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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Everyone is playing zone so far this year in their base defense. It's pretty much impossible to play the man/match coverages when you can't run receivers into "checkpoints" downfield and toss them off their routes without it being called a penalty. The Bombers problem is in their front. Agreed. We are getting almost zero pressure on the QB's. The main reason why Hamilton dominated Willy (after that first drive) and then Brohm was that they dominated in the pass rush and residually controlled the run game with that pressure and the score. Until we get some consistent pressure we could have Roy Bennett, Rod Hill, James Jefferson, and Vince Phason back there and we'd still look silly. So far, on defense, IMO the biggest disappointment has been Westerman. Has he even made a tackle yet? Is he even playing? I don't even see him when the bombers D is on the field.While Westerman has not made anyone forget Doug Brown, there's lots of blame to go around. If none of his linemates can consistently break through in one-on-ones then the opposition can put two on Westerman and that's the end of that. If memory serves, the biggest pressure last year came when Teague Sherman blitzed from his outside linebacker spot. Maybe we could name this lot "Four on the Floor".Why would westerman make anyone forget about brown? Ones a tackle and ones an end.. Smh. He does make me forget starting Richardson as an end or when we had was it.. Riall Johnson? Another NFL journeyman ex Argo that was a canadian end. Westerman will be fine and if he brings even a level of peachness then I'm happy as a canadian Greg peach is pretty solid.
  2. Yea but mike.. Big NFL name and pedigree.. He should be littering the field with QB and RB corpses will dining on Olineman for dinner,right? Lol. I don't get the ire directed at westerman as well. DE job isn't always about piling up sacks or dancing after a tackle..
  3. I still remember the still photo of Alex Brink being hit in the chin by a Montreal helmet and being sent flying, while Murray Clarke just watches impassively and makes no move to throw a flag. That's how I know refs are held accountable. Clarke has been demoted a couple of times. The real question is why they kept promoting him. I'm guessing a distinct lack of refs., we haven't seen any new blood on the sidelines in how long? I realllllly think the CFL should look at options to bring some new guys to the table. NCAA, CIS, maybe even afl or NFL refs if need be. This grass roots grow from within concept seems flawed.
  4. Bravo. I may have stood up and clapped upon reading this and wbbfanwest owning that he gambled wrong. Good on ya lad! Need more like this.
  5. This must be from the Joe Mack school of lock of the week?
  6. has anyone here had a concussion or multiple concussions? I have had 1 major hospitalization requiring one and 3 minor ones. After my major concussion I was clueless, big blank patches of memory and essentially an invalid for 2 days followed by extreme light sensitivity and nauseous ness for 2 weeks. After each minor one I had ringing in the ears, headaches and balance problems for about a week or two.. I'm pretty positive if Willy was suffering from either set of effects he would mention it or staff would have noticed it.. All these arm chair neurologists need to lighten up and stop assuming the team or the players are willing to risk their lives to play a game.
  7. Sucks for durie, no doubt. The guy is a dynamic player and his loss will be felt for sure. Hope he isn't seriously injured for life but like tracker said, at some point the rest of your life has to weigh in.,
  8. I simply refuse to believe an offensive coordinator that's been in the CFL for this long does not grasp the concept of beat the blitz via hot routes (and O'shea confirms that every play has an outlet or route) and by max protection.. I DO believe that Brohm was not ready for the heat and/or he didn't study up his cards to know who was supposed to go where.. Or the receivers were not on the same page. Brohm has to recognize blitz and bark out the change normally, yes?
  9. I am saddene by suttons popularity this week.. Hope this goes up on the bulletin board on chancellor drive lol (And yes I know it's not an unfounded reason behind his popularity.. If I was a betting man, I'd pick him too.. But alas, gotta root fer the underdogs!)
  10. He also said he wasn't out cold.. No loss of consciousness. That's a big one to me in no concussion side of the fence
  11. TSN 3 is what the game is on for me everytime..
  12. See, thats the thing. You know it's a penalty so you shouldn't go ahead and do it. It's like going 20 KM over the speed limit then getting shocked you got a speeding ticket. While I agree with you in theory, there's no reason to throw the flag either. Talking or miming doesn't really amount to much and it's certainly not going to protect the players. A bench penalty for yapping almost cost Calgary a win in week 1. Dumb thing to do... sure, but it should never be a game changer. BLM got a penalty for calling for a penalty that was called a penalty. Changed the ball placement from the 1 to the 10(?) which could have changed the outcome. Well, they've declared zero tolerance on certain actions and words. They'd look awfully stupid if they didn't enforce it, about as stupid as the guys still performing/saying the things that they've been told (second season for some of these things) there's zero tolerance on. Coaches need to exert some control on their players and sidelines too. Also, football is a game of emotions.. Why let players do something that could entice a retaliation.. Maybe one even violent or targeted.. Smh.
  13. Implosions! Panic! Rampant paranoid thought processes! Oh Walt. Week 2..
  14. I thought contact was allowed within 5 yards of the los, has that changed? Yup. That's why you need man coverage now, Hall's bend-not-break zone has DBs sitting 5-10 yards back trying to 'read' the route Part of it could be that Hurl and Randle are just in over their head... Again.. How is this hurls issue? Does he cover #1,2 or even 3rd option receivers? No. He did his job against the run and his blitzes were never his strong suit. Your concern is misguided. Randle tho, I agree. He looks bad. Real bad at SAM. Dunno if that is due to him covering for others or just not his best position..
  15. So they blitzed a tonne while playing prevent? Is that possible? My brain just popped I think.. Owie.
  16. If you're leading with your head it isn't a form tackle. If he wrapped up around his head, I'd hate to see it called, but he led with his helmet and that needs to be penalized (both to discourage idiots from leading with their helmets for their own protection and for the players they are hitting with their helmets) and probably answered on the Bombers end. Just a quick question, and I ask this because when I look at an A&P book the head is normally at the top of the body: If you are aiming to hit your opponent in the midsection/hips area and you are running at full speed, how can you not lead with your head? Your body isn't static heading into a tackle. Google form tackling. A tackle is a stick and a wrap, not launching your helmet into somebody. Upper body should make first contact and the rest follows through with the arms wrapping. Head should be back and turned. Obviously there will be contact with helmets but it shouldn't be the first and/or only point of contact. It's probably more dangerous for the tackler who launches head first, see Shea Emry and the scrambled eggs he has in his cranium. If your not concussing yourself to death, your ruining or potentially breaking your neck with the spearing tackle technique yup.
  17. MB has an entire offense built to Willys strengths (one would assume) and Brohm's *ahem* strengths are similar to Willy's from what I understand. Thusly, Brohm can run the offense AS IT IS. marve has no such ability in my opinion. He is not a pocket passing QB. he is a sprint thru the progressions and then adlib to death. That kind of offense needs to be setup with everyone on the same page.. If Marve goes in now, he's probably got what.. 5 set plays? He would need minimum a full weeks worth of practice (not 4 days) to get everything to ramped up to suit Marves Skillset. Hell, I'd even say he would need a by week as I believe his football smarts (playbook, reads, etc) are not his strong suit..
  18. Ya me too.. Two games in and randleisland isn't uninhabited anymore. Back to corner please!
  19. If you're leading with your head it isn't a form tackle. If he wrapped up around his head, I'd hate to see it called, but he led with his helmet and that needs to be penalized (both to discourage idiots from leading with their helmets for their own protection and for the players they are hitting with their helmets) and probably answered on the Bombers end. Just a quick question, and I ask this because when I look at an A&P book the head is normally at the top of the body: If you are aiming to hit your opponent in the midsection/hips area and you are running at full speed, how can you not lead with your head? Never learned how to tackle I'm guessing? Go watch some rugby. They will show you how to tackle without leading with your helmet.
  20. If you're leading with your head it isn't a form tackle. If he wrapped up around his head, I'd hate to see it called, but he led with his helmet and that needs to be penalized (both to discourage idiots from leading with their helmets for their own protection and for the players they are hitting with their helmets) and probably answered on the Bombers end. Exactly! He led with his helmet, face mask down even. How that's not a penalty blows my mind in the day and age of protect the QBs.
  21. If Richies defense continues on this brutal pace, could it be seen that O'shea steps in and Chamberlin's him? Gets him to run a defense of his choosing? Would this be a good or bad thing I wonder. I have (had?) faith in hall., today took that down a peg.
  22. Man. The man-crush you have for marve is insane. I hope he never gets in a game because if he does and flops, I'd be concerned for you lol
  23. *cough*cough* mike kelly *cough*cough*. Bi-polar..
  24. exactly. its like when pavelec gets lits up. Hold on. Your saying pavelec isn't an NHL calibre goalie? He was one of the chechs World Cup and Olympic goalies.,.. As in ONE OF THE BEST IN THEIR ENTIRE COUNTRY. But no, your right.. Definitely no business in the NHL.
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