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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. It's funny that people really are trying to lowball the kid.. He's put up good numbers to start.. He sucked.. To be expected in his first pro starting season.. But seeing as this is his second year as a starter and he didn't embarrass himself.. Why wouldn't he be paid on par with other starting QBs ? Nothing is guarenteed.. If he gets 400k and flops next season.. Cut and resign or let him walk.
  2. The Whizzinator, Onterrio Smith? Different regime, different decade... I don't believe you can draw a correlation between the two.. But technically speaking wouldn't pack an jones almost signing be more apt example? I don't see the bringing in of a legends kid as a publicity stunt at all..
  3. Why the slater hate? Wasn't he at like over 80% on face offs?
  4. Uh, who the f cares if they are "big name" players or not.. Grinders and muckers are the ones who are most often fighting and hitting or getting hit, right? Not that I agree with the lawsuit as you know what your getting into when you step on the ice.. It's not competitive jazz dance but insinuating that because they ain't all "big names" that they would be any less worthy of being in the settlement is a little assinine..
  5. Well, we have to take a flyer on one of the greatest bombers Evers offspring.. No? Can't complain about this move..
  6. To suggest buff isn't defensively sound when he wants to be is preposterous.. He was being heralded as a Norris trophy winner at one point.. You don't get mentioned in that class of players unless you have showcased as one of the better or best at defense. He also is a leader by example and he is a bone crushing hitter. I'd classify a utility player with buffs skillset as unique and exceptional. Those, to me, put him into elite category..
  7. Deadmonton must be pretty choked.. He was the man in many eyes over there it seemed..
  8. So yer new here then? Brandon cries every time someone calls him out on his source-less rumours.. But to whine about stories based in reality being given precedence over unsubstantiated crap is beyond the norm..
  9. Guess my funny bone is broken cuz... I ain't really seeing the comedic genius here, no offense..
  10. Sure. Nobody else felt up to the task so here goes. We are into season 3 now but Coles notes on the show are as follows.. Ragnar lothbrok was a warrior/farmer who was content raiding and pillaging and raising his family until a vision and a trip to the "seer" show him his earl is a shady snake out for his own gain. Ragnar, full of vigor from his information from the visions and fortune teller demands to lead the next raider parties against conventional wisdom to uncharted territory.. Convinces the earlearl to let him go (earl assumes he will die) and go he does. Ragnar comes back wealthy beyond anyones dreams AND found new land (England) full of cast farming areas and small, weak enemies.. Ragnar powerbase grows and the earl is scared as he is losing his grasp on the village.. Attempts to crush Ragnar fail and "seer" tells the earl he is essentially screwed.. Early ends up dying in battle against ragnar.. The king of whatever land they are in is angry this uppity warrior killed his appointed earl but cannot act without a revolt on his hands so attempts to undermine Ragnar from within his camp. Fails miserably AND king is betrayed by his "rogue" guys at the village and gets blood eagle'd at end of season 3.. Ragnar is now king and has signed an accord with king of England to stop raiding his lands and killing his soldiers in exchange for land titles and being an alley... It's very true to form in regards to Viking culture and how they praised gods and conducted business.. Lots of great characters and actors.. I don't like thrones and I freaking love this show but I am also enthralled by nordic culture.. /end novel
  11. You know what,I'll take a stand and say residential schools were a not terrible idea that was just handled really poorly. Should a just assimilated everyone from the start then there'd be a lot less problems with reservesClearly, you're not too familiar with the stated aim of the Residential Schools either. Their primary purpose was to eradicate First Nations culture, to get rid of "indians" once and for all. Explain to me how that can ever be "not a terrible idea"?Because assimilation is not a bad thing. Could have had just a whole bunch of Canadians rather than the government protected racism that currently exists. Signing treaties hundreds of years ago was an easy solution at the time but they have long lasting negative effects that manifest themselves in this day and age Seems to me the best thing would be for people to stop being pieces of **** and treating people differently based on cultural background. Assimilation is just the people at the top saying "you should all be like me". It's like Nazi-ism lite. no assimilation isn't a one way street, it goes two ways. Stop separating people into different groups and we can just all be Canadian and treat everyone equally. Treaties however just make sure racism and different groups being treated differently continues to exist. You are trying to grossly oversimplify the situation. You can't say "just stop separating people into groups" when people naturally self-identify already. Furthermore, the treaties were a legal document. This wasn't a bill of sale for a used BBQ written on a napkin -- it was legal title to land we now live on, land that is now Canada. The government has a moral obligation as society built upon laws to uphold the treaties; or at least the spirit behind them. I agree with you but you realize the treaty breakers are not the government for the most part but the bands or tribes that keep looking to re-write them to include more territory, mineral rights and of course that ever-popular word.. Compensation.
  12. or at least, if you're posting some kind of nasty rumour,get rid of the moniker and use your real name. Let's see somebody post one of these rumours using his or her real name. I am using my name lol!Its funny that we can trash the Rider players and accuse them of stealing, beating gfs and whatever else they do but when it comes to one of the Jets we can't do the same. The Korey Sheets and Taj Smith things were both reported in newspapers not internet gossip sites. Exactly.. I mean I get yer butthurt that people don't like your rumourmongering but at least defend yourself with proper rebuttles..
  13. Import or non-import status would be what?
  14. He moved here when he was two... That's pretty freakin close to canadian if your ask me..
  15. The forum, IMO, is a public domain and as such any rumour should not be circulated when it's "damaging" like drug abuse, spousal abuse, assault, etc etc.. If you cannot definitively backup your story... Why even bother spreading it.. Frankly, I find it borderline slanderous..
  16. Out of all the guys we have seen come and go, I was sad Swiston was unable to land as depth at the very least..
  17. Shows just how watered down the Canadian OL talent pool is getting around the league. Well exactly.. If they couldn't stick here... The worst oline in almost the past decade.. It's sad to imagine they get looks (even tfc type ones) elsewhere.. Guess a body is a body for a Dlineman to tee off on..
  18. Swiston and now pencer both albertans now.. Former bomber oline hopefuls getting a crack at roster spots in Calgary and deadmonton...
  19. Nice. More size.. Like where we are trending size-wise for receivers..
  20. I believe that is the implication as well... Receivers that are capable of being starters or game changers...
  21. You know what,I'll take a stand and say residential schools were a not terrible idea that was just handled really poorly. Should a just assimilated everyone from the start then there'd be a lot less problems with reserves I agree.. Good idea in theory.. Execution was horrible. My only problem is that you hear of the atrocities of these bad schools.. Does anyone know the ratio of "good" schools to "bad" schools? I've heard conflicting reports that there was many, many schools that functioned as design and were not essentially the jail/asylums that we keep hearing about.. I've also heard that what we know is the tip of the ice berg..
  22. How many of those injuries to key pieces tho? We ain't a deep team so when guys from our top 2 lines and d pairings go down, we suffer big time..
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