They must be worse off then us, huh?
  14. Lol. Me thinks you doth protest too much. If calling you strange for continuing to talk about somehing youve given up caring about is too much for you... Maybe the internet is too much for you.. Lighten up. I dont give a **** about your opinion on the team and coaches nor do i want to try and sway you because you clearly do not want to debate, you simply want to belittle and slam. Thats fine, you do you.. But damned if im not going to point out the hilarious irony of your comments in here. "Grr i hate this team! I could care less what happens!... But still feel the need to rant about it and how i dont care!"
  15. Instead, O'Shea got very indignant and said he wasn't going to get into it. When Brown tried to rephrase the question in a kinder light O'Shea got even more indignant and rude. Not very professional. But it would be professional to go into detail whats said behind closed doors to players? Why do you feel the need to know what is going on? You cant honestly believe because oshea doesnt dance to the medias tune, that he doesnt reprimand them?
  16. I saw that and was taken aback.. Coaches are supposed to be above that petty bullplop. Pretty disappointed to see that.. But then again, its hamilton. They tend to be asshats every season lol.
  17. I'll refer you to the topic A Comprehensive Review of Kyle Walters by AKAChip. His take is hardly flattering and while the recruiting process may be on a better footing who are the key acquisitions Walters has made? Surely not Moore or Picard and the QBs have been a disaster although it remains to be seen what Nichols may be able to do. Walters entire body of work to date has done little to improve this club. We are agreed on O'Shea and I suspect Walters will get another year but I don't hold out much hope of seeing any earth shattering personnel moves. I hope I am wrong. willy isnt a disaster.. Nichols is still a to be determined. moore, ok. picard has been serviceable.. We havent had to forcefully yank him yet and he hasnt had any brutally bad snaps. He also brought in Westerman, Bryant, Bass and even hurl could be argued to be better then what we had last season. Your myopic view of what walters has done betrays you yet again. Our canadian depth imo is better then its been in a long time. We could be looking at some good pieces in the future at LB, DB and Safety.
  18. I actually agree and really not naming names but seems like 5 6 people have basically taken over and hijack every thread and turn everything in to a pissing contest. Hate to say it and no harm meant to rich or Mike or those guys but Damn some of the folks who made ob.com unreadable have shown up here and are taking over Its becoming pretty apparent yup. Setup shop, crucify everything bombers and then cry foul when called on it. It wasnt the demise of the board but it definitely sucked the fun out of posting, especially when admins start to side with them..
  19. 4 people no longer on the team? Great reference points.
  20. Yep don't care. Tired of rearranging my life to go watch a team spinning it wheels. But not so tired as to spend time on a forum talking about it. The strange get stranger..
  21. Which severely limits your options, basically to people who nobody wants. Generally people with opportunities for other jobs have been saying thanks but no thanks when the Bombers put together their shortlist in the last decade because of how dysfunctional the organization has been. Exactly.. I have zero doubts in my mind that we have made offers, probably substantial ones, to the Austins, Buanos, etc when they have come available and they have simply passed because of our history in the last ten seasons.
  22. 3-4 seconds eh. Wonder if that takes into account the full second it takes for the ball to get to the QB Plus the half second it takes for him to get his eyes up after pulling the snap off his shoe. Hey whoa whoa whoa.. The snaps are never low. Always high and either face level or higher lol. They do float too.. Not a smooth snap by any stretch.
  23. What is addison richards injury anyway? Is this simply a "keep him off the PR" move?
  24. wonder why veltung for willie... returns maybe?
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