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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Could be. We may have a better idea by the end of the season. The last minute of the game felt Lapo-like. Could be. We may have a better idea by the end of the season. The last minute of the game felt Lapo-like.We've had too many LaPolice/Rheinbold/Burke moments of late and the scary thing is that Willy sure as spit looks like he is regressing.How does he look like he's regressing? Lmfao. Calgary has one of the best pass defences in the league.. He did rather well did he not?The things people chose to try and claim around here at times..When Willy's game deserted him last year, his biggest failing was his inability to handle blitzes and folding in crunch time. That's pretty much what happened tonight. Uh. I saw him handle the blitz really well up til the last play of the game with the int. not sure what game you were watching. He either tossed it away or dumped it off for small gains.. He also made some great throws in the face of it too.
  2. After reading some posts you'd almost think we were. However it seems most those posts come from ppl who only show up after a loss.It is entertaining to watch some of the posters ooze out from under their bridges to lambaste the team but the best thing to know is that tomorrow, they gone. They don't stick around.. Guess the sunlight and fresh air hurts their green skin lol. Ooze out man Spuds you are getting good at the insults. Now crawl back under your rock till the Blue win again.Then you can sing sweet praises of glory again!So your admitting yer one huh? Lol. I'm here rain or shine bud, I don't pick and choose when to talk about my fav team. Yep and as long as other posters agree with your narrow view it's all good in spuds world.Sad.I have a pretty wide view of the world my friend, not like you and your ilk that can't see the forest thri the trees. The angst from tonight is laughable. I could see this last lost against Hamilton but this much BS when we lost by 1 point? When we are 2-2? But yea, you right.. I'm the one with the narrow vision.. Smh. Maybe not but unlike you I leave out the insults.Try it sometime it's not hard to do. That's cute. Get lost in an argument and call out "insult!" When there wasn't one. You said I have a narrow minded view of the world first bud. I generalized the hell out of my original statement and you chose to pipe up. Not my problem. Keep trying tho, maybe one day you will win the internets.
  3. The world and especially sports cannot be viewed so such a black and white version of the world. There is a plethora of grey area to consider IMO.
  4. Yup. We were right there. Even after the gaffe on field goal we STILL had a chance to get it in range but that INT broke the camels back. We were right there.
  5. We are 2-2.. We just lost by a point to the grey cup champs.. Step back from the ledge my friend.. (Also we are currently not the worst team in the league.. Nor the second even..)
  6. Brohm. What's up with his holds lately then. My word they have looked brutal. Are the snaps not up to par? I just can't figure out how a guy goes from record breakingly good to subpar in less then a year..
  7. Could be. We may have a better idea by the end of the season. The last minute of the game felt Lapo-like. Could be. We may have a better idea by the end of the season. The last minute of the game felt Lapo-like.We've had too many LaPolice/Rheinbold/Burke moments of late and the scary thing is that Willy sure as spit looks like he is regressing. How does he look like he's regressing? Lmfao. Calgary has one of the best pass defences in the league.. He did rather well did he not? The things people chose to try and claim around here at times..
  8. After reading some posts you'd almost think we were. However it seems most those posts come from ppl who only show up after a loss.It is entertaining to watch some of the posters ooze out from under their bridges to lambaste the team but the best thing to know is that tomorrow, they gone. They don't stick around.. Guess the sunlight and fresh air hurts their green skin lol. Ooze out man Spuds you are getting good at the insults. Now crawl back under your rock till the Blue win again.Then you can sing sweet praises of glory again!So your admitting yer one huh? Lol. I'm here rain or shine bud, I don't pick and choose when to talk about my fav team. Yep and as long as other posters agree with your narrow view it's all good in spuds world.Sad.I have a pretty wide view of the world my friend, not like you and your ilk that can't see the forest thri the trees. The angst from tonight is laughable. I could see this last lost against Hamilton but this much BS when we lost by 1 point? When we are 2-2? But yea, you right.. I'm the one with the narrow vision.. Smh.
  9. I feel much more at ease with this loss then the ti-cat loss.. (Yup we only got 2 outta 4 not that you'd believe that around here) in regards to the fact we had this game so within our grasp.
  10. 58 yard field goals do not go through the endzone. Was it or was it not 52 yards? Cuz it's been said it was 52 a hundred times. The return man fielded it in the middle of end zone so it potentially could have bounced and gone thru.
  11. Seemed very rough today. Even on what Lirim hit they seemed to bounce first then get set.. Could this explain his poor kicking? Did it change from last season? Just recalling the one pat or fg he hit when it had to get placed after bobble and then saw the frosty pic post where the laces were in on the 52 harder ( not 58 like people keep claiming it was lol)
  12. After reading some posts you'd almost think we were. However it seems most those posts come from ppl who only show up after a loss.It is entertaining to watch some of the posters ooze out from under their bridges to lambaste the team but the best thing to know is that tomorrow, they gone. They don't stick around.. Guess the sunlight and fresh air hurts their green skin lol. Ooze out man Spuds you are getting good at the insults. Now crawl back under your rock till the Blue win again.Then you can sing sweet praises of glory again! So your admitting yer one huh? Lol. I'm here rain or shine bud, I don't pick and choose when to talk about my fav team.
  13. Turnovers killed us, yup. Still almost won in spite of them. Run defense was bad again but not the reason we lost. Time count was inexcusable but I still don't get how Mitchell snaps with zero on playclock and no call. Stods trying to do too much was probably over eager from being out of the line up but it didn't cost us the game either.. Int definitely put the last nail in the coffin lol
  14. 52 for the millionth time and his conversion rate for 50+ was good until today. Also, if he misses and it goes thru end zone, it's a tie.. That's why you go for it.. Smh.
  15. After reading some posts you'd almost think we were. However it seems most those posts come from ppl who only show up after a loss. It is entertaining to watch some of the posters ooze out from under their bridges to lambaste the team but the best thing to know is that tomorrow, they gone. They don't stick around.. Guess the sunlight and fresh air hurts their green skin lol.
  16. Could be worse... Much much worse. We could be 0-4.
  17. Yup. I concur. We were thisclose to winning this game. Easily within our grasp. We did ourselves in more so then Calgary bested us.
  18. Yea he also looked very good at times today.. He's rusty so mistakes are likely first out the gate.. Lirim tho, what is going on. Middle range stuff has been his Achilles heel this season.. 20-40 kills him. I do not understand.
  19. Wasn't it a 52 and didn't he miss it just wide with plenty of distance? His long range is money normally.. His mid game tho, wowzers.
  20. Why can Mitchell snap the ball when the play clock shows zero and no call and yet when it's willy on the nose (not that we had a clock to watch in his instance..) we get hooped? Also, how far offside was Rogers on his TD? There was a ton of reasons why we lost this game but to pile on Oshea because he missed a timeout call is a little messed up. Lirim and stods did more to cause this loss IMO.
  21. Said everyone except the riders coaching staff..
  22. Of course you're going to say that. And yet.. Still hilarious lol..
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