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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. As for giguere.. I'd gladly have him on our roster but only if it's at the right price..
  2. Are we to assume Knox will be in one of those roles? We probably could. I doubt he's here to be quality control or any oddball assistant roles.. I'd expect LB
  3. I definitely think they arent really religious. That is borne out with what former hostages and members say...they dont practice their religion. It's made up BS to justify their actions. Reports are they have been crucifying babies...I mean, WTF? One thing that bugs me, I was listening to an "ISIS Expert" on the radio and he was saying how they are extremely well financed due to their oil sales and the radio host said well why doesnt the world just stop buying their oil? And the expert said once the oil gets into "the world market" its difficult to know where it came from. That sounds ludicrous to me. That seems like an easy shaming opportunity...who in the hell is buying ISIS oil? China & North Korea. I imagine. Yup. I'd imagine both of those countries would have little issue with buying oil from ISIS.
  4. I sincerely believe that ISIS is nothing more then a front for massive illegal gun sales,drug sales, oil sales and human trafficking. I think they are borne out of a lawless place by European mercenaries or North American mercenaries with checkered pasts. I think they are attempting to hide behind religion to protect their identities and their actions. This caliphate will be a country/state where they can dodge jails and courts and live lives essentially like bandits...
  5. You have to know when an absolute warrior who backs down from almost nobody refuses to fight anymore because of rampant PEDs then it's an issue that's bigger then most people know.. Sure, he was also dealing with some mental stuff but one could surmise that was also due to him panicking about having to fight a guy armed with a gun in a knife fight, figuratively speaking.. And he's right. It's a pretty big advantage to be using roids or blood drugs or testosterone.. They either make you hit harder, react lesser to getting hit or allow you to recover or not burn out much more rapidly.. A guy who is all natural (and I believe GSP when he says he is) gets into the cage with a doper, it's really not a fair fight... At all.
  6. Whats the deal with that guy? Was doing good in AZ now doing great in MN? Thats what a great system and effort gets you. Minnesota is a very good team and thats making the goalie a lot better too. And have been for awhile now.. Manny Fernandez anyone? Lol
  7. Meh.. This was 3 years ago now and it was a kid playing out one of his childhood dreams.. Can't really fault him for showboating a bit.. Excessive? Yup. Shame a swede didn't clubber lang him when he went by and smartened him up a bit that way.. But really though, not terribly different from some of the end zone celebrations that we all love from much more grown ass men lol.
  8. Haters gon' hate Burmi can be a legit player if he loses his Euro lack of desire/drive.. Not sure why some guys just don't have the fire in the belly.. If he comes back AND if his head is on straight, I see no reason why he can't be an excellent option for us..
  9. Thanks shanks! Glad we can have open discussions as long as they follow the opinions of the mods on here! I wasn't aware that we can rip on Kane , the Riders, Joe Mack or anyone not on the blue or Jets but if we bring up topics that do have a hint of truth about our guys we have to put our heads in the sand. Or we can have mods who mock or rip on fellow posters because they disagree with none of those posts or threads deleted. This feels like ob.com 2.0 at times. I like the site but remember the downfall of ob was partially because of mods trying to shape all discussions to whatever they want to hear. I don't see the parallel at all to OB.There is far more leniency on here compared to several sites, but you have to remember, everybody has their edges when it comes to defining what goes and what stays. I happen to agree with their edges…you apparently don't. As far as shaping discussions to whatever the mods want to hear…I call BS to that. Here here!! *bangs hands on table*. Very lenient and respectful for posters opinions and feelings/thoughts... The above rant was simply due to butthurtedness from having their hand slapped..
  10. Seconded. Very very much agree. They haven't done much to improve and kind of just filled holes more then got better.. Losing FA so far..
  11. Personally I'm hoping for Curran. Me too me too.. I know hervey said he won't be back so here's hoping he wants to start here..
  12. I agree... Landing bryant for January's cost plus.. What, 20k? Is a steal as bryant is the alpha dog of tackles right now..
  13. Huh? Can you elaborate? Herb reported Getzlaff gets $225k per season. Apparently that's accurate, after much debate. Ah ok. Yea I remember that discussion now.. Personally,still feel that is one hell of a bust for that price..
  14. Wonder how that will go over This... Is awesome lol. Tho he will probably pass it off as pontificating as a stamp and he really truly loves saskabush
  15. We're this close to repairing the damage done from past years…and letting O-Linemen walk, to arriving at a full house of capable? personnel. So now, we have to look to the future and drafting with the future in mind. The O-Line is a different entity onto itself and thank goodness Walters recognizes that. I like Demski - but I love the #2 position…for this year. They had a plan for free agency and now, with these new pieces in place, and possibly more, they'll formulate an attack plan for the draft. I'm looking forward to seeing them enact that plan. I read this twice, and I still have no idea what exactly you're trying to say...it feels like you used a whole lotta words, and some weird Left-Justify formatting to say a lot of nothing. Ha ha...what exactly was your point? Lolol. He's agreeing with you.. Wants us to finally build an oline from within. I think. He wants to draft an olinemen firstly..
  16. That's my point ISO. You wouldn't have a SAM in the WIL or MAC spots... Keon doesn't play WIL does he?
  17. Serious or..? Cuz it's essentially a no brainer.. Giggy is better and I don't see JFGs ceiling even coming close to his..
  18. Well, when BC has solly and bigshnoz on the field at the same time, they in a 4-3 still and both guys who are MLBs playing WIL and MAC, no?
  19. I'm pretty shocked that he would turn heel like this.. I mean, I get it... Get that money but we have been insanely patient with his injury problems and whatnot. Guess he felt slighted at the last seasons benching/passing on the depth chart..
  20. Thanks for clearing that up Mike.... really appreciate it!His Twitter has the bomber logo featured prominently, and his last tweet says simply "bomb squad". Safe to say he is signed. Insert middle school.girl screech here.. Fantastic news.. Hope he wows at camp and becomes our regional chunk of national gold
  21. Fair enough. I'd say the days of wil Mac and Sam are almost gone anyway - lbs are interchangeableCurran is better with jones, peters is better with hall Errrr what? I second that.. I see argument at WIL and MAC. you want a smaller MAC type LB at WIL IMO but can be interchangeable but in almost no real world defenses would you ever swap a SAM and a MAC. When would you ever see Kelly Malveux or Johnny Sears patrolling the middle..
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