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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. There were two plays in a row where Greaves and Picard were double-teaming that guy who rubbed his gut. They literally didn't get a hand on him on the second play and he came straight through his gap untouched, on the first Greaves engaged him for about a second and a half, moved him inside to the double team while Picard watched the guy wander into the backfield. If Picard doesn't want to block anyone maybe he should retire. As mediocre as Morley was made out to be, I don't ever remember him getting run over like Picard does. I believe Picard was signed for the hype more than his actual playing ability. Walters has to get smarter. Lmfao. Yea the shiny lights and bells and whistles were was sealed the deal. Unreal.
  2. Whoa whoa whoa folks. Im talking for EVERY coach we have had in the last two decades pretty much lol. First sign of our squad not winning.. Media attacks, fans break out pitchforks, GM And board react to panic and boom another firing. If you guys think potential coaches and GMs dont see this and realize it is almost career suicide to put on our headsets and dress shirts, you are nuts.
  3. it also doesnt help that our fanbase and media are conpletely hate filled and chase coaches at first sign of adversity..
  4. great call.. without knowing what is happening behind the scenes and what really is the end game... suggesting such a thing is a little much... especially after a move like firing a coach has jusy gone down..
  5. Yeah. Liram's been decent. That return wasn't the problem of the punt at all it was where he was asked to put it and the ensuing coverage. It seems that every time the Bombers have to kick from deep in their end Tracey ask Liram to place the ball in the middle of the field and the blockers are called to basically spread contain which leaves them totally weak up the middle. The ball should have been placed on or inside the right hash and contain left which should mean the cover team only has to cover 1/3 of the field. I think you're wrong. There's no circumstance where a professional punter puts the ball in the middle of the field on purpose. My opinion is that Hajrullahu is still learning how to punt, his get-offs are very slow and he tries to speed them up when he is worried that a block will be on, leading to the poorly hit punts. There's also the wind factor which he has to learn to deal with. For the most part it seems that he's just hammering the ball as fast as he can after the punt blocks earlier this season. it has been eerily similar to when westwood became our punter for a bit there come to think of it..
  6. I was thinking that too. Franklin got the happy feet and looked lost out there. Very Marve-like performance. he has had flashes of good play mixes into his adequate to sub par.. waaay too soon to have people annointing him as the next big thing... funny how fast people forget the spergeon wynns and stanley jacksons of league lol.
  7. guess we find out this week now that randle is hurt.. im thinking teague gets in at SAM or moe goes to SAM with sherm at safety..
  8. yea they got hops alright lol. one almost jump kicked me in the face when i was dirt biking.. it was running straight at me down a trail and jumped at me.. if i didnt duck it may have knocked me clean off the bike at like 50 kph.. crazy buggers!So you avoided disaster by a hare? yup. i was pretty close to getting thumpered but lucked out.
  9. technically speaking.. its one more then a few.... juss sayin.
  10. and realistically wouldnt they just run a MB type offense anyway? would they even know the first thing about changing a whole offense around midseason? you think keeping bellfool is bad? recipe for disaster imo is two raw rookies attempting to gameplan without an offensive minded HC or assistant HC..
  11. The defence didn't make any plays, they are just as culpable as the offense and special teams for the loss.The defence made enough plays to give the offence a fighting chance. Problem is...there was no offence to give the defence a fighting chance.Who forced the 1st turnover? The defence. Who held the Sask offence to 2 FGs in the 1st half? Guess. Did the defence not stop the Riders to kick in the 3rd quarter, only to have the STs give the ball back? Did the defence fumble on the 22 yard line and give the Riders an easy TD? Did the defence call an absolutely terrible pass completion to an out-of-bounds rider at the 1 yard line? The defence was guilty of a penalty-aided drive that resulted in a TD...that was started by the contacting the kicker penalty. I don't blame the defence one iota for that ****-show...just the play calling. The Riders had 2 TD's called back on their own penalties or this thing was over before the Bombers even got the wind back. what a dumb argument.. those TDs dont happen without said penalties.. our d did their job minus dumb dumb penalties.. worst one was not on them tho.. willies st penalty crushed us.
  12. you all realize he still can sign in NFL once healed...right?
  13. yea they got hops alright lol. one almost jump kicked me in the face when i was dirt biking.. it was running straight at me down a trail and jumped at me.. if i didnt duck it may have knocked me clean off the bike at like 50 kph.. crazy buggers!
  14. Don't care really but promoting MB to coach would be the end of a lot of fans. That's the worst thing they can do. Fire MB and promote Howell. However until we have a decent QB... it won't matter.You were wrong before and you are wrong now, about time you started listening to us old farts when we tell you something. who the hell are you to say such drivel? you are speaking in absolutes when you have zero clue on if it would work out.. pretty ignorant posting really.. if you wanna be a **** at least back it up with truth and not make believe..
  15. theres just a ton of parity in the league now.. when a team has an off day it shows big time.. edm vs calgary was a good game.. ours was up til third... kinda dissapointed in reading this thread tbh.. i still enjoy the cfl.. have fun watching the no fun league turncoats..
  16. and i believe 3 years is the norm for a GM in a revamp or rebuild..
  17. i dont comprehend how anyone can advocate for bellfool anynore.. he essentially built an offense that catered to sasks defense.. not exploited it.. two deep passes all game against the worst defense and secondary? dink dunk passes allowing dline and lb to sit on los and 5 yards back? barely any RB sweeps and plays around the edge? it was embarrassing to watch..
  18. The D is not 'folding' they are getting scorched in second half's because the opposition is making adjustments (when they aren't taking stupid undisciplined penalties). These are deeper rooted problems than just running out of gas.It has to be disheartening to a proud player who is giving his all on defence and who knows the game is winnable if only the fourletterwording offense could play even half-decent. I don't wonder at the frustration penalties.The offense gave them a 10 nothing lead to run with.The defence put the offence in position to score 7 of those points. The offence showed ZERO sign they were capable of sustaining any sort of drive from the second quarter on. it was like gandalf the green was standing at midfield yelling "thou shall not pass!!!" so dysfunctionnl.
  19. But look at the core of the cover team - Rempel (33), Pontbriand (32), Shell (33), Cronk (28)Our gunners are Shell and Morgan - how does this make sense... Jones, Sherman were our best guys last year - after Unamba, Sears, Randle, Wild... It was a garbage punt but Pontbriand and Cronk missed their gaps. morgan and jones are both very good but raw.. both have made a huge play in back to back games..shell cronk and rempel are experience but shell is the only one worth his role imo. get wild here asap to dump rempel.. only good thing he has brought is snaps.. The real issue is why is our entire PR unit (except Shell) made up of Cdns... we have good, fast imports that can do this - Simmons, Bass, Randle... Personnel decisions are hurting this team logic would depict that when you almost have to rely on your defense for points and field position that you want to keep em fresh..
  20. yup. no other reason for messem to get going like he did other then our defense simply burning out. he was prettt contained up til what.. mid third?
  21. But look at the core of the cover team - Rempel (33), Pontbriand (32), Shell (33), Cronk (28) Our gunners are Shell and Morgan - how does this make sense... Jones, Sherman were our best guys last year - after Unamba, Sears, Randle, Wild... It was a garbage punt but Pontbriand and Cronk missed their gaps. morgan and jones are both very good but raw.. both have made a huge play in back to back games.. shell cronk and rempel are experience but shell is the only one worth his role imo. get wild here asap to dump rempel.. only good thing he has brought is snaps..
  22. lirim shanked that hard.... i dont get it. he can boom em... he can pinpoint em... but cant do any consistently.. must be insanely frusterating for tracey..
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