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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Mack drafted Muamba. Walters wanted OL Scott Mitchell instead at the same pick. doh. i thought walters wanted muamba and mack want mitchell or edem. hrm. well then i revise to.. Walters knows the value of ratio breaking canadian talent and already wants a MLB whos canadian..
  2. we all know why oshea kept him.. his experience. oshea hoped to lean on his years in the league.. unfortunately situations caused us to need more from our OC then basic game plans and hopes of error free football..
  3. The video I posted of Kavis was a JOKE. A JOKE, people. Get a grip. Kavis lost it saying in the video that there had to be consequences & there weren't. Why wouldn't anyone take that 10 second video for what it was... a joke? I didn't think I had to explain it.i know it was iso but people are legitimately saying we need a coach like this on our sideline because oshea is too quiet.. too reserved..i was just pointing out how dumb those people are lol. Which people? I'm not one for a ranting coach on the sidelines (see Doug Berry in several instances). Someone who shows a little animation at certain times is fine (Huff). Maybe that is what some people here are advocating for. But if you want to construe forum members' wishes for someone to do more then just stand there with the same look on their face the entire game as wanting an out-of-control ranter go right ahead. That's your misinterpretation. i have read more then one account of "i wish oshea would scream at people" on this board in recent months.. not my fault you are not following all topics....
  4. Exactly. When you have a solid supporting cast you can push that grace period a bit more but cato, franklin and even crompton all came back to earth after wowing for a bit.. Crompton might be the best currently but cato and franklin are back into unknown levels imo.
  5. To root for or to not root for.. That is the question lol. Really want him to succeed but reaaaaaaaaaaaaally wanna see him back in the CFL.
  6. Breaking news! I heard that we signed this guy... Troy Kopp. Hes gonna be the saviour for us! Theres a new sherrif in town!
  7. Pederson is oaid to pump up the riders and fluff the snot out of any hint of positive media.. Huge joke of a "journalist" as he essentially just writes what hes told to imo. Tho, it would be a nice change of pace from friesens "O'shea snubs fans and media again!" Articles or the "time to get the pitchforks and torches ready" from everyone else.
  8. there is not antidote for messam.. he didnt do anything til mid third and fourth.. we held him and allen in check for the most part til defense burned out..If our offence moves the ball and stays on the field thus allowing the defense to be more fresh they'll be able to keep Messam in check. well yea.. kinda figured that was like... captain obvious levels of obviousness lol.
  9. So much this....I don't know if it's a Madden thing, or what, but people get so worked up about a guy's physical stats. It's so much less important than they realize... So you're saying that I can't walk onto the defensive line based purely on my height and weight? Even if I have the right passport too? well.. you maybe. oline tho. your pretty difficult to move once you plant yer feet in your stance... one might say damn near impossible!
  10. wish i had that mrogan freeman meme saying "hes right you know.. everyone just use your imagination..
  11. there is not antidote for messam.. he didnt do anything til mid third and fourth.. we held him and allen in check for the most part til defense burned out..
  12. i tend to agree.. he had a hand in bringing him here originally i thought.. he would probably hate to lose him..
  13. shame but if anyone really didnt see this coming...they clued out.. shame mos didnt keep him out to save his knee after he tweaked it.. what was oshea thinking?!? lol.
  14. glad he essentially shot the rumour down... dont want any false hope for the stubble jumpers lol..
  15. Uh.. Just throwing this out there... Isnt it kinda hard to expect your offense to be dominating and forcing its will upon defenses when your best QB is in crutches and our second and third strings are shitting the bed? Just an observation.. Especially since when Willy was capable and able to move the ball, get first downs, etc.
  16. Man oh man, so much optimism in this thread! Its almost like we didnt just attempt to resolve our Oline issues, QB Issue and ST problems... Nothing like standing pat and refusing to make those changes eh? Oh... Wait.
  17. People who dont see improvement on our team are out to lunch. Sure, our american content is not great but our canadian talent has improved overall. We are not one injury away from being forced to play a player out of position like before. I strongly believe that even if walters is canned tomorrow, the ground work for the next GM would be already laid where as every other time its been straight from scratch.
  18. seems like game planning on having 8 or more canadian starters suddenly was a wise thing huh?
  19. great steal of a deal.. greaves has been a loyal soldier but since morely and january left he has slipped badly.. still got a starter back plus a pick 4 rounds better then he was picked.. well done walters!
  20. There were two plays in a row where Greaves and Picard were double-teaming that guy who rubbed his gut. They literally didn't get a hand on him on the second play and he came straight through his gap untouched, on the first Greaves engaged him for about a second and a half, moved him inside to the double team while Picard watched the guy wander into the backfield. If Picard doesn't want to block anyone maybe he should retire. As mediocre as Morley was made out to be, I don't ever remember him getting run over like Picard does. I believe Picard was signed for the hype more than his actual playing ability. Walters has to get smarter.Lmfao. Yea the shiny lights and bells and whistles were was sealed the deal.Unreal. Honestly, do you even understand what the word "hype" means? honestly, you think walters based one of his biggest aquisitions on hype and not discussions with wylie, bellfuille and O'shea coupled with tape? course you do or else ya wouldnt have suggested it.
  21. no relation but if youve followed along this week you would have heard oshea saying the offense is going to go deep more and change up the running game in one of his discussions.. (i believe the nichols announcement)
  22. The video I posted of Kavis was a JOKE. A JOKE, people. Get a grip. Kavis lost it saying in the video that there had to be consequences & there weren't. Why wouldn't anyone take that 10 second video for what it was... a joke? I didn't think I had to explain it. i know it was iso but people are legitimately saying we need a coach like this on our sideline because oshea is too quiet.. too reserved.. i was just pointing out how dumb those people are lol.
  23. imo, oshea killed three birds with firing tracey.. 1) quieted the old boys club comments because tracey truly was an old friend and was respected by o'shea.. 2)put everyone on notice that jobs ARE on the libe.. and 3) and most importantly, he has painted a bullseye on his back by taking control of the ST.. its his bread and butter.. if they continue to fail its on him.. he now has zero safety net..
  24. Yea we definitely need more ranting freakouts like kavis reed had in edmonton cuz gosh darnit, that solved all his coaching woes!
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