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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Britney mchenry loses it on tow truck companies cashier...
  2. 3rd rounder id do.. even if its for one season.. this way if he does bolt, we have an upperhand when he comes back..Pretty sure he meant our 3rd pick (15 overall). Don't believe we have a 3rd rounder this year. then id definitely not do it.. too deep a draft to waste a second rounder on a player who may never be back after one season.. much rather draft a lineman who may take a year or two to develop but could become a staple on our lines versus a guy who goes down south for any extended period of time..
  3. man oh man.. take the thug out the ghetto but can't get the ghetto out of the thug. what an epic waste of ability..
  4. 3rd rounder id do.. even if its for one season.. this way if he does bolt, we have an upperhand when he comes back..
  5. But it shouldn't if your a shrewd GM and not a fanboy. A guy like Chevy should be able to weigh the intangibles versus fancy stats and see what players are worth.. To me, Frolik might not light the lamp as often as we would like but he plays one hell of a two way game, very sound defensively and can play on any line IMO. He isn't an everyday 1st liner.. Second liner sure if he steps up and isn't a liability on 3rd or 4ths... His PP and PK are also very good.. I fully expect we see him come out of his shell a bit in playoffs as well as he seems to always be a playoff performer..
  6. Exactly.. Anyone thinking otherwise isn't looking at the whole picture here.
  7. oh of course he's a long shot but you can't teach size or athletism and i highly doubt that some football skills didnt rub off while growing up.. if he played a 4 or 5 spot in basketball then he's used to contact to a degree and knows how to use strength, leverage and footwork to create separation.. not to mention he should have good twitch muscles if he trained with bobcats strength and conditioning coaches.. i dunno.. i see long shot but not nearly as much of one as others here do..
  8. seeing as he is built like a tank with good size... is Canadian and didnt cost us a thing... id expect him on the PR almost positively unless he shows zero football skills..
  9. Ive said from the start that if the cop feels himself or others are imminent danger then yes he can use his gun. But this is not the case here. The guy was running away and did not have the cops tazer. The witness said they were in a tussle and the cop was in control untill the guy got away and ran... we dont know if he went for the cops tazer. The cop had no idea the guy had warrants. Its not like this guy was some young gangbanger dude. The cop had no reason to assume that anybody life was in danger when he ran from the car or ran from the cop after the tussle. The danger to the cop was over when the guy ran away because he had no weapon. Hence the cop being fired and charged with murder and held without bail. I have to say.. Your pretty liberal with the assumption that this guy was some kind of angel and the cop was straight outta "sin city" just because of a snap judgement by police chief doesnt mean he's already set to be drawn and quartered..
  10. So breaking a law... any law is cause for you to be shot dead. Thats just nuts. Steal a car and yup a cop can kill you. Have a warrant for unpaid child support and yup cops can shoot you dead. Steal some **** from a store and cops show up and person runs... shoot them dead. Awesome. His point has merit. I made the point earlier in a different way and got heat for it. The cop may have done one thing tjay lead to this outcome. The victim had way more opportunities to choose a different path to avoid this outcome. Losing your life is not an acceptable outcome. But it's like death my misadventure. It's awful but it's stupidity leading to death. Don't have. warrants. Don't run from cops. Don't fight cop Don't try to take cops stun gun Don't run from cop. He literally had numerous opportunities to change his path. Not saying the outcome isn't awful but by law this is not Murder. Not even close. I agree with this. don't break the law and your odds of not getting into an altercation with a police man go up surprisingly high.. no altercations with cops and guess what.. You don't get shot at. Obviously this is part tongue in cheek as police need to hold themselves to a certain level of safety and protect everyone should be rule #1 but at the end of the day this guy scuffled with police... Was tazered and ran from an arresting officer.. He was most likely given verbal warnings all the way thru this unfortunate situation and still chose to flee.. he knew what could happen..
  11. Here's my two cents.. I've always been an advocate for police. they deal with so many situations and so many dangerous and unpredictable people and problems that unless you or someone very close to you wears a shield then you have no idea what they deal with. now, this case is a different ball of wax because its so blatantly an abuse of power and violence. totally uncalled for and completely devoid of any real reason for such an attack on an unarmed man. i hope he is found guilty of murder. 1 or 2 and rots in Hell. this guy was the exception in my mind,not the norm and deserves everything he gets from here on out
  12. All i know is that Im a big fan of how many of these guys who aren't even guaranteed a tc spot. ...have time in the nfl under their belts.
  13. I'm not sure I understand. Can you provide a diagram? i prefer flow charts... provide one as well please as this is too deep to comprehend kthx
  14. That's not how accounting works. I know. Debt payments don't hit the income statement, they reduce the debt outstanding on the balance sheet. The only portion of a debt payment that hits the income statement is the interest portion of the payment, if there is any interest. Those here accusing the Bombers of "creative accounting" etc. don't know what they are talking about. They posted a $3.9 million profit. During a losing season. They put another $500K of cash into their emergency fund. All that means is that they had cash come in that covered their operating costs, paid the debt payment, and STILL had $500K left to throw into their emergency fund. All of this is GREAT NEWS and yet, why I am surprised there are people here that are pissing all over it. Just unbelievable. You must be new here. Welcome. Yea the offseason really brings out the venom in some posters.. See, Winnipeg jets section.
  15. From Wikipedia:-Scott only recorded five carries for 15 yards in 11 games played. -At the NFL Combine, Scott ran the 40 in 4.34 seconds, the fastest time recorded by any of the participating running backs. -In one preseason game he had one carry for a 97-yard touchdown, and in another preseason game ran a fake punt in 65 yards for a touchdown. Sounds like he has some speed to burn and a knack for outrunning every other person on the field. Two things I like in my offensive weapons most definitely lol
  16. Yep if it's an uncontested offensive game it's not exciting. One of the things that makes football great is one side winning those individual physical battles. A receiver making a great catch with e DB all over his back. Now we'll see some minor contact drawing a flag and teams will move 20 yards up field for doing nothing. It's a tough physical game, why are we pussifying it like this? This is the rule: It will allow a defensive player to contact a receiver that is in front of him within five yards of the line of scrimmage, but it will not allow either player to create or initiate contact that impedes or redirects an opponent beyond five yards. ​There is nothing there that will prevent D players from making plays on the ball or getting position on O players. Not all plays in the past have had D players restricting the movements of O players. That was still illegal contact. Battles for the ball will still be viewed as who has a chance to get the ball. It does not automatically mean interference calls on either side. ​Let's slow down a bit before the panic sets in. It will not be the flag fest nor the offensive wild spree that is being portrayed. The players know how to play football…they will adapt. Exactly. It might get ugly this season but if cover guys can't adjust then schemes will fill in the void.. What's hilarious is the amount of people who were crying about PI calls and them being missed or miscalled will now be even more cut and dried.. This should be a good thing.. DBs will have to stop cheating and hand fighting or else it will be game over for them..
  17. The guy has lived in the country, played in OUR league and worked here in more ways then one for over a decade. I think that he is deserving of preferential treatment but barring getting an exemption, his work history, his charity and his work with kids at the grassroots level across canada ought to be enough to be given a canadian citizenship test.. No?
  18. White has always been and always will be a Winnipeg thing.. Calgary thiefed it with their red tide bs lol
  19. So.. That pav guy. What a bum, worstest starter in the league...nay, the world! (Who cares if he's an Olympian as well.) The guy is streaky, the guy is unorthodox... But he is good. He has the ability to be great when he's on and focused.. Can we at least dial back some of the rhetoric on his game for the time being..
  20. Great call.. I've been a huge fan of Maurice since his Carolina days when he had a decent team playing well beyond their abilities and made some big noise in 09 before losing out to the pens..
  21. I am really digging what team has done on the back end of our team with our youth movement goaltender wise as wellwell as defensemen-wise.. Our youth movement is going to be scary good within two three seasons
  22. Next to moo point... The above is my joeyism fav!
  23. Congrats to the pierce family!!
  24. Was posted somewhere that immigration canada is working on a solution for hank.. So I'd consider this to be a moo point.. He will get his canadian citizenship.
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