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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. and were 2-1 just a week ago.. numbers rool!
  2. meh. its his schtick now and id imagine he still spends far more time down south then up here..
  3. Pretty sure we get 5 my friend..
  4. Yer both nuts.. its KFC buffet or nothing in that jerk water..
  5. I feel like 'it is what it is' is kind of a cop out. Why is it a cop out? Its not a easy fix resolving the penalty problems..
  6. It's going to take like a half season minimum to get players, coaches and refs all on same page... It is what it is.. Changes were needed..
  7. you are being way too positive.I want to say "there's no such thing.." but..........Spuds.........Yeah Spuds takes it to an all new level. About half-way to Rider-ville. Spuds is the Moosomin of Bomber fans. Moosemin sucks,period. I, do not. There are lots of us... We are plentiful.. We are many, we are legion.
  8. Yup.we best go 14-0 now or else!!
  9. The upper echelon of management and leadership did more to set this franchise back then any coach or gm.. We were tightwads and old boys club for so long it chased potential FAs and coaches/GMs for a very long time..
  10. No, your wrong colonel sanders!
  11. Omfg O'Shea told penton! Hellllllo!!! Mcflyyyy!!!
  12. And somehow this is enough to be anointed as the next supahstah!
  13. Why? We didn't get stuffed did we? Man alive people here pick the oddest **** to get uppity about..
  14. Of course it sucks we've lost 2 games but we are not in any dire pediments or at risk of a terrible season.. People need to chill and realize its a looooong season..
  15. Make a million great plays and TDs.... Nada, one bad game tho... Smh.
  16. This to me was the biggest fault of the game. I actually forgave him on the fumble as he was trying to make a play. That last return though - IMO earns him a ticket of town. His job on that play is to field the ball cleanly and move it up field and get out of bounds. I'm 100% sure those were the specific instructions given to him by our coaches as well. He totally ignored them, taking 10 seconds off the clock and losing 10 yards on the return. Not sure where his head was at in the game but I hope I see Veltung next week here in Edmonton A ticket outta town?! You do recall how money he was last year, right? He was trying to do too much probably due to his missing time this year. Plus prolly a little rusty.. Ticket outta town tho? Lololol. Glad yer not the president or else Russia might be vaporized by now..
  17. Funny, in the other post you call those who pointed out the mistakes of the Bombers trolls who "only ooze out from under the bridge after a loss to bash everything", but this is a good synopsis? Double standard much?Nope. Because DOD does this every game. Some of these other posters only show up after a loss. It's a fact too.Well this plus levelheadedness is often shown in his posts which cannot be said for some others.. Yeah you would know about leveheadedness that's for sure. Do you even read your own drivel? they see me ridin'... They hatin'...
  18. Funny, in the other post you call those who pointed out the mistakes of the Bombers trolls who "only ooze out from under the bridge after a loss to bash everything", but this is a good synopsis? Double standard much? Nope. Because DOD does this every game. Some of these other posters only show up after a loss. It's a fact too. Well this plus levelheadedness is often shown in his posts which cannot be said for some others..
  19. Could be. We may have a better idea by the end of the season. The last minute of the game felt Lapo-like. Could be. We may have a better idea by the end of the season. The last minute of the game felt Lapo-like.We've had too many LaPolice/Rheinbold/Burke moments of late and the scary thing is that Willy sure as spit looks like he is regressing.How does he look like he's regressing? Lmfao. Calgary has one of the best pass defences in the league.. He did rather well did he not?The things people chose to try and claim around here at times..When Willy's game deserted him last year, his biggest failing was his inability to handle blitzes and folding in crunch time. That's pretty much what happened tonight. Uh. I saw him handle the blitz really well up til the last play of the game with the int. not sure what game you were watching. He either tossed it away or dumped it off for small gains.. He also made some great throws in the face of it too. Great retort. Willy was fine until he threw a game killing interception... or didnt call time out on a drive killing penalty. You either have it in the clutch or you dont. Right now, Willy is not a clutch guy. When the pressure is on he gets worse. That's just fact. Will it improve, God I hope so. It's his 2nd year as a starter but hes' going to be 29 in November. He's actually past his prime in football years. Or entering the final stages of it. Did we not watch the same willy from last season who looked lost and gun shy for like. Weeks on end? He didn't look gun shy or lost to me. The clock management, maybe Oshea is the one who's to call timeouts? We don't know. As for the single int he threw while trying to force something? Yea that's gonna happen.. It's not a regression tho. Regression would have been going blank and getting sacked.
  20. The world and especially sports cannot be viewed so such a black and white version of the world. There is a plethora of grey area to consider IMO. You either win the GC or you don't, that's the black and white of it. Ok Ricky bobby. I'll keep thinking that getting better and finishing higher in the standings until we get a grey cup is a solid method.
  21. The world and especially sports cannot be viewed so such a black and white version of the world. There is a plethora of grey area to consider IMO. I guess my larger, over arching point is that this is still a sports league, where championships matter. No championships in 24 years, compounded with a really poor regular season record has left me with almost no fuse left for this team. And it sucks because I recognize that this club has improved and we're 2-2. Well I see where your coming from as a quarter century is a lengthy drought no doubt. I have to say tho that successful regimes always have longevity.. We haven't had longevity in a very long time. I know people always will cry out 2 years or less for a rebuild! Cuz it's happened before. It's happened for teams who can convince the cream of the crop to come down and coach and GM.. for some bizarre reason our previous Higher ups (and possibly the current ones) have yet to bring in the right mix. I hope Walters and Oshea are that tandem but we have to give them some time to prove it. As long as progression is made then I'm happy. If all we see is burkesesque bed shutting then I'm just as pissed as the rest of you guys.
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