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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Wow. Didnt see that one coming.. (Bah dum *ching*) http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/25266487/report-jets-qb-geno-smith-out-6-10-weeks-with-broken-jaw-after-fight
  2. And gosh darn it, people dont like us! Just slap them around....and make them like it... The beatings will continue until morale improves But.. Stuart Smalley tho...
  3. Jesus. K fine, he fractured the top of his bone.. There is literally zero evidnce to support your theory that his previous twisted knee injury has any relation to a crack on the top of his bone.. The two injuries happened in completely different circumstances. Youd have a case MAYBE if it was another leg folding up or twisting under someone but since the two plays were so drastically different.. You do realize the fracture is to the tibia bone. The knee is a joint, he broke or fractured the top of his leg bone. You dont break your knee..
  4. I sincerely doubt anyone is trading a backup QB to us.. Saskatchewan might work some magic in a few weeks once the playoff dream is fully dead.. Unless we go on a huge losing streak (again) and are willing to give up substantial goods in return, we are status quo or bringing in someone we have scouted. Not to mention.. Crompton? Is he even worth trading a denmark and goose? A wagoneer and picks? Id rather just wait imo. We dont have ANY depth we can part with so we would be definitely hamstringing ourselves (unless its hurl and we give up national MLB for now)
  5. id definitely take a good look at khari in the offseason if we dont pull a drastic move now or in a few weeks..
  6. Agree with what u are saying. Austin never shuts it down. If he was calling off the dogs he would have pulled Collaros out of the game. Yeah Austin is the kind of ******* who would love to win a game 62-0, there is no way his team shuts it down. Hell after the back to back picks he basically went and bitched slapped everyone on offense for it. Killer instinct is a huge advantage in a coach. Never fun to be on the receiving end of those games. Jones in Edm is the same way, the esks are going to pound you with that dline for 60 minutes, no mercy. it absolutely is. Those two are guys who not only want to beat you they want to beat you into a bloody pulp and make you question everything about your team. There is no letting up for them, you just play your hardest every single snap of the game doesn't matter the score is. To be honest with you, I thought O'Shea would be that kind of coach when you guys hired him. Mike was ultra mean on the field when he played. A guy you always wanted to keep an eye on. I figured a O'Shea coached team would be a mean group. Not insulting the Bombers and saying they aren't tough or anything, but that really hasn't been o shea's style a head coach. Even on special teams in Toronto he was mean and had a fiery unit when he coached there. I think o'shea is first building a team that fights for themselves and each other. This is why he tries to keep the yelling to behind closed doors.. To show he has their backs. He wants everyone to fight together, with each other. I also think hes very much against stupid penalties. He wants his guys to play hard as hell thru the whistles. This is what ive gleamed from observation anyway. It might be time to open up a can of whoopass though and grab facemasks and really get pissed the fk off.. Its not a country club atmosphere yet but its not a tight ship by any imagination..
  7. K.. Wait. Wut? Leggett a liability? Is there something im missing here?
  8. And gosh darn it, people dont like us!
  9. It didnt look all that swell when he got in last game. His pick six was directly due to him panicking in the pocket. Hamiltons Dline is pretty f'n nasty tho so maybe the line looks better against a lesser pass rush.
  10. Its rapidly becoming apparent that MB does not have the offensive gameset in mind for us to be successful.. He probably has this next 3-4 weeks to prove he can make our offensive line, blocking and QB play into something meaningful. I fully expect he falls flat on his face.. With that in mind..
  11. I hope we dont bring in a jersey filler. I hope we bring in someone our staff has high expectations for. Neg lister or NFL cut with the tools for our game.. Or trade for someone elses neg lister. Please no portis, no hall, no brink, no elliott, no boltus or anyone else who has tried and failed in the CFL consistently. Even Troy Smith im leery of as Mtls QB situation isnt as rock solid as others and he was let go..
  12. Whats the lotto numbers this friday?This isnt a reoccurance of a previous injury.. He broke a bone landing awkwardly...
  13. Brohm is just one of those guys who needs to make 10 or so good throws in a row to score a touchdown. You can get away with that when you're Ricky Ray or Kevin Glenn, but not when you're Brian Brohm. Well.. That and if we had an oline capable of giving him 3+ each down..
  14. Nope. I was debating it myself, same debate I had when Boltus was with us. To me thats crazy. I go to see all three aspects of my team play, not just the QB. I kinda keep hope alive that brohm or marve will step up, false hope that it is but still want to be in the stands.. *shrug*
  15. Exactly! He was the only QB capable of attempting s comeback. Taking him out would have been assinine. Suggesting it even is borderline "wtf are you thinking?" territory..
  16. Not to start the whole "better fan" arguement is anyone else kinda sickened by the "if brohm starts i stay home" bullplop?
  17. Willys knee looked to hyperextend for sure.. usually just swelling and joint stiffness in that instance... cant tell more tho til swelling subsides and you can move the joint properly.. ditto on ligaments and tendon damage.. hence the no updates.. MRI will tell the tale but from my own shitty knee luck id predict maybe 2 weeks out tops..
  18. rempel by my view.. watched guy cruise right on in...
  19. All I know is Edem would have been starting for this team for the last two seasons Funny you pick the two draft pick busts to compare with Mulumba instead of the other six starters. I doubt Edem would have been a starter here last season or this one. You would rather have Edem at safety than Leggett. Would've rather had Edem than Cauchy Muamba or Dan West... either way, at least he's on the roster Maybe Mulumba shows up in five years but Bombers needed help three years ago Cauchy starting in edmonton doh..
  20. Edmonton screwed me but ottawa gamble paid off
  21. Yay ottawa boo edmonton!! Hurrah for parity !!
  22. Heh .. I think that when I see Pontbriand catch the ball and get a head of steam going .. JFG .. not so much. Yea him too no doubt.. For some reason tho i just picture JFG truckin thru a smallish DB /SAM..
  23. Who is hurt that we can do this? Who comes out? Gibson. Damn, really wanted to see what Gibson could do using his speed against Collaros. They're going to replace him with Ivan Brown??? Derrell johnson
  24. Yes GB, thank you for your practice updates. You are seriously better then our media.. You oughta sell your notes to highest bidder and watch them become "best football beat writer in wpg" lol
  25. 1-5 would be swell.. But only if we set rider fans who post here to 13 lol
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