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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Your grammar choice impedes the strength of your argument... That and the fact his opinion of Picard is horrendously wrong lol.. Picard has been on a downswing big time for the last 2 seasons.. He's easily on par with Morley or worse..
  2. Our line needs all the help it can get. If he can still play & even just help us for one season then maybe in that time we can find an upgrade. I'm not against signing Picard. I know this, when Durant was injured, that entire Rider offense lost a significant percentage of its entire IQ. Coaches & players weren't as smart as before. Things that worked before stopped working. Durant was their team MVP. They were lost offensively without him. Sooooooo picard forgets to how to snap, block and play centre because durant got hurt?Makes sense...
  3. Maybe if this was 2012. Picard has been trending downward for a couple seasons and I'm positive Rider fans will not be sad to see him go. He was sheltered by the overall line strength of Saskatchewan, but if you isolate his performance, it's easy to see why they got rid of him. One of the most predictable moves of the offseason but I'm sure if we don't go after him, plenty of people will lean on his name brand as proof we should have. If we get him, great. It's always good to see if a change of scenery, scheme, etc can revitalize a valuable commodity. But I wouldn't get rid of Morley for him. Agree with all of this.. Sign him? Sure. At the expense of another lineman? Nah. He was good awhile ago but I think this would be reminiscent of bringing in moe elwoniebi back in the day.. Might get a seasons worth of solid play outta him but he isn't besting anyone on our oline currently slotted as centre... Be it gossen or Morley. Would be a solid depth pickup IF he can play a serviceable guard.. If he is solely a centre and useless everywhere else, I might hesitate still..
  4. Yea thats true.. Coupled with moores bunk season he is the elite..
  5. Green and cox are both out to lunch.. Also, Montreal is coming across as dysfunctional? That I did not see coming..
  6. New year. Same old crap. You shouldn't have start arguments you won't finish. It's so tiresome that you make crap up that I don't say then complain about it almost every time I post anything. I didn't say signing Hall was a bad move. I gave reasons that the Bombers would prefer him over Benevides, including the fact that we don't have to compete to get him. Me arrogant? Pot, meet kettle. And yet it still came across as condescending and insulting because Hall wasn't your choice but benevides was. You feel like the bombers made a bad move because this is a cheaper and less risky proposition for O'Shea and you cannot play dumb about it.. If you seriously are so oblivious to how you come across in your posts 95% of the time....
  7. The argos need a canadian hero involved.. John candy and wayne gretzky before... Maybe steve nash and jim carrey now? Lol
  8. Having such a cfl legends kid on your team would be pretty cool.. I've not heard much of him tho., he got a solid shot at making it? He coming back to cfl? He even cfl-worthy?
  9. J football is a god! You should all bow to his eliteness and pay tribute to even be allowed to speak on him! He will re-write the record books whilst partying like joe Namath!
  10. This is the first I've heard of a meeting between the Bombers and Claybrooks.There was a rumour from one of our media guys (can't remember who) that Claybrooks was in town shortly before Etch was fired.This is the tweet by Scott Mitchell of the Calgary Sun that said Claybrooks had been to Winnipeg:Scott Mitchell ‏@SUNMitchell Dec 17According to a source, DeVone Claybrooks was in Winnipeg recently for a "meeting." #CFL #Bombers ow ow ow ow.... Well, in their defense... No everyone reads all the boards posts like we so... plus, attention spans are at an all time low for this.generation.. What were we talking about? Plastic bag! Plastic bag! Oh look, a squirrel!!
  11. Hall is a very good coordinator IF he is given the talent.. Is now up to Walters to get him a legit MLB and firm up the Dline.. But I am pretty stoked at this if true... Much more traditional and less "out there" then etch was AND a plethora of experience and success..
  12. Prediction thread... As in "what ya feeling like right now.." Why is this too deep for some people..
  13. This is the first I've heard of a meeting between the Bombers and Claybrooks. There was a rumour from one of our media guys (can't remember who) that Claybrooks was in town shortly before Etch was fired. This is the tweet by Scott Mitchell of the Calgary Sun that said Claybrooks had been to Winnipeg: Scott Mitchell ‏@SUNMitchell Dec 17 According to a source, DeVone Claybrooks was in Winnipeg recently for a "meeting." #CFL #Bombers ow ow ow ow.... Well, in their defense... No everyone reads all the boards posts like we so... plus, attention spans are at an all time low for this.generation..
  14. Have you seen a doctor or hospital for that concussion of yours? Their fanbase is embarrassingly low on iq, football knowledge or even common decency.. Yet Riderfans is probably the best fan forum out there for CFL discussion. Cfl discussion? Sure.. Just don't discuss rider topics with any hint of dissenting voice or you will be weeding thru BS all day long lol
  15. Do I have to say what I think is gonna happen or.. We good?
  16. It's not about impatience. It's about the people running the team taking so much time to make any kind of a decision on just about anything. We look indecisive. Or they don't seem to know what they want. Or there's a power struggle. Other organizations can make the correct personnel & coaching decisions a lot faster than us. Everyone is on the same page. Why can't we? You don't think other teams debate and try to get favourites brought in? Why is it when we do due diligence and try to find the right guy we are "indecisive" or in the midst of a "power struggle"? If we jump the gun then we look foolish for not doing the proper research.. Smh.
  17. Have you seen a doctor or hospital for that concussion of yours? Their fanbase is embarrassingly low on iq, football knowledge or even common decency..
  18. Which posts do you consider to be trashing him? Oh noes.. You've questioned the morality police... Expect to be fined 200 credits..
  19. Great start to the tourny.. Domi has wowed me thus far.. Our,kids doing well too which is awesome.. Ill reserve judgement on point system when tourny is done..
  20. Its amazing how well they've been do... Wait, they are still stinking out arenas? Huh.
  21. Is not racist to suggest a black coach can connect to black players easier.. It's simply how it is.. More often then not anyway.. Realllllly good coaches can connect to all players of all races and ethnicities but it's the same as a European coach trying to coach North American players and vica versa.. It happens across the board in every sport.. Dominican coaches can connect best with South American players in baseball..
  22. He was strong *within his role* while he was here. Sadly, his role was "play easiest position in secondary, dont screw up.." And yea he did that and special teams very well..
  23. Stewart is simply not a very good DB. hes serviceable at best and didnt excel while here. shitty how media found out before he did (apparently as per peoples comments on his facebook) but him getting released doesnt surprise me in the least..
  24. Merry Christmas to everyone and best wishes to everyone but rider fans!
  25. Merry Christmas,happy Hanukkah, crazy Kwanzaa, Feliz navidad! Here's to an awesome 2015 season!
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