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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Transformation Walters has done? As in roster or himself? I believe he was kind of forced last season to run with the guys we had because of previous regimes crushing of the depth.. I don't think for a moment Walters truly wanted the guys starting in key canadian spots actually staying there. I think when the injury bug smoked us, we were really between a rock and a hard place.
  2. But but but... No big name FA's never wanna play for the bombers! What a huge score by Walters. A legit starting canadian DE? With a ton of NFL experience too? What an early training camp present lol. This definitely releases some of the pressure building up on our canadian content..
  3. Pretty cool of byu to come and help him in his darkest days..
  4. So you're saying that if someone here plays video games (for example), their hand eye coordination or reaction time will never get better the more they play?I better tell my kids to stop learning to do anything new because if it doesn't come naturally then there's no point in doing it cause they'll never get better. Wait wait wait... You procreated? Welp, there goes the neighbourhood. Yes Spuds. I...am your father! I would demand a DNA test if I were you. All i really wanna know is how much is the dynasty worth pops..
  5. So you're saying that if someone here plays video games (for example), their hand eye coordination or reaction time will never get better the more they play? I better tell my kids to stop learning to do anything new because if it doesn't come naturally then there's no point in doing it cause they'll never get better. Wait wait wait... You procreated? Welp, there goes the neighbourhood.
  6. No no.. That's called freestying or roaming.. Has a high hockey IQ so gets to just "be" on the ice.. It's all very cerebral don'tcha kno.
  7. Just don't sell anything called moose knuckles and I think we can call this a win!
  8. Kind of like the Brock Ralph groan...when he'd run for out of bounds two yards before the marker rather than take a hit...or just plain not bother to try and catch the ball. You sir take that back! enstrom should never be mentioned in the same breath as that cad. Toby fought on thru an injury.. Ralph would have been outta there a loooong time ago.. Good day sir!
  9. Pretty sure that is a reply you are watching. Won't spoil the ending for you though. Wowza.. The offence in that game was insane. I know Germany isn't a world power but still a decent enough squad for canada to hit up for double digits..
  10. Kicking snow outta the krauts. 4 zip heading into second..
  11. Yup. his play this season got him a lease on life but i cannot imagine it keeps up..
  12. Lame. So now instead of wondering if they are gonna go south.. We KNOW they are gonna go south but still don't know who stays or comes back... Sigh. This early draft concept wasn't as effective at clearing stuff up as I had hoped..
  13. As an aside.. I commend everyone for staying away from the race issues and kept it on excessive force and stupidity riots..
  14. At least the black rioters in Baltimore were smart enough not to carry or brandish guns. One shot fired in the direction of the police and the results could have been ugly as many were armed with machine guns. The militarization of police forces in the last 20 years in equipment and training is both astounding and worrisome. Astounding and worrisome? How about the fact gangsters and criminals are now often betterarmed then those militaristic police officers.. Heavy body armor, bullet proof cars, heavy assault weapons with extended clips and armor piercing ammo.. Buy yea, your right.. Let's keep officer barbrady armed with a Smith and Wesson snub nose .38 and if it gets craaaaazy.. That ole pump action mossburg.. Smh.
  15. They were leaving with expectations (and in ever case they did) of being a starter.. So, still a starter moving in FA.. Yes butt the teams they were moving from had a starter ahead of them on the depth chart. Someone said starting QBs never get to FA. My point was most teams don't let the QBs they want to keep get to FA. They are usually signed before their final year. I get people wanting Willy to prove himself. I just don't like the risk of him having a breakout year and being so close to FA that he decides to explore it. QB is the most important position and I'd rather see that risk mitigated. Yup. I see where I went astray and I agree with you.. Why risk it. Dodge the issue all together by upping him soonest..
  16. They were leaving with expectations (and in ever case they did) of being a starter.. So, still a starter moving in FA..Yes butt the teams they were moving from had a starter ahead of them on the depth chart. Probably wasn't necessary to call Spuds a butt. Even if we were all thinking it. Are you guys talking about my assets again? Oh behave!!
  17. They were leaving with expectations (and in every case they did) of being a starter.. So, still a starter moving in FA..But yes I will aquisece and say legit, stable, starters moving via FA simply for a cash grab are extremely rare and if we are that worried about it.. We are worrying for nothing. That being said, IF willy is unsigned and IF the other starters stunk it up all season and willy lights it up.. We could potentially get in a bidding war..
  18. Big time agree. This is the best chance ever to draft that stud that won't be gone in a week or two to the show, yup. We get a decent timeframe to decide if they are CFL or NFL bound.. Exciting times.
  19. ... are we really going to act like the potential downside of him signing elsewhere doesn't exist? When's the last time a starting QB in the CFL left via free agency? I wouldn't be too worried. Reilly, crompton. Willy, Burris and didn't pierce come to us in FA?
  20. Boyko still a gamble as he is likely to get a free agent shot after draft, if he isn't drafted that is.. Hopefully Mateas is still there for us to grab at 2.
  21. Not so much about distance as it is about getting on and off the campus which only has two direct entry/exit points. Will be interesting to see how they have it organized for the Grey Cup, with thousands of people from out of town. I also think they have a lot of work to do in terms of safety/crowd control after the games on University Crescent and Chancellor Matheson. Just a matter of time until someone is killed or seriously injured there. yeah but there's not that much parking on the campus itself right? I think it's quaint that Winnipeggers complain about traffic though. Winnipeg is a breeze for traffic compared to Calgary and Calgary isn't even all that bad compared to some other places. There are 5,000 parking spots available on campus, estimating at least 2 people per car, then that is 10,000 people or a 1/3 of the people driving. But then the buses also use those same roads to get in and. In fact they get priority over the cars. So take into account enough buses to get another 10k - 15k people in and out. So 5,000 vehicles + countless buses all converging into 2 roads in the same hour period before and after the game. It has definitely gotten better since the first couple of games, but it can still be a pain getting out when it is more concentrated. It is quaint how you take every opportunity to mock someone from Winnipeg for complaining about traffic wait time. City size has nothing to do with having 30,000 people congregating to IGF field at the same time with only 2 entry points in and out. We get it. You got out. You got to Alberta. Land of greatness. Congrats. I took his whining as all winnipeggers whine about traffic.. Not just the game day traffic. And in reality, we have it realllllly good. Longest I've ever waited to exit from a sporting event here in the city was a half hour.. That was after parking on the top deck of the parkade beside mets centre. Bomber games are a breeze.. Either walk a few blocks and b gone or take a shuttle and wait 20-30 to get mobile.. Really not that big a deal..
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