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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Can someone explain how hurl and Bass looked bad? I didn't see Sutton run rampant over us.. Had 74 yards..bass with 4 tackles and hurl with 2.. I will say those are low tackle totals.. Not being a fanboy I generally wanna know what I'm missing
  2. Just like Friesen's previous article said what you wanted to hear, because it was negative. It wasn't what I wanted to hear actually and I didn't bring it up even once, but don't let the facts get in the way of your hate. Hate? Wow. I don't think Kelowna or anyone actually hates you burg.
  3. But Dunigan isn't a doctor so his opinion to some here is moo.. He's not a doctor, but has been extremely outspoken concerning concussions and the way they are treated. I highly doubt that Dunigan would ever speak this positively about Willy's injury if he had even the slightest doubt about it. True, he isn't a doctor, but he certainly has a lot of knowledge and experience with the subject. I think that it's pretty safe to say that Willy is just fine. The fact that he wasn't diagnosed with a concussion is great news. Oh I know.. I was just fooolin' I'd trust dunigans opinion on cucussions and his overall feeling on the situation as he is one player who definitely has seen his fair share of head shots and doctors. Different era, sure but I have a feeling this whole thing is something he cares about.. QB safety and TBI..
  4. *blank stare of disbelief* Me too.. Blame it on the alcohol.
  5. But Dunigan isn't a doctor so his opinion to some here is moo..
  6. It's always gotta be a black and white issue, eh? Always about the polar extremes... You're the one with the black and white avatar. yes actually. shame on you for calling everyone liars. it pretty crummy of yoy. I didn't call anyone a liar, not even once. Im far too lazy to cut and paste on my phone but when you imply willy, bombers, management and doctors are all being dishonest about being knocked out, well enough to play or their doagnosis... what do YOU call it?
  7. yes actually. shame on you for calling everyone liars. it pretty crummy of you.
  8. how were they wrong in the recent past with buck? Is he drooling on himself? Slow to answer questions or respond to his name? no?? wait, hes a coach now!? I thought we broke him! oh.. he played in BC after us as well? Get outta town.. i thought we horrifically ruined his career by forcing him back to the playing field early... That or your so completely clued out about everything and simply MUST buck whatever popular opinion is current even if the best sports medicine doctor who treats (and holds out million dollar and up players for the jets) is telling you your wrong.. I know what im believing in these cases..
  9. did buck retire due to headshots or nagging shoulder injury? Also.. the entire roster from the last 3 seasons who never have had to quit the league due to concussions or having one from rushing them back to the field says wuddup.
  10. you sure? He seems to be lacking the "imma post dis on the interwebs and stir crap up" method of doctoring. Thats what the fanbase here seems to wanna trust more.. tho you have always been a bit of a renegade..
  11. He's 28 years old and has 1 year of arena football under his belt after taking a 3 or 4 year break from the game out of college. Hardly anything worth getting upset about. not upset.. just saying its something that id have figured we woulda been all over with our need for DLine national talent.
  12. exactly! Its insulting to the readership and the football fans equally really.. Does us following him mean that little that he essentially dismisses a crutial part of his profession so easily? I mean i dont really understand why he would even bother twitting something so... useless. irving too to be honest..
  13. Straight from the book of illogical thinking...TBurg style. are they not listed as day to day.. as in closer then farther to returning...
  14. You know.. Cuz he tested willy and did all the tests on him.. Smh.Guys getting his name out there by rocking the boat. Sure, you could argue the bombers and willy are pushing the limit but again, if he passed ALL baseline tests after hit and then days again later.. What's the issue here? Easy to say but you have to admit that both O'Shea and Willy have been less than forthright in this matter, describing the injury only as "upper body" and avoiding using the word "concussion" at all. Both Willy and O'Shea have said that he never lost consciousness and yet he lay motionless for at least 2 mins. and the photo clearly shows his eyes are closed. Willy was standing in the tunnel still in full gear within 20 minutes of being laid out so if they did go through the proper concussion protocol the results were already somewhat predetermined. In Willy's own words he was ready to return to the game for the 2nd half but the medical staff held him out. As the article explains the real danger for Willy is in the next game, were even a minor tackle could lead to more serious damage. It wasn't that many years ago that Buck Pierce returned to play in games in which he had been obviously concussed. So yes the CFL is taking steps in the right direction but those steps are still guarded by self-interest and the traditions of professional sports and not based on the best scientific evidence. Fans may cheer but it is Willy who has to ultimately pay the price. The photo proves nothing. He could have been mid-blink when it was taken for all we know. Everyone is concerned about the health and well-being of players. The divide is people who think the doctors who have actually examined a player know what they are doing and the other side are people who think they know more than those doctors. QFT Yup. craziness in how people cant just believe in whats right in front of them and rather cling to the flimsy evidence provided and continue to call willy, oshea and the team and its doctors liars... Not to mention would ANY of these above mentioned want to risk the career of their franchise QB? This early into a 1-1 season? Stop looking for some crazy conspiracy here folks.
  15. So this guys instance was what, he didn't file in time so he gets his own draft or is the draft still essentially ongoing or.., seems odd to me that we wouldn't have looked at a guy from the states with some legit experience if it would have cost us almost nothing..
  16. Good news for bombers.. Bear woods is out for season. That's a huge blow.. Also, billy Parker is hobbled. Ankle issue.. Not sure where he factors into montreals defense but I thought he was still starting?
  17. I do think that it's some fans who don't have an in depth knowledge of what Danny Mac brings to the table that are down on him at the moment.. Your bang on with your assessment IMO. He knows what a player needs to b capable of to be successful here, he is a leader of ever needed to be and like you said, loves the CFL GAME and I'm pretty sure deep down the bombers as well
  18. So Calgary just used a 7th round pick in 2016 to get Brandon Tett, a defensive lineman.. A former university of oregon player and AFL player last season, In 2014 he recorded 9.5 tackles and two sacks along with a fumble recovery in 12 games played. My question is, how? Why didn't we see this availability and add him with our 6th. Very confused because we are in need of some dline depth especially nationals..
  19. Everyone needs to remember that rookie QBs who have never been seen before almost always to a T perform beyond what everyone expects with the exception being rarer then the norm. Just about every season we see or witness ourselves a rookie QB go to town on a prepared defense.. Brohm has been in the league for awhile now AND people know he is a willy clone and that he will be in the pocket and not besting you with his feet. So comparing the two is pretty pointless really.
  20. You know.. Cuz he tested willy and did all the tests on him.. Smh. Guys getting his name out there by rocking the boat. Sure, you could argue the bombers and willy are pushing the limit but again, if he passed ALL baseline tests after hit and then days again later.. What's the issue here?
  21. Turner is a beast. He will get it going.,Anderson is probably playing paranoid and nervous to go all out yet.. He too is capable of more and we will see it.. It's also not like the olines we played against were crappy ones.. Saskabush is middle to high and hamiltons is probably one of the best.. Let's all step off the ledge a bit regarding the interior. We DO need a better push from the edge by at least one QB hunting DE..
  22. I have no problems with an empty backfield IF the receivers are breaking open for a quick hitter and IF or RBS stay home for a quick outlet if after a second nobody has busted thru coverage and IF our 5 guys can block the middle and give the QB that one two steamboats to either hit the one on one coverage or dish it off.. Seems like none of those facts came to be when willy was out let alone all three lol
  23. It's ok, you were hooped from the draft. Just kidding! Wow, another season ender. This pace is murderous.
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