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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I have high hopes for Benton... I think Peters will be our WLB if we do sign him... Hypothetically speaking... Would newman get consideration as WIL? Not sure I'm comfortable with him as MAC but at WIL I thought he could be in the running..
  2. Bona fide Me First football player too. Pretty pathetic display during the GC & afterwards. #gottagrowup Get used to it. Its the 21st century athlete That's horse plop. He went above and beyond and cried, CRIED like a 16 yr old girl instead of getting back on the fld.. That is next level crybaby bullshizen..
  3. Wow. What a terrifying thing to witness by the guy with the camera but watch the planes wing.. It almost cuts another car on the bridge in two! Amazingly, they did find 19 survivors in the wreckage. Dashcam footage captures Taiwan plane crash: What is happening over there in the last year.. Yeesh.
  4. Nose dive.. Sure.. At least it's not a death spin or else we'd lose goose! Man.. maverick would never recover..
  5. Well, at least we all took nap time together.. It's like kindergarten!
  6. Unless something major happens over the next few months we'll be starting 2 NI's at receiver - I just don't think we'll end up with the horses to start 3 on D. Between Thomas, Newman, Bucknor and the others on the roster, running them thru as 2 starters in a situational rotation and having JFG as the 7th starter just seems like the better all-around 24 package we could put on the field. Not that a similar rotation with 3 starters on D can't be done in nearly the same way, I just don't think we have all the pieces to that puzzle yet. Just one hobo's opinion, of course. Man, yer such a hobo.But one with a good theory here. I concur.. Not scared by the idea as I feel Kohlert and JFG are both decent enough receivers..
  7. Yup, well said. It's a catch 22 cuz we would love to have them but cannot wish them Ill will or fault them for chasing their dreams..
  8. I am sure some have said the same about you. Juvenile is calling down an entire forum, uninformed is doing the same....oversensitive...well guilty as charged I guess. What a completely needless and classless potshot to take at a fellow BlueBomber forum. Shame on you. I'm entitled to my opinion and thats how I feel about the place. You a mod there or something cuz you just go awfuly butthurt for no apparent reason.. Why u mad bruh.(Edit) seems like im not the only one..
  9. Yup. Panic sets in again. Shocker lol.
  10. Man you pick some weird soapboxes to stand on..
  11. I was a staunch loyalist at the time of the schism but realllllly got jaded by how sluggish the site got and how ornery the mods were over there.. I tried to reason with Colin a couple times after the split and got tired of banging my head against the wall. Mercifully, most if not all of the exceptional posters there found their way here one way or another so alls well that ends well.. As for TEP. BLECH, I tried to post there for awhile but the banter between all the juveniles, the uninformed and the overly sensitive made me reconsider posting there..
  12. But we're one day closer to spring than we were yesterday plus we've had a pretty decent winter so far, particularly compared to last winter.True.. Some silver linings to the offseason clouds I suppose it has been an exceptional winter so for.. Only downer is, all the warm weather really makes -20 feel like -40 lol. I think to myself "it's so cold.." Then I think "but it's really not.. Man up!"
  13. He won't. That's the problem.And it's why he keeps coming back. What a low life. Thanks to Rich for banning him.AGAIN!! He won't. That's the problem.And it's why he keeps coming back. What a low life. Thanks to Rich for banning him.AGAIN!! That's the thing. Ignore him and he becomes even more inflammatory, hijacks more threads etc. Thanks Rich for looking into this. We appreciate the due diligence in protecting the integrity of the site. Unfortunately, this is true.. Ignoring his schtick only makes him try harder.. He becomes more trolling and antagonistic.. Makes it hard to just bite the tongue and report.. But glad rich was on it quickly and he was punted before he became even more of a nuisance..
  14. Besides Perrault (who I think has been an absolutely outstanding player and has caught everyone off guard lol) Frolik is my next unsung hero of this team.. He's been very good for us since we brought him in and don't see any reason to move him.. Also, if we didn't bring him back, it would be a loss IMO.
  15. If we traded a solid asset like bogosian for vermette, I'd hope that we would be able to sign him to an extension..
  16. Missed it by thaaaaaat much.. Wonder if lynch has organized a mob yet to drag the OC thru the streets...
  17. Looking forward to training camp regardless as we knew we needed a new MLB last year already lol. Battle should be a doozy for MAC, WIL and SAM spots.. Wonder if Hall prefers a hybrid SAM or traditional smaller WIL type.. March seems so dang far away still lol
  18. Have you ever looked up the word cheat in the dictionary? Just wondering. What are the Riders doing that is not public information? You keep references a decade ago: are the riders secretly paying double or triple the payroll that the bombers are? Do you have any facts to back up your argument or are you just howling at the moon. If you want to discuss it, I'm all ears, if you just want to bash the riders go ahead its your site. You keep missing the point. Iso has been around the CFL message boards for a long long time, so have I, so have many others, we all remember the screaming that Rider fans used to do about the Esks "cheating" by spending way more money than the Riders could afford and how unfair it was. Now the tables are turned and the Riders are the ones spending like drunken sailors without a care in the world about the cap and Rider fans rush to defend it at every chance. It's the fact that the fan base are being giant hypocrites that people here are pointing out nothing more nothing less. I totally agree with the first part of your post, its the second part I disagree with. 100k is 2% of a 5 million dollar SMS. Drunken sailor is a bit of a stretch isn't it?It is when the Riders are the only team to over spend on a consistent basis. Considering the penalty is a fine it really is spending their way to the top. If it was wrong for Edmonton to do it back in the day when they had more money than the Riders it is just as wrong for the Riders to do it now that they actually have money. If Rider fans would simply accept that they're being hypocrites no one would care, but the fact that a lot of you try and justify it opens yourselves up to criticism. If Riders were over by a significant amount I could see your point but they were over be a rounding error in 2013 which is basically nothing. What speed limit do you drive at on a 100km/hr highway? Riders drove at about 100.1 km/hr. Wait wait wait... So you are telling us the riders have a problem with math? No way.. Tho I think i do recall hearing something about that before... Hmmm. What could it have been..
  19. Oh lynch might get him... Crazy enough to do something dumb lol
  20. Bad Bogo showed up last night lol. Id do this trade but only cuz I'm a vermette fan.
  21. Great description, one of my favourite posters of all time.. Never backed down and loved the cfl and his lions thru and thru.. It was sad when the boards lost such a great guy but now the world has lost a great soul.. RIP Rich.
  22. Glad it all worked out for him.. Hope he has a blast, makes the team and rides off into the sunset on bags of cash if not,come on back mr.wild. We have a plethora of people waiting to buy jerseys with your name on it!!
  23. *crosses fingers* I would imagine if anyone would know newmans capabilities... It's hall.
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