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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Not so much about distance as it is about getting on and off the campus which only has two direct entry/exit points. Will be interesting to see how they have it organized for the Grey Cup, with thousands of people from out of town. I also think they have a lot of work to do in terms of safety/crowd control after the games on University Crescent and Chancellor Matheson. Just a matter of time until someone is killed or seriously injured there. yeah but there's not that much parking on the campus itself right? I think it's quaint that Winnipeggers complain about traffic though. Winnipeg is a breeze for traffic compared to Calgary and Calgary isn't even all that bad compared to some other places. Hell yea. Try any other major metropolitan area and then come back and tell me about traffic... I've been stuck for hours on freeways on vacation no less.. Spent more time in gridlock in Florida in a week then I would spend in 6 months going to work and back.. Frankly, much of my "rush hour" is free flowing with next to waiting and I go from route ninety to transcona or from Roblin and Dale to transcona.. 35-40 mins just about every time. Going to the mall/restaurant/etc from hotel to location in almost every place I've been during rush hour.. 1.5 hours easy.. Freeways 8 wide completely stopped dead.
  2. Prettttttty sure its a safe bet both tackles will be American this season again.. So we need minimum of 3 rostered American tackles plus one or two on PR..
  3. Hammy down two legit non imp options.. That sucks. Then again, they jumped in the boat in our end zone so screw those hosers!
  4. Great job of highlighting the larger socioeconomic issues that have led to social and racial oppression that necessarily lead to the tragic and needless deaths of those held captive and controlled by the system. That is the point you were trying to make, right? Wait a minute.... Nope. Your sarcasm aside my point was about the losers that hide behind the "we have to do something" when they dont actually give a flying fig. There are, I believe, three investigations on-going into the death of the victim. But hey, a night of violence and looting will get to the bottom of everything. And thats not a commentary on any ethnic group, it's a commentary on specific losers. Perhaps the sarcasm was unfair. I have just grown very tired of the microscopic view of incidents that have come up in this thread that completely ignore systemic issues. The problem is that "if you don't want to get shot then don't run" or "looters are losers" gets to the bottom of absolutely nothing. And investigations into these incidents will, I have little doubt, teach us that if only more people obeyed the law we'd have less people getting killed, which, once again, gets us nowhere. ok but what does rioting, burning cars and buildings, attacking police officers and essentially anarchy do to make things better? Im pretty sure if people stop running from cops, resisting arrest or attempting to disarm a cop then injury and death tend to stop happening... what needs to happen unfortunately is proactive solutions.. vest cameras and recording devices,better training and testing of officers for mental issues and racist views... there is no other quick fix.. no magic trick to undo the Crappy situations American police departments find themselves in..
  5. Quiet players never get the love. Remember Teppo Numminen? Took a long time for people to see how valuable he was.The Jets continue to be in transition mode. The left side could have Enstrom, Stu, Chiarot, Morrissey battling this year. Maybe Morrissey only makes it as far as the AHL. Who knows right now. so dead on. the people whining and bitching about enstrom would have done the same about Nummenin.. too small, too steady, not flashy and no spark. the thing is you don't need to be to be an excellent defender.. defensemen like these 2 are like guards in football.. Never talked of fondly and only really brought up when mistakes are made.. Toby would land on just about every NHL team in the league and be a ln everyday defensemen.
  6. Dude, you're reading way too much into that. Good call. Don't worry, much more of this and you're going to get all the credit and acknowledgment you desire. Just don't be surprised when it's not the kind you were looking for. You know that saying, "when you keep running into the same problem over and over, maybe you're the problem"? That's you. There's a reason almost every single regular poster here has taken issue with something you've said at one point or another. Take a look around man. Really was a "poking the sleeping bear" type post.. Begging for some type of backlash.
  7. Compare building a football team to building a car. The OL is the engine. Receivers are the spoiler.If your spoiler falls off, your car does not go hurtling into the ditch.That's my point. OL is much more important than WR.You're missing HIS point....receivers are way more important than a spoiler on a car. They're more like the tires...Brock Ralph was the seat belt. pretty sure he was more like the spin nut that holds down your spare tire.. never notice it but when ya do it annoys the Hell outta you... and if you lose it, you don't really lose much if any functionality..
  8. Compare building a football team to building a car. The OL is the engine. Receivers are the spoiler. So having big receivers make you look like a ******? and more horse power!
  9. CFL teams are built from lines out.. Especially for continuality and sustainability., this is why Walters will draft a lineman.. D or O but probably Oline..
  10. I love sports. All of em.. Cept gold eyes, can't stand watching them (yet love the jays, go figure).. Bombers are first and foremost and pretty much the basis for my sports addiction. Jets come in at 2 followed by rest of CFL and then NHL (sens Lightning canadian teams) Follow the raps and the blue jays pretty close too but not quite as closely as there is just so many games lol. One thing tho, the NFL. still haven't got fully into it yet and don't know why... Too slow me thinks. Yet I'll watch team canada soccer. I'm a sports schtizophrenic I think..
  11. Vega wasn't living up to his contract and who knows, maybe will be offered a spot at reduced rate or a to invite? Morley might be in khan mode where it's stick around in case but otherwise feel free to look for another home..
  12. Doubt we cut him.. Im sure he will see the folly of his nfl dreams.. seeing as he has almost zero footage for a highlight film..
  13. My CFL needs the argos... if this keeps em in our league then we gotta do it..
  14. This plus the depth developing behind the big guns will go a long way in keeping our key cogs healthy for the playoff push..
  15. It really showcases how hard these guys want to play for each other and for Maurice. I hope we can keep a lot of these guys together and Maurice behind the bench because he has instilled such a comradarie amongst these guys.. Do you think Kane is playing through a broken bone? Hell no. I can't even imagine playing with rib cage issues.. Even if they have sort of healed. Every hit, every stretch for the puck would feel like fire across the injury.. Also, Perrault, what a beast! A high ankle sprain is no joke and then the hand as well? Man what a find. Guy is a juggernaut. Trouba fighting thru broken bone in his hand is commendable too seeing as how young he is and hasn't had a chance to develop that inner strength. I'm blown away with how much fight this team had with all these debilitating hurts. And Ladd, wow. Playing thru a hernia of any kind is really impressive. They are no joke and take forever to heal. Even coughing can double you over in pain.. Unreal. At least we can be safe in knowing nobody was dogging it or just not playing to their level. They were trying and made one hell of an effort.
  16. You think we have one of those to deal?? Maaaaybe if we add buck pierce to the deal.. Again.
  17. No microbrew! And no antiquing! Wouldn't putting you, 17 and Noeller in the same room by definition be antiquing? Post of the off-season right here. I may have giggled out loud. I may have also been given a funny look or 3 for said giggle..
  18. No microbrew! And no antiquing! Wouldn't putting you, 17 and Noeller in the same room by definition be antiquing? Very well played...I laughed right out loud. And death to "No microbrew".....we have these awesome stone coasters on the coffee table that say "Craft Beer Only". Isn't there some cool brew pub in Winnipeg that's got a ton of microbrews on tap? I'm all in... Your best bet might be at Luxalune on Osborne. It's a few blocks South of one of the Rapid Transit stations that you can ride direct to the stadium, so it's convenient AND serves over 100 craft beers. These guys are affiliated with Farmery beer in some way. But you'd do yourself a disservice if you didn't stop at the Toad in the Hole in Osborne while you're nearby. Try the pretzel burger! Barley bros has a ton of suds on tap and I hear the food is quite good as well..
  19. Yes but BC has to be willing to do this deal.. Why would they? They don't want to strengthen a division rival..
  20. I'm shocked. Shocked. 20 minutes prior to game time, Stone kicked open his hyperbaric chamber, pulled the IV tubes out of his arm, and stormed out of the ICU. The doctors ran after him pleading "Sir, sir, you shouldn't even be alive!!!" Science must unlock the key to his miracle healing power. Cortisone's a helluva drug.. Chapelle show? You knows it..
  21. Can I come fan you and feed you berries while you watch or did Dave already call dibs? I think 17 will be ok with that, but better not even think of calling dibs on the neck and shoulder massages. Wait.. Yer coming too? Well.. NOW its a party!!
  22. Can I come fan you and feed you berries while you watch or did Dave already call dibs? Why you gotta ask questions you clearly know the answer to?
  23. I'll pay extra to ensure it is someone other than gbillThat's fine. But if I recall, my Bomber TC and practice reports were really appreciated on here last year. I guess those aren't wanted again this season.Yer gonna take your reports and go home, cartman?No not at all, but if they aren't wanted, what's the point in wasting my time writing them? I was under the impression they were appreciated, but based on the comments in here, I guess not. They are appreciated I'm sure.. But the butthurt factor on yer last two posts are unusually high lol
  24. Yea good call... Especially as we have finally switched to a dual role kicker. Didn't think of that..
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