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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I don't think so, remember Forde is comparing our roster to other rosters. Westerman has been crap so far (from what I've read haven't seen him) and Waggoner is just a rookie, he has potential, but so did Poblah. I guess I take that back, it is 'too early to assess' and that mean until the Bombers can prove otherwise they are rated like they should be. Lets see what happens through the summer and whether or not they deserve a higher ranking. It's pretty amazing you can say a former NFL player as "crap" while admitting you've never seen him on the field yet. Let alone in an actual game. From what I've seen, he didn't look out of place... Maybe a bit rusty but that's what preseason is for.
  2. I try to be as optimistic as the next guy but 7 "what ifs" are about 5 - 6 too many. I was just adlibbing.. Too lazy to do what ifs on other squads. I'm sure there is 4-6 similar scenarios with each squad that could change up this list.
  3. I'm confident that by mid of the season these ranks are going to change.. Too many IFs in play to judge who has better what at this point.. What if wagonner plays out of his mind good, Hurl dominates at the MLB spot and our secondary guys excel? What if JFG AND kohlert have exceptional seasons? What if goose and chungh wang tear it up and plow the way for willy and our run game? just too many variables to say who's best. Unless you wanna just do it by on paper. Which is crap IMO lol
  4. Soooo.. Now your changing your argument from "why not give Yantz a better chance!" To "our scouts suck because we gave Yantz a chance!" Debate over. The simple answer is that we had 5 QBs that we wanted. Why would we get rid of the spare QB/extra arm in camp to bring in some other unknown? I'm assuming Portis is essentially Marves backup IF our offense flounders hard and IF it's deemed the pocket passer concept is not going to work.. He also knows his role and is familiar with CFL.
  5. It's a story because it sounds like Walters made promises that weren't kept. No.. It sounds like Yantz is pissed off that he got cut. I don't see anywhere that Walters mislead or lied to the kid. He got his chance to prove himself. He didn't do enough to make it a tough call at end of the day., Yantz is just extending his 15 mins of fame AND looking a little pretentious trying to imply wrong doing by the bombers when it was simply a case of him getting his chances and falling short.. I didnt get the feeling reading the TC reports that Yantz had much of any opportunity to prove himself, practices with no reps, 1 rep...no preseason game, sounds like he was just a spectator not actually in it to make any tough decisions for anyone How many reps did he get in rookie camp, mini camp, etc? He clearly didn't wow enough to warrant the extra reps in the other camps.. It's not like TC was our evaluation staffs first time seeing him in action.. seems common practice to bring all your QBs to rookie camp so im gonna guess the same? = not many I know its not their first time looking at him so why bring him in then if you know he aint going to unseat even our #4. if Willy got tired you play brohm more or Marve more as the filler, im sure they above portis and yantz need that as they'll be first called upon. If he was brought in strictly as an injury insurance policy, you tell him as much you dont sign him to a 3 year contract and tell him he will be given an opportunity to compete when clearly he didn't Nobody knows what was said behind closed doors. Did he get told he has a legit chance as a QB or was it a legit chance if he was to be a QB/STer? When was his contract signed? It was pretty much right after the draft right? So they liked what they saw and then didn't like it as much after camps obviously.. Also, why bother hunting down another 5th arm if you have one in camp already? If he's not wowing,tough noogies but they still needed a 5th arm. Lastly, I don't know how much more I can say it., he was given a shot. Hell, he was given a shot more so then a lot of canadian QBS.. he obviously didn't do enough to convince McManus (a staunch supporter of canadian QBs), Walters (another huge pro-Canuck guy) or O'shea to go to bat for him.. Unless you think you know more then these 3 guys?
  6. It's a story because it sounds like Walters made promises that weren't kept. No.. It sounds like Yantz is pissed off that he got cut. I don't see anywhere that Walters mislead or lied to the kid. He got his chance to prove himself. He didn't do enough to make it a tough call at end of the day., Yantz is just extending his 15 mins of fame AND looking a little pretentious trying to imply wrong doing by the bombers when it was simply a case of him getting his chances and falling short.. I didnt get the feeling reading the TC reports that Yantz had much of any opportunity to prove himself, practices with no reps, 1 rep...no preseason game, sounds like he was just a spectator not actually in it to make any tough decisions for anyone How many reps did he get in rookie camp, mini camp, etc? He clearly didn't wow enough to warrant the extra reps in the other camps.. It's not like TC was our evaluation staffs first time seeing him in action..
  7. Bryant, Chungh and gonna be close between hall and Picard as #3 with westerman ratio breaking possibilities a very close 4 lol
  8. It's a story because it sounds like Walters made promises that weren't kept. No.. It sounds like Yantz is pissed off that he got cut. I don't see anywhere that Walters mislead or lied to the kid. He got his chance to prove himself. He didn't do enough to make it a tough call at end of the day., Yantz is just extending his 15 mins of fame AND looking a little pretentious trying to imply wrong doing by the bombers when it was simply a case of him getting his chances and falling short..
  9. It's mostly based on Yantz's published quotes today. And there seems to be people who are getting caught up in this because he is a local kid, etc etc.. Reality of the situation is he did not impress enough or showcase himself well enough to warrant a PR or roster spot. It wasn't a shocker to me. I can't imagine it was a shocker for many. I'd like to know if Walters and O'shea asked him if he would be willing to be rec or if he was solely a QB. I can't imagine he was truly going to make any noise at all as QB even on the weak assed QB depth chart we sport. To suggest this is going to make Walters look bad to other GMs and players though is a tad much. Yantz wasn't promised anything other then a chance... He got that even if he was sad by the lack of reps. This isn't s developmental league, this is a professional league.. He gets the shaft due to being canadian but that's simply the way it is..
  10. Wow. This is getting outta hand.. He was given a 3 year contract because he showed some stuff that interested the team.. As it was mentioned then, this doesn't mean anything as they are not guaranteed.. How many other canadian QBS have come to camp and left without landing a roster spot? How many of those GMS are suddenly lacking credibility and losing FAs and drafted players due to this? What a mountain from a mole hill.
  11. Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday!
  12. brian_markwick@shaw.ca Danke.
  13. I've always hoped he'd be a bomber.. Just kinda hoped it woulda been 2-3 years ago lol.. Excellent signing for depth and coaching..
  14. At the end of the day football is a business.. If Walters felt he could contribute positively to the team as more then just a feel good story, he'd still be here... Who's to say bombers didn't ask "wanna sinopoli it?" And he said " I'm a qb dood!" Or many other things that could have transpired to convince the management he wasn't worth the spot..
  15. he got to come to camp and showcase his wares.. bombers felt he had something to warrant a contract.. dunno, gor farther then most.. probably got a fair shake as seeing how pro canuck our management has been.. sounds sour grapesque to me..
  16. So vet but not vet enough? It's not like he was playing o-line his whole life prior to starting at the CFL level as a MLB
  17. Some drunk kid did the same to me in my row. He was scrounging for empty beer cups to add to the beer snake and was messing around by people's feet until our patience was lost and he was "kindly" asked to leave. I'm all for harmless fun, but if this is what the return of the beer snake is going to result in (again!) every game then consider me unimpressed. Just wait until the dismantling of the snake leads to another cup throwing spectacle, and the club will ban it faster than Robert Marve abandons his progression reads and takes off running. Yea preseason crowds are a bit weird. Why come to a preseason game and not regular season? Hopefully they didn't enjoy their time too much and will pass next time, lol. Although, we need all the fans we can get so... Bit of a catch 22
  18. Typical vega.. All class and no assholicness.. Damn winnipegger mentality.
  19. Agreed the only former Argos worth picking up so far has been JFG the others have been busts ( Romby B,. EJ etc ) ... Not a fan of Thad Gibson? He did take a dumb penalty last friday . I have never seen Gibson so I am not sure about him, however it seems the Bombers have given him EVERY opportunity and so far he hasn`t done much I don`t think he has even played a regular season game for us...so lets see why the Bomber as so high on him... they have given him 2 leaves one last year and one this he better be good otherwise I will start to question how they have handled mister Gibson... So you straight up deny knowing what he is capable of or even seeing him but still feel the need to slight him.. Makes sense. Also, the dislike of Picard, Rempel and Darwin Adams seems misplaced lol.
  20. MB's offence is based on standing in the pocket and delivering the football. His is a game management style where we dink and dunk down the field and stretch it when we can. willy and brohm are "built" to run this offence.. Hence, 1 and 2. Marve can definitely be the change of pace guy who moves the sticks with moxy and ad libbing when the offence is stagnant BUT the whole concept is not designed with his skills in place.. Maybe one day the offence will be retooled if it's deemed willy and brohm are not the answer but I assume that would also mean MB's departure.
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