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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Different schemes would make a difference though. Only if you bring in Paul Johnson and the triple option. Marve can't pass, probably can't throw either, Brohm can't throw for sure. Good luck. Throw in some screens and crossing patterns. Makes it easier on the QB and makes a QB look better. We HAD them last game.. Marve missed them almost every time.. He is never dead to rights. Its always behind or low or high.. Better then brohm as at least the receivers had a chance on em but still.. Accuracy is sorely lacking.
  2. He is brutally inaccurate on short, medium and long throws AND is running on multiple blown out knees.. But do tell me again how his legs and arms are not liabilities.
  3. Exactly. MB's game plan was really not that bad. It was a simple dink and dunk plan with occasional deep balls to keep team honest.. Vanilla? Yup. Executable? Yup. Did marve execute? Nope. He couldnt hit any pass consistently. He also made brutal decisions.. This was a poor game by QB IMO. Could we do better then MB? Sure.. Its a moot point tho until we have a QB who can actually.. You know.. Play QB.. IF marve craps the bed again.. Its Davis time imo.. Demote marve, can brohm and bring in new blood.
  4. With that said.. Unless January has been working tirelessly all off season to strengthen his back and keep his motor running, id much rather bring in an NFL cut or someone elses PR stash if possible..
  5. Funny when people comment about players and dont even realize they have got themselves to their best fitness and weight level ever.. Lol Dr.. More like quack.
  6. His deep balls are scary as hell to watch because they are ALWAYS up for grabs.. But even his simple checkdowns and medium 7-10 yarders are offbase. Recievers constantly reaching, stretching and bending to get em.. I thought his freewheeling was his biggest asset but when you suck in defenders and then make your pass catchers have to stop or twist or backup to make the catch, its as useless as standing behind the line except odds aree better you lose less on the sack lol.
  7. This team has no real leadership on offense to keep them in check when the adversity shows up.. To an extent its similar on defense and STs... st had a monster game tho so i hope they have turned the corner. Defense came to play and kept us around until... Middle of third? After that, they folded up shop as well.... Probably due to the fact they realized they wouldnt be able to win the game on their own. If the offense had shown any life at all, i dont think this is a blow out.. We may still have lost but by the time brohm was done skipping stones to the recievers, i think everyone had checked out.
  8. Any offensive coordinators with an inkling of how to run a new era CFL offense cut recently?
  9. You guys need to change yer avatars to statler and waldorf in the worst possible way lol.
  10. ...cuz our defense has been the problem of late?
  11. Maybe Waggoner can throw the ball?Unbelievable. If you hold the first pick you can trade it for assets or make the pick. No offense to Waggoner but we're really handicapped here. We won't be rebuilding our OL with a second round pick.If Waggoner is truly a first round talent, I've got no problem with Walters using it this year in the supplemental draft.So, we grabbed Waggoner & say we finish last or second last. Then have nothing to show for it? We need offensive linemen not linebackers or defensive backs. How does that make us better? It doesn't. Not saying Waggoner isn't a good player but in the big picture with everything we need on offense, I don't believe he was worth a first round pick.I trust Walters assessment on Waggoner. For all we know he could be our starting MLB in a year or two. Or not. What do we need right now? What part of the team has been killing it for years? What do we need the most? A future middle linebacker or an offensive lineman that can block? Unless we are extremely lucky as in fluke we'll never find that player in the second round. I mean, hey... it's taken half a decade to get where we are now with the offensive line, why not stretch it out to a decade? You can always find help in FA for offensive linemen.. Hypothetical starting MLBs or WIL on the other hand.. We rebuilt what we have thought was 2 pieces hopefully (now down to one offically lol) and that kind of progress could be considered on pace with drafting.. No? Not to mention with FA you normally know what your getting..
  12. Also dont forget his coffin corner accuracy. Its pretty solid..
  13. You must be the only person on earth that's seen Yantz play against CFL players. You're making some massive assumptions. Yea trying to suggest yantz could be some form of savior is ludicrous.. If a guy like air canada cant get any traction after playing in a legit program... How is yantz gonna step in and be the man..Smh.
  14. Uh. You realize cato has looked suspect at times and franklin hasnt really had a full game of play..
  15. I just came from reading about injuries like the one Willy has suffered. It's not good. What we don't know is whether or not this is a displaced, or non-displaced tibial fracture. Non-displaced is the better scenario where bone didn't actually break off. A lot of the work being done is about controlling swelling to prevent further cell damage to the soft tissue and nerves within the knee. Once that is under control an evaluation has to be made on whether or not surgery is required. For stability, pins and/or screws may need to be implanted. If they do, then there is additional healing time involved. I'm reading more like 3-4 months (12-16 weeks) not 6-8 weeks. http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/sport-injuries/knee-pain/tibial-plateau-fracture Also, since there is ligament damage, surgery may also be required to repair that requiring even more healing time. This isn't a simple tear of a muscle or ligament. It's a significant injury that may require multiple surgeries. It's going to be a challenge just to get him to where the knee joint is stable and can bear his weight without pain and hopefully, without post traumatic osteoarthritis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibial_plateau_fracture I'm not saying it's career ending but who knows? The thought of ever sending him out behind our porous o-line again is at least frightening. The days of assuming he's invincible are over. I think even Drew knows this now. Lmfao. "Im not saying its career ending..." But you sure want us to know that info.. Man alive. The pessimism.
  16. Now im not defending marve OR bellfool but you guys DO realize it takes any QB a few games or weeks to acclimate to being a starter right? This isnt madden 2015.. You cant just expect a QB to step in and be lights out every game. Hes going to struggle..nthose struggles are going to be made worse by a sub par supporting cast.. Also, you have to assume bellfool is keeping things simple by design to ease marve (and goose) into a simple rthym. I know its crap and i know its painful to witness but it is what it is... I honestly dont know if a "top tier" OC would look good or make the offense look good.. Theres just so much youth and inexperience on this squad.
  17. Good candidates but far from being "can't miss" hires. Both would be first time head coaches and how many times have we seen great coordinators become awful head coaches?? I don't see O'Shea going anywhere. I am increasingly concerned with this management group from Miller on down. Are they really determined to turn this thing around with the Bombers? I'm beginning to doubt it. It all seems to be about being the good guy and pats-on-the-back all around. Neither Miller, Walters or O'Shea appear to have what it takes to make the tough decisions, at least, I can't find any evidence of it. You honestly believe they are NOT trying to turn it around... Like, deliberately not doing all they can? I cant even try to comprehend that assumption. Its beyond any rational thought process..
  18. Doh! Can i still pick argos, bombers n redblacks rich?
  19. Sad.. Too young. Was a pioneer of the insane dunks we see today and named em all awesomely like east bay funk dunk among others.. Got to meet and then drink with him when he was the coach of the cyclone as my high school and provincial team coach was his assistant.. Sad news..
  20. You forgot the *jingle* *jingle* *jingle* lol.
  21. And what I'm saying is it shouldn't be.. Not all first round picks are alike. Not to mention Chung at right guard should not have the steep learning curve of a centre stuck between two questionable guards.. While factoring in snaps, calling protection, etc etc..
  22. Yes. As another poster said, Mtl is in turmoil. Ottawa has the same problem as us, unproven coaching. If Ottawa has an edge on us I believe it is Henry Burris and his experience. We don't have a veteran leader like that, someone that can teach the players how to win. We have to rely on Mike O'Shea for that and thusfar the results have been sporadic at best. Marcel Bellefeuille could have been that guy but I don't think he is up to the challenge either. We sorely lack the coaching and/or veteran leadership required. I wish we had a Buono type here to serve as an adviser to O'Shea.We also have a multiple time Grey Cup champion defensive coordinator with a couple decades of CFL experience.True. It's ST that really baffles me. With O'Shea's experience as ST coach and him bringing in his pal, Pat Tracey, I can't understand why ST play has been so poor this year. Calgary will feast on our STs if that doesn't change fast.We put too much pressure on our young Canadians to perform on special teams. Not enough veteran Canadians there and no American studs. Looking back a couple years you see Americans like Suber and B. Stewart leading the charge, or guys like Deon Lacey in Edmonton. We don't have that this season. Too much pressure on second year guys like Derek Jones and Jesse Briggs. They are still young... Coaching good or bad, young guys will **** up. That's just the way it is and you have to limit it by using better personnel. Do you not mean Marty Markett? I believe he had more of an impact than Suber, and please don't forget about the S.T. work of the great, unheralded, unwanted sssuper-star Don Unamba. You simply cannot be a one trick pony on the teams unless yer a national. The don was not a good enough db and a less then capable Sam.
  23. Exactly, it's just time to see what he can do. THAT'S ALL.No.. Its not nor does it have to be..Frankly I don't see a ton of people clamoring for him to get reps..not sure why people here are attempting to imply we NEED to.. We need to rebuild the OL thru FA & the draft so if we can get our 2014 #1 pick on the starting roster it makes us a better team. Yes BUT its not the be all end all if he sees minimal reps while being groomed. There is a method to this madness you must realize or else so many teams wouldn't do it..Just because we are in a crappy situation doesn't mean you force things or have to not give a prospect time needed.. Our situation dictates we need to not hinder the progress of our few truly talented (supposed) projects..
  24. Exactly, it's just time to see what he can do. THAT'S ALL. No.. Its not nor does it have to be.. Frankly I don't see a ton of people clamoring for him to get reps..not sure why people here are attempting to imply we NEED to..
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