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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. That's my point. "Better than Brink" did not equal "good QB", just like "Marve is better than Brohm" does not mean "Marve should be starting because he's so good". Many who want rid of Brohm think that Marve will come in and light it up, but like Elliot he could quite easily stink it up, and the coaches must believe that is the case based on not playing him and explaining how he is deficient in the areas they need him to be stronger in. Elliot's riskiness was not just riverboat gambler mentality, it was a fundamental inability to read the defence and exploit it. That was proven by the lack of success on any other team that took a chance on him afterwards. He was not a good QB, and "better than Brink" was such a low bar that people falsely elevated his ability to play because of it and pinned unrealistic expectations on him. I fear the same scenario with Marve now. My point is that Elliott hardly stunk it up, he moved the ball effectively but threw some ints in the red zone. Rather than working to correct that as a normal coach might do, he got the under the bus treatment cause the coach was pissed off as he often was and he liked to bury players who displeased him. Not buying it. If he was as illustrious as you guys are trying to portray, he would still be on a roster and not cut from two other squads.. One with potentially worse QB depth then us..
  2. Another player that I can't believe was a bomber and when he left, we found much greener pastures..
  3. Scary thing is... This is taman worthy lol.. What if they bring him in and he crushes willy with a late hit and he's out for the year...
  4. Maybe the rational posters to a degree yes.. But there is ample reasons listed as to why this is.. I'll reinerate again tho.. -marve hurt -brohm is more experienced -brohm is more of a pocket passer These are the 3 that stand out to me as why brohm is ahead of marve at this point..
  5. no no.. its all a conspiracy! Marve is the anti-christ and oshea and walters are trying to stop armageddon by limiting his growth. obvs.
  6. Exactly.. How people can misconstrue that line to imply marve is pigeon holed and destined to rot is laughable.. What's laughable is you always taking a personal affront to any critical comment about the state of the Blue Bombers.The reporter stated it as a direct quote so that's how it is. You don't agree fine leave it at that. no.. i dont but thanks for coming out. i choose to believe my teams coach. i choose to believe the media when they tweet marves limping.. You choose to look for things that are imaginary.. ill stick to reality..
  7. Believe what they want to believe? I guess I choose to believe in reading comprehension. yea i tend to believe whats put in front of my face as opposed to looking for hidden meaning, veiled conspiracies and inuendo that simply is conjecture and not there.
  8. while i do agree with you.. bell didnt blow our doors off in the first half either..
  9. That second and 3 play, where Edmonton stacked the box, and Willy handed off to Cotton for a two yard loss, just had me screaming at the TV. Everyone knew a hand-off was coming, and yet MB just made Willy do it anyway. Same with the hand-off to Marshall on the 3 yard line. Brohm should have had AT&T on his helmet, he was telegraphing that play so much. I do hate the way we run the ball. Where's the sweeps? Counters? Off tackle runs. Seems like shot gun formation run up the middle every time. No imagination. No variation. That falls on the coaching staff. Our left tackle was embarrassing and our centre was constantly shoved backwards without any resistance..But yup, we shoulda been running off tackle for losses. Seems wise. You thought Bryant was embarrassing. Not what I was watching. Our OL had an overall poor game, but they are infinitely better than last year's line. I expected better run blocking than what we are getting though. I think *hope* he meant RT... Devin Tyler... then I would agree... Yup.. My apologies, brain didn't click on that one apparently. Thanks guys
  10. Hard to disagree. Brohm has not looked good but I also don't believe marve is ready (or healthy enough) to take brohms spot. I truly believe marve needs to prove he can run MB's offense (as crummy as it can be) without needing to run away at first pressure every time, Riddle me this folks. Marcel's offense is vanilla, outdated and simple.. If this is the case, why can't such an elite stud like marve pick it up and use it to his advantage in practice or scrimmages?
  11. I can't think of another reason why Brohm is given such a long leash. But the cronyism? explain what you mean by that... and how it exactly relates to brohm and the bombers? Cuz i don't see it. Cuz it's a catchy buzzword that someone else made up. It has no relevance to this situation of course but hey, it sounds cool!
  12. Exactly.. How people can misconstrue that line to imply marve is pigeon holed and destined to rot is laughable..
  13. It's hilarious how fast people's memories fail them. Do you remember Bryan Randall? What about Tee Martin? 2 QBs with stellar college stats and both wheels and an arm. What happened when we rushed them into games and got them shell shocked? Both lasted next to no time in the CFL due to being rushed or forced into a role they were not ready for. I realize nobody here has patience but that is what is required. And please don't reference other teams backups coming in and performing as they don't have our shoddy oline or questionable OC as we seem to have been cursed with for the last decade.
  14. Yea I'd agree on the oline.. Picard has not played well at all.. Constantly shoved back into QB and for what we are paying him, that happening consistently is unacceptable. His snaps have been very erratic as well.. Maybe we can find a trade partner for him lol. Goose learning on the fly might not be all that much worse then Picard at this point.
  15. Hate to root for a guy to fail but... Come back Ian, we are dying ovah here lol
  16. There has been a lot of pressure from the interior. Maybe they feel paddy can offer more help to Picard then Greaves can?
  17. So you missed the part where I said I'm not comparing the players and their level of skills huh.
  18. Conditions had dissipated by the time Brohm entered the game, so yes he does blow that badly. Field is still wet, balls are still slick.. It's not like the humidity and moisture just disappears. Similar conditions didn't seem to traumatize the Esks. nearly as much. Nope I agree on that. The shmoes backup QBs make ours look brutal by comparison..
  19. Conditions had dissipated by the time Brohm entered the game, so yes he does blow that badly. Field is still wet, balls are still slick.. It's not like the humidity and moisture just disappears. Alright Spuds I am gonna call you out on this one call it a friendly bet. If Brohm throws for 3 touchdowns I will post on here that you saw something 99% of the people here including me missed.If he Shats the bed again you post that ya Brohm sucks. What do you say? Atrocious to you is less harsh then he sucks? I'm not in anyway advocating for brohm in a sense that I even believe he should be our backup.. I'm simply saying he isn't at a level of mike Quinn or justin holland..
  20. Anthony Calvio says Hi. (Note; I'm not Implying brohm is the next AC by any stretch of the imagination.. Just that some players DO have to toil as backups for a long time before rounding into form)
  21. Much better IMO. Westerman is showing why we wanted him and the interior is getting a better push with Collins in there.. Makes we wonder what's up with turner? Is he playing hurt or do teams just scheme him into medocrity now?
  22. That second and 3 play, where Edmonton stacked the box, and Willy handed off to Cotton for a two yard loss, just had me screaming at the TV. Everyone knew a hand-off was coming, and yet MB just made Willy do it anyway. Same with the hand-off to Marshall on the 3 yard line. Brohm should have had AT&T on his helmet, he was telegraphing that play so much. I do hate the way we run the ball. Where's the sweeps? Counters? Off tackle runs. Seems like shot gun formation run up the middle every time. No imagination. No variation. That falls on the coaching staff. Our left tackle was embarrassing and our centre was constantly shoved backwards without any resistance.. But yup, we shoulda been running off tackle for losses. Seems wise.
  23. Considering how little the team wins that's a hollow claim. Context being after decades of incompetence people around here understandably get pissed off after losses. Listen to cjob post game. You and other self proclaimed level headed posters are the vast minority. Head in sand works for some, I guess. You also realize that 9 times outta 10 it's the VOCAL MINORITY that cries out the loudest. The more even keeled, mellow fans of the fan base take a wait and see approach. I'd think that's evidenced by the other tens of thousands of fans that don't spaz out on Facebook, the sun, forums or cjob post game shows.. But hey, keep thinking you speak for so many silenced, angst ridden fans.
  24. I'll tell you what you can do with an apology and then retract it... But I'll keep it PG. For the record, you assumed what i meant by my comment, I in no way said is person was a better fan then that person because he acts this way or that.. Like previously mentioned by my fellow posters, I was implying that the fanbase is fickle in regards to how quickly they turn on player, coach, team,etc after being so supportive and optimistic just a few weeks back.. So take your righteous indignation elsewhere please.
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