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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. But can you fill Stoudemire's jockey shorts? Alright, there have been several "Stoudemire references" on the forum. What did I miss? And I hope I won't regret asking...Click on my avi and take a close look. The picture is small but what you'll see isn't. Or you can see the picture on his twitter account: https://twitter.com/_Stoudermire11 Great bloi-dei Dorzon's ghost! Fun fact - he's a professional gourmet chef now. Huh. Cool. Glad he landed on his feet. Always glad to see ex-ballers rebound outside of the game..
  2. From what I understand Ottawa said they were never in it. Same with the Bombers. Ok, we need more info here.. Is his asking price too steep? We are in dire need of an MLB and look to be the only ones.. What am I missing here..
  3. It would be premature for Bombers to extend him now.He has shown he can be tough but not a whole lot else. His 2014 QB passer rating was ahead of Burris but behind Crompton. TD to INT ratio not that great. It`s obvious he works hard and is a student of the game. The woes of the O in 2014 were not all on him. But in a way, because he`s the QB, they are all on him. Hopefully he stays healthy and lights it up in 2015. Then there will be something to talk about. Man people here make me laugh.. First season as a starter with zero run game and a porous o-line and playing dinged all year long.. And it's wait and see? He has performed very well IMO all things considered.. Well enough to work on an extension at the very least..
  4. Good call, does seem tamanesque, especially if they are worried about Sunsari and uh.. Whomever else they have drinking out the joint again... Also, Durrants durability is becoming a question mark..
  5. Well.. Call me confused.. Did we say we ain't interested to bring down price then? If dejarcrazy is out then shouldn't we be all in?
  6. I guess he has finally come to grips with being a backup cuz id guess that if he felt like he could start, MTL offers a better chance..
  7. Cool synopsis.. As someone who has no clue about goodrich, this gives me hope that he can be our (finally!) Homegrown diamond in the rough.. Excited to cheer for 2 home grown products now in Goodrich and Carter..
  8. How about "The Brohm Bomber"? Just like the Brown Bomber and fits our history... The brohma bull...broheim
  9. Mercifully with broham back in the fold, the talk of KG can ride off to Detroit, like he should be doing..He WAS a very solid, if unspectacular, QB.. Now.. He's far from solid and is beginning to dip into liability.. He's been a coach killer tho for the last 4 seasons.. I missed where his coaches for the last 4 years have been fired... That Hufnagel sure was killed by Kevin Glenn..... So all this "Glenn is done" talk comes about because of the playoff game last year? That's the only thing? Holy over reactions Batman. Figurative..not literal. Like I really needed to explain that to you.. If anyone woulda taken a chance with him as starter last season.. Id bet the coach would have been on thin ice by now, if not canned..
  10. Sucks about Perrault.. Guy has been a absolute beast for us this year..
  11. Ya im sure that wont piss them off more. Stick around and occupy their land? Thats what pissed them off in the first place. Did the USA not back Saddam at one time? Did they also not back the rebels in Afgan against the Russians? How did all that turn out? The problem is and my point is..... They dont understand these people and you cant win against what you cant understand. You dont know who to help or give weapons to because they will just turn on you like it has many times over. The fact you truly believe American regime building lacks any insight into the people or the country astounds me.. They didn't show up, hand out weapons, say "that's our guy... Screw the rest of you.." And then lay waste to everyone not American enough for them.. The problem was essentially "fixed" but Iraqi government and military leaders gave up at almost first sign of having to go alone..I'm pretty sure if Americans stayed and held the peace and kept the terror attacks and kills low, ISIS would have been crushed.. American pressure on themselves to come home left a power vacuum that these scum have walked right into and set up shop.. It's like America lanced the tumour out but didn't get to clean and sterilize the wound... Now infection has set in and gangrene is not far away.. Well heres an idea. Go read and understand what your talking about. They all need to figure it out on there own without anyone telling them. America staying and putting up army bases is what pissed them off to start with. At one time the USA backed and sent weapons to a rebel group in Afgan to fight back against the Russians.That rebel group was AQ run by Osama bin laden. man I hate arguing with someone who reads just enough of story to be dangerous and attempts to tell the rest of us how it is.. You've clearly done next to no homework (yes, 1-2 YouTube videos does not constitute knowledge) my dog knows CIA helped establish Bin laden and Al-Qaeda and how they were instrumental in driving out the Russians.. I'm pretty sure your completely ignorant to the facts that the silent majority in Iraq were suffering under religious and racial persecution, corruption and daily murder squads roaming thru areas.. But none of that is worth going into a country to help, right? human rights abuses and a government hellbent on killing off a race or two of people is cool to you as well I suppose... Don't get me wrong.. Obviously a staging base and access to oil were very important as well but it's not the end all-be all to why America went into Iraq in the first place..
  12. at it's best it was pretty ******* epic, but that was a long time ago and a lot of those posters don't do the message board thing anymore. Oh the glory days.. I miss those.. We had some real good times on that board for a year or two.. Before tep was built it was unreal. This board is coming close to greatness like that..
  13. Hip bones and the front of a groin.... The horrors... The horrors...
  14. It is pretty insane such a clueless view of a player is being put forth here.. A shame really... The kids gonna have a great career..
  15. you can't develop a QB without giving him playing time. If it wasn't for Brohm getting injured last year, Marve probably wouldn't have seen the field at all.That's absolutely false. Especially in the CFL. Care to explain that golden nugget of knowledge, Mike? Drew Tate is a perfect example, although you can easily blame Saskatchewan for letting him go. They sat him on the practice roster for two years before he ever took a snap and he was much more effective with his initial repetitions because of it. Darian Durant is another one. In his first two seasons in the CFL, how many snaps did he take? Two. Same with Mike Reilly - two snaps in his first two seasons. I bet if you were to ask them how much more comfortable they felt because of their time developing without game reps, they'd tell you it sucked to not play but it was well worth it. An American QB is coming to a league where there's a wider field and an extra man, among other things. It's invaluable for a QB to be able to get a chance to soak it all in. Let them work out their kinks in practice reps. Ideally, I wouldn't have my developmental QB take much more than a handful of reps for his first two years. It doesn't always work out that way because of injuries, etc but that'd be the goal. Too many QBs ruined because they get rushed. I concur.. You can develop a QB (and I believe it's the right way) with no or next to no snaps in the CFL. The Joy of the PR and third string.. Allows them to learn, pick up the nuances and step in when called upon with confidence.. You keep throwing em in to the wolves and more often then not you end up with a Bryan Randall, Tee Martin or Justin Goltz... Not a Durrant, Glenn or Reilly..
  16. But can you fill Stoudemire's jockey shorts? Alright, there have been several "Stoudemire references" on the forum. What did I miss? And I hope I won't regret asking... Click on my avi and take a close look. The picture is small but what you'll see isn't. Or you can see the picture on his twitter account: https://twitter.com/_Stoudermire11 Great bloi-dei Dorzon's ghost!
  17. Mercifully with broham back in the fold, the talk of KG can ride off to Detroit, like he should be doing.. He WAS a very solid, if unspectacular, QB.. Now.. He's far from solid and is beginning to dip into liability.. He's been a coach killer tho for the last 4 seasons..
  18. You've won the internets. Jolly good show!
  19. Ya im sure that wont piss them off more. Stick around and occupy their land? Thats what pissed them off in the first place. Did the USA not back Saddam at one time? Did they also not back the rebels in Afgan against the Russians? How did all that turn out? The problem is and my point is..... They dont understand these people and you cant win against what you cant understand. You dont know who to help or give weapons to because they will just turn on you like it has many times over. The fact you truly believe American regime building lacks any insight into the people or the country astounds me.. They didn't show up, hand out weapons, say "that's our guy... Screw the rest of you.." And then lay waste to everyone not American enough for them.. The problem was essentially "fixed" but Iraqi government and military leaders gave up at almost first sign of having to go alone.. I'm pretty sure if Americans stayed and held the peace and kept the terror attacks and kills low, ISIS would have been crushed.. American pressure on themselves to come home left a power vacuum that these scum have walked right into and set up shop.. It's like America lanced the tumour out but didn't get to clean and sterilize the wound... Now infection has set in and gangrene is not far away..
  20. Yea almost as stupid as arguing a point with no reasons to backup your stance or not having complete understanding of what's going on..
  21. I'm actually surprised you would go with Marve at #2..
  22. This. 9 year ago he was a decent QB. He has been downhill ever since and turtles at either the first hit or if he sees his breath. I get that it's Wpg hosting the GC and want the best chance to win, I just don't see this re-tread who has been cut by most teams in the league, being the answer and am simply stunned that others still do. Glenn is done. Let's move on. Testify my brother! Power to the anti-glenn denizens!!
  23. Exactly. A guy who will more often then not win the meaningless games but any adversity and tanks. Any pressure and it's fumble or INT time. I honestly cannot recall another QB who's given away games in forth quarters by making a horrible play or decision or not going full out to make that marker.. Sure, he's hung around forever but he lacks the intangibles that makes him worth delaying development of our own backups..
  24. A) insinuating cotton was high or drunk on the field is asinine.. Guy could have bad anxiety for all you know or had the flu.. Not sober tho, douchy comment.. Hamilton's oline and mobile QB made grigsby look better there then here.. If he was so good, why is he unsigned? Smh.
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