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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. It is entertaining to watch EVERY game thread turn into a pav vs hutch stat-fest tho, isn't it? I mean unless pavs wins... Then silence lol..
  2. It's Christmas Eve. Like anyone's going to be on here tomorrow. I will be... Just to spite you! Thats christmas-y isnt it?
  3. I cant believe this thread has gone this far without this... Ahem NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERDS!!!!!
  4. Indeed O'Shea's comments during the Etcheverry departure news conf suggest Drew Willy will be on a short leash.Huh? I assume you're joking.Me too.. I have a very hard time believing that we are even remotely considering moving on from Willy or short leashing the guy..And the fact that I watched the entire press conference and O'Shea didn't allude to Willy being on a short leash at all. What O'Shea said between 5 mins 30 and 6 mins 20 in that news conf is hardly a ringing endorsement of Bellefueille or Drew Willy. I just re-watched that part and I don't see how that could be interpteted as Willy being on a short leash. "I think the biggest issue is trying to find a defensive coordinator and how that affects the other staff members" "We started something with Drew Willy" "To be fair to Drew, if you keep changing coordinators on a quarterback, you can set him back" "We found a good young quarterback" "It's my preference to keep going" Seems pretty clear to me. Drew is obviously in the doghouse. I'd be surprised if they aren't walking him out the door as we speak. I knkw, right? Id be surprised if willy wasnt crying himself to sleep, witnessing his character being assasinated like that and dragged thru the mud..
  5. But here's the gist.. They cannot without a doubt pinpoint it was NK who hacked Sony. So you cannot attack a country on a maybe... Can you send a million hack attempts, ddos attacks on infrastructure and paralyze their internet? Sure.. Because nobody can definitively say it was American hackers..
  6. Unfortunately, often people misconstrue differing of opinions as "freaking out" lol.. Thought there was just good, open discussions in the last few threads..
  7. I concur.. If we can get some continuality on the oline, positive running by cotton and the same play from willy and his receivers early in the season.... Our offence shouldn't be our Achilles heel..
  8. This. KJ could read a defense really well, hence why we think he's got what it takes to be a good coach. I think he just needs a lot more experience under his belt. Head coach, probably, but offensive coach not. I love how some of you will give MB a million chances to prove that he has something no matter how many times he's shown he's very mediocre, but KJ get's a couple of shots and is deemed a crappy OC, yet his record is almost the same so far. You guys blow me away with the way you think. Did you not read that MOS is probably bringing back Marcel? How does that change your opinion of MOS instead of dumping on us? In other words, go complain to the HC & not us. I am talking about those here who are saying that MB should get another chance, but then turn around and say KJ shouldn't be an OC. If that isn't you, then I'm not speaking to you. And I mean KJ as an OC in general, not specifically in Winnipeg. If two guys with similar averages as OCs are looked at head to head... Often, wouldn't experience be a deciding factor? I like Khari, I expect to see him become a very good OC.. he is smart and has the benefit of working with some solid coaches.. Be that as it may, I'd give the benefit of the doubt to bellfuille much easier then to khari jones at this junction..
  9. Are we interested in giggie or his contract demands too high? Wonder what he makes versus Watson.. Sign giguere and trade Watson?
  10. Hamilton stands to lose: Brandon Banks, M Bowman, Delvin Breaux, Greg Ellingson, Samuel Giguere, Bakari Grant, Nic Grigsby, Justin Hickman, Dan Lefevour, Luke Tasker and Greg Wojt……Antonio Coleman DL, Mark Dile OL, Marc-Antoine Fortin DL, Stephen McGee QB, Timothy O'Neill OL, Taylor Reed LB, Hamilton has extended Lee Norwood. The Ti-Cats are virtually out of 2014 cap room, so their signings are R/rec Quincy McDuffie, DE Adrian Tracy RB Sam Ojuri Winnipeg stands to lose: Brian Brohm, Desia Dunn, Johnny Sears, Glenn January, Demond Washington, and Ian Wild……R Bryant, B Carter, Mike Cornell, Gord Hinse, Aaron Kelly, Dan Knapp, Devin Tyler, and Carl Volny. Winnipeg has extended Troy Stoudermire, Chris Greaves, Pat Neufeld, Maurice Leggett, and Derek Jones, and have re-signed Zack Anderson, Paris Cotton, Matt Buchnor and Josh Portis…so far. If you think Hamilton is that much further ahead than Winnipeg in talent, I would suggest they lost a little ground lately. I don't think he truly believes Hamilton is that ahead, he's just so trained to slam the bombers that every team is eons ahead of us regardless of the truth of the matter... Wow, who's the trained seal around here more than SPuDs?? I just think anyone saying that Hamilton isn't much further ahead than us is daft. There's being a fan & then there's being a total complete buy in, believe everything the team says, fan boy like you are, SPuDs. I believe that we're on the right track but are still a few years away from competing seriously for the Grey Cup. Just getting into the playoffs in 2015 will be an accomplishment. I'll take the playoffs. That's the next big step for this team. It's the offseason, there is no company line to tow here ISO. Sorry I don't question every move, consider everything through angry, bitter glasses and assume that our team season in and season out is ran by a bunch of idiots. I try to look at things positively.. I don't think we will be a grey cup contender next season either.. Shocker, right? I agree, a playoff berth would be awesome. Trained seal tho ISO, really? That's excessive. There is lots of things I've questioned and things I've felt negatively about.. I just choose to look on the brighter side of things unlike yourself who seems to love to pontificate about all the negative stuff you seem to find going on... I'd hasten to point out how hard you whinied about the bombers not keeping you..er, sorry, the fans in the loop and how stupid they were for not firing etch.. Then you had the audacity to suggest the team was wrong for doing it how they did!
  11. We should organize a sony boycott.. We cannot allow terrorist hackers dictate how a country or billion dollar company conducts themselves...
  12. There is so many people with zero knowledge of what they are talking about, legitimately trying to argue things they don't have a full grasp of... It's hilarious. Wrestling is VERY violent.. People get hurt all the time.. Broken noses and concussions are very common place.. You telling me a 280lb guy accidentally kneeing, elbowing or punching you in the face isn't the same as someone in the UFC landing a hook or hard jab? Brock Lesnar wasn't ran out of the UFC, he had to "retire" because he was unable to train hard enough to be competitive.. He didn't look out of place in the octagon and would have continued to be a huge draw if he could have continued to fight.. The heavyweight division, while not stacked with talent like middleweight or welterweight, has more then enough talent to be competitive now a days.. It's not like 10 years ago where any bigger guy that could wrestle or fight was able to be competitive..
  13. Indeed O'Shea's comments during the Etcheverry departure news conf suggest Drew Willy will be on a short leash. Huh? I assume you're joking. Me too.. I have a very hard time believing that we are even remotely considering moving on from Willy or short leashing the guy..
  14. Hamilton stands to lose: Brandon Banks, M Bowman, Delvin Breaux, Greg Ellingson, Samuel Giguere, Bakari Grant, Nic Grigsby, Justin Hickman, Dan Lefevour, Luke Tasker and Greg Wojt……Antonio Coleman DL, Mark Dile OL, Marc-Antoine Fortin DL, Stephen McGee QB, Timothy O'Neill OL, Taylor Reed LB, Hamilton has extended Lee Norwood. The Ti-Cats are virtually out of 2014 cap room, so their signings are R/rec Quincy McDuffie, DE Adrian Tracy RB Sam Ojuri Winnipeg stands to lose: Brian Brohm, Desia Dunn, Johnny Sears, Glenn January, Demond Washington, and Ian Wild……R Bryant, B Carter, Mike Cornell, Gord Hinse, Aaron Kelly, Dan Knapp, Devin Tyler, and Carl Volny. Winnipeg has extended Troy Stoudermire, Chris Greaves, Pat Neufeld, Maurice Leggett, and Derek Jones, and have re-signed Zack Anderson, Paris Cotton, Matt Buchnor and Josh Portis…so far. If you think Hamilton is that much further ahead than Winnipeg in talent, I would suggest they lost a little ground lately. I don't think he truly believes Hamilton is that ahead, he's just so trained to slam the bombers that every team is eons ahead of us regardless of the truth of the matter...
  15. He never got a legitimate chance here. I still believe he will be a CFL player. Don't know why Robertson didn't fit in to Etch's defense. He's certainly small enough. All jokes aside, I'm still confused... I too thought he never had a real chance to prove himself. We also have such a lack of talent in Canadian players, I would have thought anyone who.showed well would have been given every chance to stick... Very confused by this move..
  16. Kris Robertson.. We put him on waivers? He at Anthony Woodson stage where he simply hasn't proven himself or... ?
  17. This thread is all types of awesome now.. Muahaha..
  18. Apparently they just experimented in college but nothing serious developed. Does. Not. Compute...
  19. Claybrooks, beneviedes or hall.. Any of the above I believe will be an upgrade over last season.. Period. I put beneviedes at the front of the list tho personally..
  20. Shudders. Posts like this make me wonder if some folks just will never be happy around here.Simply baffling.. He has put up the best numbers we have seen in damn near a decade... And that's still not worthy of some positivity lol..Winnipeg fans, most fickle in the league..
  21. McDuffie, wasn't he on our roster or PR at some point?
  22. Except that when you look at Marcel's track record...you start to see how things add up...to failure. Hes a capable OC.. you dont last as long as he has without talent.. With that said, is he all-world? No.. All-northamerican? Nope.. Hell hes not even all-winnipeggian... We could do better... We could do much much worse... You cannot deny the fact that willy looked deadly in his offense at times and that denmark was pretty exceptional.. Oline sucked, yup.. But how much of that was scheme or blocking help not helping... Long story short, waaaaaaaaaaay too many variables on offense to lay blame all at MBs feet where as Etch kind of hooped himself with poor decisions and not willing to budge..
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