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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Plus.. He's in edm. Garrett on the other hand is avail as per Facebook lol
  2. Who cares about creativity? Just stating the truth and Winnipeg has a stereotype about being cheap for a very good reason. It's a city full of cheap skates and bargain hunters. If the city is so cheap why does the average winnipeg citizen have record levels of household debt. Doesn't really jive with your argument of the "cheap Winnipegger." If they are cheap, they wouldn't have record levels of household debt, would they? Ridiculous argument. SOME Winnipeggers prefer weekend games. SOME winnipeggers prefer Thurs night games (ie. people who like to camp and have cabins). SOME people don't mind the beer prices hence the huge beer snakes in the endzone. Some do mind therefore they buy water or just go without. You are in a city of nearly 800,000 people so there will be varying opinions. Earth-shattering I know. Winnipeg has the second highest revenues in the league for merchandise sales. What does that say about the other CFL cities? Pretty sure this was a sarcasm post... Maybe switch to decaf?
  3. That happened in the same day last year... Twice.. Silly Albertans
  4. Whatever. They are 0-7. Better football my pigskin! Its all about wins apparently.. Until it involves bombers.. Then its about everything else lol
  5. Y is it around here when someone has a different opinion good or bad people like you jump on it as trolling? This is a forum no? Or is it a kumbyas let's not breathe a word of criticism your a troll only forum?It's more a case of choosing to believe that no one could possibly be that stupid so it must be trolling for a reaction. It's not about differing opinions, it's about opinions so unbelievably stupid. Ok who gets to decide that you?Noeller? If it is someone trolling just don't react no? Is Doug Brown an idiot too?It's a slippery slope your traveling. Cant believe im doing this. Its not rocket science. Back up your opinions with reasoning or else your opinions are worthless. Pretty much everyone here with the exception of a few tend to say their piece.. Why they feel that way.. And debate it. They dont say their piece.. Refuse to explain it or ration it out.. Then cry foul when people call it crap. People dont butt heads with you because you have a difference of opinion.. HALF this board does usually.. Maybe more so.. They butt heads with you because not only do you have zero substance but you act like someone pissed in your coffee when they disagree with you.. Condecending, insulting and belittling dont really get people far on this board. Lastly and I cannot stress this enough... You are more then welcome to have a differing view point. Read any thread and you can see for yourself how this board functions. Your attitude is what I have a problem with and your arrogance..
  6. Meh. Its going to end up just like the other forums.. "You are all so mean and ganging up on me!" *Sob!* And gone.
  7. It's the same argument this particular poster is trying to push on this forum, that he tried in TEP. It didn't work there, and it won't work here. He dislikes MOS and tries to push that ridiculous notion that Willy should have been kept out of the lineup, even though that would not have kept him from getting hurt in the Ham. game.And Doug Brown? Well, I see see he's pulling up year-old columns to try to connect the dots. It won't work here, either JV....these posters are too aware of what's going on. his schtick grew tiresome on OB too.. same thing.. coaches suck and no rhyme or reason to it.. just cuz he said so made it so lol.
  8. I would love to read your rationale behind this statement to be honest. I'm not saying you're right or wrong, I just want to know why you are saying that before I decide if you're out of your mind or have some validity to it. I was actually thinking about this the other day.... Other then a game against Tor that SK lost by 25 points and a game against Edm they lost by 10 points, 2 of their losses have been by 4 points, 3 losses by 3 points, and 1 loss by 2 points. For a team that lost both their #1 and #2 QBs a couple of games in the season, to be a field goal away from 4 more possible wins / ties isn't bad. The Bombers had Willy for most of the season, and even with Willy, the Bombers losses have been by 26, 1, 29, 30, 7 points. While the Bombers wins have been by 4, 2, and 10 points. I know it is tough to look purely at the score to compare the two because the score dictates so many decisions in the 4th quarter, but a couple of plays going the other way and the Bombers could easily be 0 - 8 right now while SK could have 2 - 3 wins. QBing is now a wash between both teams (unproven rookies with maybe an edge to SK for having a bit more experience). Then consider how many blowouts the Bombers have lost in (with Willy) and how many games in which we were done by half time, and the games coming up against SK aren't guaranteed by any stretch of the imagination. SK has been in most of their games with a chance to win right up to the end of the game. The Bombers have lost 3 blowouts where there was no chance for a comeback in the 4th quarter and some games by the 3rd quarter. I wouldn't at all be surprised if we lose both games against SK. Then again maybe I'm just getting conditioned to the Bombers losing over the past number of seasons. What he said. Sums up my feelings almost exactly. neg! you must show your work. no cheating!
  9. Who even said we are starting 9 canadians?! Its practice for christ sakes!
  10. Progress, improvement and becoming consistent. This is what i want to see but as loyal as I can come across to walters and O'shea, if we tank hard and drift aimlessly like last seasons second half, i have no reason to keep em around for continuality sake. That said, im also alot more likely to give em another season even if we miss playoffs but look competitive doing it.
  11. Buff is a prized asset contrary to popular belief.. Two way guy who is very effective in all facets of the game.. We've been jaded by having him so close to watch me thinks..
  12. OK. You do realize just saying that resting his knee would a saved it doesn't make So #1.. Zero proof that the injuries were related let alone the fact that both were entirely different circumstances and types of impact/torque..
  13. Still think Picard is helping chungh more than focusing on his own game But dem snaps doh.
  14. Can't believe Fitzgerald waltzed in untouched from right up the middle.. And that rtp on Calgary after the rider oliner pushed him into smith lmfao.
  15. why are we even discussing the idea of benching the league's most accurate coffin corner punter? man oh man..
  16. Yep I'm really stumped on how it is perceived around here that we are in a better position here in bomber villa but it might change when we go to 3-6 unfortunately. man.. do you two ever get tired of being so depressed and pessimistic? id never wanna get outta bed lol.
  17. I couldn't agree more, however, I have a dreaded feeling both of those teams will be playoff bound and looking down on us at season's end. of course you do... you always do. you always seem to think the bombers are destined for ruin lol.
  18. Hell.. Why stop there. We could have used our supplimental on Ted Laurent instead of Poblah and had Laurent instread of Waud..
  19. Too close to call.. Our defense is better then theirs.. Their QB is better then ours.. Their RB is better.. Better coaching for BC.. Oline is a wash, STs seem to be as well. We take less penalties i believe... *shrug*
  20. It's all about the situations.. Higgins in the right spot is good.. A la prebuilt team loaded with talent and ready for a playoff run.. I also have changed my opinion on Marcel in the last 3 weeks.. So.. There's thaaaaaaaat..
  21. Whew glad you cleared that up not a fan = terrible coach makes sense. See below post smart ass
  22. Also.. Since '06 he's been on decline... Not like he has trended upward... At all.. In over 10 years.. But keep telling yourself he's our saviour lol.. I do like kelownas idea of being a quality control or advisor..
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