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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. too late.. they have been feasting and now developed a taste for human interweb feelings!!
  2. Sadly, most fans are past caring what the team does or doesn't do any more. its cute you think you speak for most fans.. pretty sure that most fans will still watch and show up next week.
  3. Yea its tiresome enough defending oshea on good days.. After a day like today i tend to let things settle and review the tape (lol)before passing judgement.. Rationale thoughts as opposed to schtizophrenic, anger posting.
  4. The only small piece of happiness that i took from this shitacular display was that dyce got his first win against us. Cant help but root for him but literally only him lol
  5. If yer so desperate to know my age, just reverse yer ages digits.. Boom donezo.
  6. Yea if Nichols isnt in the game next week.. Or MINIMUM davis, we may need to stage a revolt.
  7. And they are making it look respectable in garbage time even though they were never really in it from the beginning.The silver lining is that they didn't get embarrassed, although chances are that could happen next week...I disagree with you. This game was a disgrace, from start to finish. The score was close at times, but we were never in the game. Lay off the crack.. We were in this game until demskis return TD.. I get we lost but lets not embellish it eh. At half time we were down a FG.
  8. Dont worry.. The team will forgive you when you decide to remember you are supposed to support your team thru thick and thin.. And dont think im happy with whats happened this season.. At all. Doesnt mean i stop watching and pulling for em. How old are you Spuds? Just wondering if you've hit the same weariness as the rest of us Im old enough to remember the good days. Im old enough to have watched this team struggle for 20 years.. Doesnt change the fact inlove my bombers and will ALWAYS support them, watch them and cheer for them.. Hell, im even gonna rewatch this game tonight to evaluate why and what went wrong..
  9. Dont worry.. The team will forgive you when you decide to remember you are supposed to support your team thru thick and thin.. And dont think im happy with whats happened this season.. At all. Doesnt mean i stop watching and pulling for em.
  10. If we lay a plop on the field at IGF like we did today... I will join the fire oshea crowd. I cannot believe how poorly we played mentally.. Penalties, poor decisions, dumb dumb rookie mistakes..
  11. I would take this kind of post from you more seriously if you made the same excuses for Marve. You didn't. You chose to crap all over him instead. Marve wasn't 21 of 26 for 184 yards. If you really think brohm was the problem I suggest you watch again. Yea but ressurection is marves rah rah guy tho so any chance he gets to dog anyone other then marve..
  12. In Saskatchewan, it becomes a date. Best zinger of the weekend so far by my count lol
  13. Keep the crowd on their asses and we have a real good chance. No turnovers for us and i like our odds even more..We are going to need one heck of a defensive effort to win as they may be counted on for field posisition if not points.. Also, i think our STs has to play mistake free. Otherwise right where we want em!
  14. Or we score a quick TD via return or pick six and the crowd goes quiet for awhile. Im really hoping our defense can punch this offense in the mouth.. Only problem i see is that Dyce knows Hall. He may very well know how to pick our defense apart...Well that and Brohm not Brohmimg it up too badly..
  15. I'd take Popp here in a heartbeat, Montreal has been a powerhouse for how many years? Like him or not the guy wins. How's that been going since AC retired? And since trestman left?
  16. I hear there is room on the mtl bandwagon if your feeling spry..
  17. Wait...Henoc Muamba slept with your wife??? Noo. He would LET him .. Yeesh.
  18. Yea its really sad that the most impactful Canadian DE in recent memory, fresh from the NFL, chose not to sign here cause of that stigma and sentiment..Oh.. Wait..
  19. he showed he can freelance a bit.. definitely not enough to think he could ever be a lulay in his prime or collaros yup. all show and no go..
  20. I prefer to look at every game as an opportunity for a win, whether I'm playing in it or watching it. I prefer not to take the defeatist attitude, but you and the OP, and a few others, are welcome to revel in it. I'm fully aware of what has happened in the past, but you know what…I don't care about those games..in the past. Tomorrow's game brings the promise of change and a victory, by any means. Am i setting myself up for disappointment? Possibly..but it doesn't matter, I'm a big boy..I can handle it. Go Blue well said dee.. i can never understand the defeatist attitude..especially considering saskabush's current situation.. sure, ours aint so great either but throwing in the towel against a hapless, winless team with a deplorable defense? as long as ours comes to play he have a very good shot at winning one or even both of these... gotta believe folks or else what is the point of following or cheering for our team?
  21. exactly.. a crippled,winless rider squad fresh off firing a hc AND gm.. and we are here actling we are on a death watch for our season... you would honestly think we had a back to back against hamilton or edmonton from all the dejection around here..
  22. no but we sure got a lot of comments from the jokers here..
  23. yea could really use a dislike button here some days.. gotta love that upbeat, bomberfan optimism! lol hes right you know.. we all know whats gonna happen.. negatrons. negatrons gonna happen... all day today and tomorrow..
  24. a) hes collecting a fat cheque from saskabush still.. b ) would he really accept a reduced role such as scout assistant or gm assistant? i think he would be a good lean on for walters experience wiae but otherwise.. kind of a pipe dream.. or nightmare for some here lol
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