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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I think a lot of people are. You calling me a people?! Thems fightin' words!
  2. It is not a grudge about that at all. He is just a bad GM who does stupid things.Has ridden Popp's name to two GM spots now, somehow. I don't think you would find one person who would take Burris over Willy. He did us a favour. Sooooo Al Bundy a redblacks fan? Only reason why I can see anyone defending dejarcrazy. The guy tries (and fails) to fix all of his problems by throwing gobs of money around... This has been proven at every place he has been a GM.. this and failure.. A) keep guessing so you actually wish Henry was a Bomber? I thought Desjardins did the Bombers a huge favor by taking him. Oh god no.. He's a washed up bra wearing ******. I just seriously dislike a GM who's only go to move is to throw money at everything in hopes that buying a player will fix the woes. Drafting, scouting and supplementing roster with FAs when need be is my ideal GM. Dejardin (who might as well b called déjà vu at this point) is the opposite of that..
  3. Church of the spaghetti monster! Woo.. Collanders for everyone!!
  4. Hulk-buster suit! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (Don't know why but I'm stoked to see ironman vs hulk big time!)
  5. Construction company fubar'd this situation.. Should have had quality control checks much more often then they did so not sure who's fault that is but I'd be of the thinking that it's not a tax payer gonna pay situation.. More so that the company or companies that dropped the ball will be on the hook... Be it the actual construction guys or the designers who signed off on flawed plans..
  6. Pavs goal... Inexcusable... But trouba was partially screening and looked to either hide puck with elbow or deflect it.. Still, you GOTTA stop that..at that point of the game, at this point of the season.. BLECH.
  7. .......! Oh suuuure, when it's about rose country it's all talky talk and happy.. Go international and now it's gen pop time.. Racist!
  8. Wasn't that Kenton Thief? That's going back a little ways. Could NOT remember who it was, but yes that sounds about right.... Yup. That sounds about right.
  9. Also... This game is TOMORROW. So thanks for making me waste a minute of my life trying to find it on tv!
  10. Sheets.. He was the one that beat his girlfriend over a cell phone bill or dropped phone into sink or some such if memory is correct.. Another reason to say pass.. Or in his case, puff puff pass..
  11. I spent a year in Estevan called July and August in 1990. That town makes Honey Boo-Boo look like Stephen Hawking. I got a buddy who just moved there... Tattoo artist, of all careers.. I have to assume hes pretty much braindead by this point..
  12. So you COULD care less? ........... I could.. Technically. I won't nor want to.. But I saw whatcha done there lol
  13. Coupled with character issues comment coming from coaches now.... Another reason to not get into mix..
  14. The NHL has a history in the last 5 seasons where a goalie shows up from relative obscurity to wow and impress.. Always seem to last a season, help a team make a run, get figured out and either fade back to obscurity or bounce around for a few years. Dunno if they just have "it" for an extended period of time (deal with the devil? Lol) or a gimmick that people can't figure out right away.. But it's a weird phenomenon..
  15. Big time agree.. Buff has become the face of our franchise.. Personally believed he is and always was more of a face then Kane was. He is a dominating, talented big man who is a leader from all reports. You have to pay and often out the nose for a player of his calibre. He is a rare breed.. Defensively sound (for the most part) talented offensively, fast and hits like a Mack truck.. If he is healthy, happy and productive... I don't see how you don't do everything in your power to keep him a jet..
  16. It IS entertaining to see how this post is actually motivating people to make fake accounts and attempt to "fight the good fight" in regards to this blog entry.. Smh. I'm as rabid as they come as a bomber fan but if this as a bomber bash blog, I'd literally give less then a nanograms worth of care for it..
  17. Sooooooo.. How about that stadium? . No offence to albertans who operate here but frankly, I could care less about their government plight... (And yes i realize how their plight will be our plight and blaaaah blaaaaah blah)
  18. I find it funny how a "name" made in seasons (sometimes many seasons) past can still trigger the we gotta sign him crowd. While I agree, the gamble is low.. He won't come cheap and he is damaged goods. I don't see us as needing to gamble like that as our running game isn't a focal point of the offence. If we were realllllly wanting to go run heavy then I'd bring him in and cut him if it didn't work out but realistically, we need a decent RB who can block and catch.. We don't need an all-star who will command big bucks and lotsa touches..
  19. Welcome back randle! Did he stick when we went down south last year? Curious as I thought he was too small.. Legit threat to push cotton?
  20. Oh ya, Ottawa's Pav First game back from missing 17, was lights out for 2 periods... Not sure why the wheels fell off tho..
  21. Good to see we are still kicking the tires.. Hopefully he will figure it out sooner then later.. Id still think he would be a huge signing...
  22. Drew Stafford... The guy is a warrior and can put the puck in the net.. He's been a thorn in many teams and I would be disappointed if we didn't at least try to sign him..
  23. I agree... Bettman is a slime but he's not a scam artist slime..
  24. Jets got beat by a crazy hot goalie and a lot of iron.. They beat them in pretty much every aspect and took it to them hard in 1st and 3rd... Just not the jets night..
  25. Very funny actually.. They have two editions.. Guess first one was such a hit.
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