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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Nope. So this is a contract renegotiation then? Hate it when players do this.. Unless it was Wally asking for pay cut.. Which would be realllly dumb..
  2. Heres hoping he sticks for him and his family.. But if not, hope we keep a spot open for him..
  3. Wil or mack prospect.. Either one works as we (should) have vacancies at both spots..
  4. Don't be ridiculous, the NHL loves these outdoor games because it lets them bring in a big whack of cash from more asses in seats and more marketing and all that fun stuff. That's why they've done so many of them to the point where no one really cares about them anymore. They'll do one in Winnipeg, Bettman and the Jets just have to wait until the time is right. The Grey Cup is too important to the host CFL team to put the profits from it at risk. Yea I wouldn't read too much into atomics slant on lawless's tweet. He really believes the bombers are out to get the jets on this for some reason.. It will happen.. Most likely next year even.. NHL would be real dumb to not try and get one into hockey-mad Winnipeg next season.. It's definitely not a situation of "this year or never!"
  5. Epic freakout by some "lady" (using the term loosely here) who missed her ferry..
  6. Let the NHL come thru IGF next season.. We are hosting the biggest single game in the CFL and we get it..what, once every decade? That should definitely take precedence over a gimmick hockey game that might become an annual event.. NHL should have just bowed out gracefully truth be told.. It's the bombers stadium, right around the biggest event held there to date.. Come on bettman, try not being a complete assclown for once in your life..
  7. We interrupt your childish ongoing pot shots at the Riders for this public service announcement: The Riders at least won the grey cup in 2013 unlike the Cats who have lost 2 in a row. Are you going for a three peat this year? Pot shots at the Riders are perfectly acceptable over here. And much appreciated truth be told lol
  8. Uh.. I beg to differ on "most other people". Rabid snap-judgment making Winnipeg Sun comment section denizens don't constitute "most people". I have a lot of people I know who follow the jets and for every Hutchinson fan, there is 4 or 5 Pavlevec supporters..
  9. How do you know? I'd bet we can.We could but at the expense of going after Heenan or Holmes? Walters won't blow that much money on import receivers.You don't know this. The way Walters has been talking, I suspect he has the funds and cap space for 2-3 big FA splashes. There's no way both Heenan and Dressler could ever play on the same team. It's unpossible. I see wut you did there.
  10. Lame.. Wouldn't load for me so I'm going to assume Kavis Reed? More consequences in store for the CFL?
  11. I'm thinking he is plenty comfy with Denmark and maybe even Moore at this stage.. But adding a piece that he doesn't need to develop a chemistry with would be an ideal situation... IF we were looking..
  12. From Jan 14: @garylawless: morning. heading to Dallas for #nhlJets game on Thursday. OK, 10 questions before my coffee is ready. Go. @Miyagithepug: @garylawless When do Bombers announce Hall signing? @garylawless: @Miyagithepug any day. done deal Excellent work young lad! The daily bugle might have a home for you yet
  13. How many shots did dallas end up with? They hit pavs with 46? Took over 90 in total Im sure..
  14. Yup. Turns out the speech is a nerve damaged in his face. My bad. He WAS still caught with 50 viles of HGH in Australia and admits to steroids but alas, my rumour de jour has been smited.
  15. Excellent! Some news tidbits worth excitement Benton looks legit.. Bryant could be a monster if he's able to adjust to the bigger field.. Find it odd a guy of that stature can't stick on a PR in the nfl tho.. Montgomery, unfortunately with his natural attributes, will probably not make it.. Shame cuz he too has good size. Wonder if maybe we bring him in as a DB?
  16. Revisit this poll after training camp and see if our opinions change... Especially if mulumba or bilukidi come on doooooown!
  17. 6 of one, half dozen of another IMO. Both are good, solid canadian receivers but neither will be game breakers anytime soon.. Role players with the ability to contribute offensively.. JFG is a better blocker and stronger with the ball where as Kohlert seems more shifty, elusive with very good tracking and adjusting ability.. I dunno. Like em both and if for some bizarre reason we had to go with one or the other.. I'd be torn but probably go with JFG as he is watsons backup and more multifaceted..
  18. ... what? You can't just throw out a bold accusation like that with zero evidence.Look at his head. It's a textbook HGH head.If you want to accuse him of using steroids, just say steroids. HGH symptoms are entirely different. And no, it's not a textbook "steroid head"I didn't say steroids. I said HGH. I'm fully aware of the difference between the two and symptoms/signs of each. Cornish has a textbook HGH head/face.Lol. Okay then. I'll just hope someone like BriceDream sees this and can give a far more educated response to this than I can. But no, there's no such thing as a "textbook HGH head/face" http://www.hgh.org/HGH-Effects-On-Face.html I'm still not even sure what you're implying. Are you implying his skin looks young and wrinkle free or are you implying he's abused HGH to the point that he's developed symptoms of acromegaly (which he hasn't)?His forehead and jaw show typical signs of HGH use. Okay. Again, I strongly disagree but again, I'll defer to someone who can do a way better job of explaining it than I can. Lebron James is another guy who was on HGH. But is off this season. Sadly.. I agree with you on Cornish BUT definitely not on labron James.. Cornish's head looks like someone who has used either steroids or HGH.. liken his dome and it's largeness to bonds.. Clearly not on the same doses lol but i betcha if ya time lapse him like they did with bonds, you see a difference in body and head.. (Note) I have no idea why the formatting went so haywire in this reply..
  19. Speech issue has nothing to do with HGH. I'm mostly convinced he used HGH during his ACL recovery. I suspect he's a regular user but not as certain there. Nah, he honestly doesn't fit the profile. Not that I would hold it against him if he did. Speech issue with HGH? Thats a new one. Well I saw on the 30 for 30 on Ben Johnson that affects your jaw/teeth so that doesn't seem impossible. My very flimsy theory on speech is actually based on a rumour that Sylvester Stallone's physique came from early HGH and that for some reason caused his speech to become so garbled later on.. Kinda believed it cuz I mean, he was huge and I didn't think he was much of a weight room rat..
  20. AP doesnt have a speech issue, dome head or an unnatural amount of muscle mass suddenly.. Curious why you feel hes HGH-ing gbill
  21. but really who else is in the hunt for a DC? pretty much just us..
  22. Aww gee. Thanks mike! Thanks to everyone for making this place as gnarly as it is.. Best forum I currently reside at. I rarely, if ever, peruse the other places anymore.. Rich and mod team keep up the exceptional work!
  23. It is pretty funny how worked up people are getting.. Its like their lives have stalled without knowing the official announcement.. The sleeplessness, the anxiety!
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