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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. He did both last season and this season? Marsh was the 3rd stringer behind Lefevour and Crompton. Whoops. Didnt realize that crompton was hurt.. Doubtful he goes anywhere if he heals up 100% even with kato playing half decently if popp made the decision to make him #1.
  2. "Friends" is a relative term. If two people know each other, that doesn't automatically make them friends. And if it does, you'd be hard-pressed to find many working relationships in the CFL that didn't start that way, with someone hiring someone else that they are familiar with. O'Shea was a senior at Guelph when Walters came in as a rookie, and they were on opposite sides of the ball (Walters was an RB at the time). They played a grand total of one season together in Hamilton. Exactly. And when O'Shea was hired, he and Walters said after that the only times they got together was at football conferences. Someone on this forum posted earlier that O'Shea and Walters were roommates in college. Cuz "random forum goer #29" has been a source of bang on, legit scoops lol
  3. Its only come to this to the few insanely dissalutioned fans.. Rest of us still have some hope..
  4. Crompton over Nichols? He can't even beat out marsh.. And Glenn? Are you serious?? His time is long over AND he wouldn't come cheap..
  5. O'Shea keeps it guarded almost every time he speaks to media... Rightly so.. Our media are ****** level 9
  6. Its truly ridiculous the way people think they know oh so much from a persons body language or mannerisms.. Not one of us has seen how he conducts himself with players and other coaches/management..
  7. The only time he's ever started a game he was 14/23 for 194 yards no tds and no ints.... Let's see what he can do before we go completely doom and gloom. Those numbers aren't horrible, perhaps the guy just sucks coming off the bench into shitty games?So if he starts the game he will then have the ability to not one hop passes?You realize if he is composed.. The likelihood of his feet being set and his throws actually made properly go up, right? He was panicked as soon as he went in.. Flustered to hell..I'm not saying he's gonna light it up or even do well.. But starter prep can go a long way.. Yeah hell backups gotta be starters before they can be effective. Or some QBs respond to different situations differently but hey, lets not let reality get in the way of a stab at the bombers, right?
  8. How is walkers blocking? Better then Thomas maybe?
  9. The only time he's ever started a game he was 14/23 for 194 yards no tds and no ints.... Let's see what he can do before we go completely doom and gloom. Those numbers aren't horrible, perhaps the guy just sucks coming off the bench into shitty games? So if he starts the game he will then have the ability to not one hop passes? You realize if he is composed.. The likelihood of his feet being set and his throws actually made properly go up, right? He was panicked as soon as he went in.. Flustered to hell.. I'm not saying he's gonna light it up or even do well.. But starter prep can go a long way..
  10. How is Nichols washed up exactly? I agree on the walker signing tho.. Fail big time.
  11. Riders have won like 4 cups in their entire existence tho... but yeah, reading some posts, i would say quite a few people have given up for sure. Other than a very select few people on this site, I don't see a lot of people giving up on the team. Casual fans, sure, they come and go, but the Bombers have a solid corps of hardcore fans that have stuck by them, and continue to. What I see here is a lot of people expressing frustration and I fully get that. I'm bloody frustrated too. But this year, at least it looks like, for the most part, the Bombers are trying to fix whats broken in midstream. I appreciate that, and I know most of us here likely feel that way too. It's unbelievable that Walters, McManus, MOS & MB were so certain Brohm & Marve could play in the CFL they never signed one single qb this past off season. Dominique Davis was picked up only after he was cut at the end of the pre season by Calgary & the Bomber braintrust think he's not ready after being here for 2 months. Now, the same people that got us into this situation should be trusted getting us out?? Right now, it's full blown panic mode for these guys. I haven't given up on the Bombers. I've given up on the people running the team. Same schtick different regime lol Never change my friend.
  12. Wade Miller couldn't play at all - except on special teams. I hope Brohm starts. I want to see what he can do with a full week of reps. It looks like Willy is done for the season now so lets see what Brohm can do. Worse case is if he fails we know we got to get a capable backup for next year as we have our starter in Willy. If he does well we know we have a capable veteran backup. Personally, I don't like Brohm's game and I think he's a bigger clown than my avatar - but I hope I'm wrong if he gets the start. I've already alluded to the OP in other threads - Bombers are already the joke of the league though - even though SK is 0 - 9 this year, it's only one year of futility, decades of futility takes a while to overcome. Even if we win both games, it doesn't prove anything if those are the only games we can win. Lose both - get blown out in both - and IMO Walters and O'Shea would be the next two fired... and the merry-go-round starts again I was all set to like this post into you made us out to be the joke of the league.. Its theoretically impossible for us to be the biggest joke when were ARE NOT THE WORST TEAM IN THE LEAGUE!! Goshmoes.com is down the street.. Bahbye.
  13. comeon man you're wrecking the fun! we are more like Rider fans than we might want to admit. who here was pining for Nichols prior to today? I was when we were looking for starter.. Was hoping willy with Nichols as backup. Woot!
  14. And you seriously believe this? That he is in the dog house due to his oh so brash interview? Lol.. Ok. Ill stick with the fact hes limping and has been reported by management and media as hurt. Anyway, I think brohm has earned his chance to start (one game) to prove he deserves to be here. I also think hes shown all he can otherwise and it really ought to be make or break.
  15. Honestly, Hurl wasn't good for the first game or 2 but he's been better recently, I think peoples expectations for him are too high, he's not the bighill or elomimian type, he's not the henoc type, If you actually watch him on the field, he's generally rushing the QB, It's how Hall is using him, he's not using him as what people would think of as your protypial MLB, he's using him more as a cowboy i suppose, a rover really, he's being used differently than how other MLB's are used, It's more scheme there, I don't think he's been that bad the last couple weeks. I'm honestly finding it hard to criticize the D when the O is last in the league in basically every category. I don't think using tackles is fair here... it's just a stat really. I'm not saying HURL is all world or anything but he's definitely not as bad as some people are making him out to be. He has a role and his role is different than that of your average MLB'r. I have been keeping an eye on Hurl for the last few games now and I can say with confidence that yes he has been that bad. If you’re a MLB and you’re a rover, you should be making a lot more happen than he is. The guy is almost never in the play. He constantly over shoots plays or is just nowhere to be found. Some times the amount of tackles a LB gets in a game can be inflated and that’s why it’s not always the best way to assess a player, but that’s not the case here. In this case he’s not getting any tackles to inflate. Nobody in the front 6 is a rover. Hurl is almost always taking one of the three inside gaps in their base "Cowboy" defense. Google "Gap Control." It's not 1985. MLB's don't chase the ball around the field. It is entertaining to watch people roast people when they dont really know whats going on tho, aint it? Hurl hasnt been stellar but he has stepped up and played as asked of him.. If people move on from "hurl needs to be Simpson or muamba!" I think they will relax. Not all defenses are built the same..
  16. Yea that was the first big red flag for me.. Unless tyler thomas is hurt and walker was an emergency fill in... Bringing in him is a cause for concern.
  17. Or you have multiple backups capable of playing at a decent enough level to get thru the game at d line, receiver, LB or in the secondary.. Kinda like what we have done. Fielding 8 canuck starters also makes those changes easier as well..
  18. Chamblin looked like he was channelling reed at the end of his tenure... Half exspected a consquences speech lol
  19. All this MOS love reminds me of the the Rheinbold (sp?) Era. Lotta love for a terrible judge of talent and record but hey he is a good guy.This is the HC who stuck with MB, Brohm ,and Marve as his backups so how the hell do you only blame Mb? Strange logic. Because people listen to cfl pundits and current and former players? Lol. Its not just a meager few crazies on this board who are saying O'shea is not the issue but hey, dont let that get in the way of your relentless hatred of the guy..
  20. You want a proven head coach then your only option is Trestman. No not Higgins. Everyone else with experience who isn't 100 years old has been given a shot to be a head coach and failed. That's why it's always coordinators getting hired these days. You know what' better than firing a decent head coach in Mike O'Shea? Giving him enough depth on the roster so that a few injuries don't derail the entire thing. We need to stop blaming coaches here. Kyle Walters seems to be the teflon man but 2 years now he has simply not brought in enough talent from the States to this team and his drafting is fairly over rated as well. He's done some good work in signing CFL free agents but outside of that he is lacking and needs to be better before we think that a new coach will magically fix everything. Apart from the steaming mess in Montreal, Higgins has had success, and I believe would be better than O'Shea. Walters deserves his share of criticism as does McManus but good players look worse under bad coaches, so that has to be looked at, too. Higgins had success with Ricky Ray and prime Henry Burris forgive me for not thinking he's all that as a coach. Exactly. higgins is a great driver of a team when its built and running top notch. He isnt too great when he has to coach up people and be the builder imo.
  21. Different schemes would make a difference though. Only if you bring in Paul Johnson and the triple option. Marve can't pass, probably can't throw either, Brohm can't throw for sure. Good luck. lol, you are shoveling it on a little thick there chachi. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=robert+marve+highlights&qpvt=robert+marve+highlights&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=9ACED657D3397B5BCDA09ACED657D3397B5BCDA0 A couple nice scrambles there. Too bad everyone clued in on that. Even in that game his longest completion was 18 to Kohlert. He needs to make someone respect his arm, because no one does and the offense isn't going anywhere with him until they do. He's thrown almost 80 passes in the CFL and hasn't completed one in the air for 20+ yards. That's incredible and not in a positive way. When do we get to see the "strong arm?" And how many deep balls has Willy hit? You actually need time for those deep routes to develop, 2 steam boats isn't long enough. Wasnt our offense when led by willy leading the league in big play deep ball passes? Lol. Smh. Darvin Adams? Maybe when he's back in the lineup. How is darvin adams going to make marve not throw into double and triple coverage? He aint faster then veltung and marve aint hitting him in stride behind defenders. In open spaces beyond 10-15 yards? Not without telegraphing it to hell and gone..
  22. Who of those 3 is covering a slotback? Bass or Wild. I don't know if Simmons has the speed. Neither do the other two. Randle isn't going anywhere, and even if he is you're still playing a DB in that spot. No kidding.. If people think Bucknor gets exposed by receivers at times... Imagine how bad it would be on any of those 3 wil/mlbs playing sam..
  23. Different schemes would make a difference though. Only if you bring in Paul Johnson and the triple option. Marve can't pass, probably can't throw either, Brohm can't throw for sure. Good luck. lol, you are shoveling it on a little thick there chachi. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=robert+marve+highlights&qpvt=robert+marve+highlights&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=9ACED657D3397B5BCDA09ACED657D3397B5BCDA0 A couple nice scrambles there. Too bad everyone clued in on that. Even in that game his longest completion was 18 to Kohlert. He needs to make someone respect his arm, because no one does and the offense isn't going anywhere with him until they do. He's thrown almost 80 passes in the CFL and hasn't completed one in the air for 20+ yards. That's incredible and not in a positive way. When do we get to see the "strong arm?" And how many deep balls has Willy hit? You actually need time for those deep routes to develop, 2 steam boats isn't long enough. Wasnt our offense when led by willy leading the league in big play deep ball passes? Lol. Smh.
  24. Exactly. MB's game plan was really not that bad. It was a simple dink and dunk plan with occasional deep balls to keep team honest.. Vanilla? Yup. Executable? Yup. Did marve execute? Nope. He couldnt hit any pass consistently. He also made brutal decisions.. This was a poor game by QB IMO. Could we do better then MB? Sure.. Its a moot point tho until we have a QB who can actually.. You know.. Play QB.. IF marve craps the bed again.. Its Davis time imo.. Demote marve, can brohm and bring in new blood. Watch the link I posted. I did. Remember how awesome elliott looked at times too? Even Brohm has highlights where he looked good. Consistency and rising to the occasion are more important then anything he has done in the past. So far, he is consistently missing recievers and making poor decisions.. He isnt rising to the challenge of being the starter.. Hes struggling to run an embarrassingly simplistic offense.. Have you seen any progression since his game last season in calgary? All ive seen is regression.. Sure. Hasnt had a chance to definitively prove himself yet but frankly, i had more confindence in Elliott or Brink and would have liked Hall over Marve at this point.. He HAS to show something and soon.
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