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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. IF he reaches free agency. Very few of the guys we dream about in December are still available mid-February. Toronto will do their best to re-sign him. I may have been on drugs (often am.. Or feel like it) but thought i heard that holmes was set to test FA and see his worth.. Ditto other top flight olineman whos name escapes me..
  2. If washington falls thru the cracks, i think that would be stupendous if we landed him.. IF we can add the meat to the LB core.. Our d line and secondary seems like it could run a washington defense imo..
  3. Ouch! Making a comment like that on the day after the anniversary of John Lennon's murder is bad timing. It was 34 years ago...I think we can stop mourning now. Typical yoko, trying to deflect conversation from the real story..
  4. Its entertaining to think anyone of us believes we speak for joe average fan.. None of us do because we are so deep into the team.. Most fans are oblivious to whats going on and whos even coaching beyond O'shea and walters... Most people ive talked to didnt even know leggett was a key.resigning and here, we rejoiced and were hanging on with baited breath waiting for confirmation.. Many never once mentioned coordinators and felt like we made large strides towards respectability.. Also, if you try and use the freep or sun comment sections as a gauge on the pulse of the fanbase, your.settinf yourself up for failure as there are more trolls, ill informed wingnuts and crazies then on all the forums put together... Average fans dont use the internet to get bomber news beyond reading the online articles..
  5. Great signing.. Very cool to see a guy who could probably have landed on a PR or even game roster in the NFL stick around here and wants to make a name for himself... More so then he has already.. Gonna be a perennial all-star..
  6. Sooooo.. This pertains to the signing of a gay football player in Montreal how again?
  7. Maybe waiting to gauge market value before giving the hometown discount deal? Maybe waiting to announce it?
  8. Can someone please explain to me why it matters how or when or where Walters discusses the plan for O'Shea's assistants? What is so difficult to comprehend that two raw rookies want to check all the angles before making a move? Why is patience such a lacking concept around here?
  9. Cortez - cortex, do they both connote cerebral? For me, the mystic of Cortez has worn off. He was unremarkable last year in handling Sask.'s offence, especially with DD out. He's morphing into what looks like, a grumpy old man and if he can't get along with anybody, then why would we want that? And what's with our own fans disrespecting our own OC's name? Why is he deity or something? It's a football forum. And I'm sure Marcel wouldn't care. Get over yourself. You sound like a Rider fan. It's an easy but unoriginal mangling of one of our coach's name, and gets old. And it isn't about me. You need to understand the difference. You sound like an utterly humourless person. To each their own. Uh... Dees freakin hilarious and I agree with him... Nating out and giving our coaches lame nicknames? Not cool brah.. Humourless even..
  10. If we can lock up moe, that would be huge.. Could be the glasses but I think he could push to be best or #2 safety in the league.. Also, Teague played unreal and blew away many many expectations... To suggest he disappointed would be ridiculous.. He will be an exceptional backup LB who might still become a legit starter down the road..
  11. Why? He did better then MB. Kerry Joseph did better than Mike Benevides? As quarterback? Tough call..
  12. Yes burg, we know you think our team as an organization is a joke.. Yes burg, we know you think this team will never make a proper decision or do the right thing by you... Yes burg, we know you will only be happy when the team goes out of its way to be transparent and let the world know every little facet of it's functioning.. Did I miss anything?
  13. Who the bleep cares? Gas is almost under 90'cents a litre!! This is awesome.. (Minus all economical ramifications lol) Im still stunned it's outta triple digits..
  14. I'd do it but I literally have no idea who's even on the rest of the worlds junior teams..
  15. What more is there to say? He made our OL better when he was starting but he couldn't stay healthy. Good player to have around but we still need to try to upgrade in free agency.I'm assuming the comment was directed at the guano fanboys and bomber previous regime haters completely hijacking this thread..Personally, I'd like to know if he is looking at being a guard or becoming a tackle.. Also, if he will be fully healed up.. Also, if he got a raise or if its a bonus laden contract.. That's an interesting typo...By design old chum, by design... I nated out their for a moment.. behave but its soooo close to the weekend!
  16. What more is there to say? He made our OL better when he was starting but he couldn't stay healthy. Good player to have around but we still need to try to upgrade in free agency.I'm assuming the comment was directed at the guano fanboys and bomber previous regime haters completely hijacking this thread..Personally, I'd like to know if he is looking at being a guard or becoming a tackle.. Also, if he will be fully healed up.. Also, if he got a raise or if its a bonus laden contract.. That's an interesting typo... By design old chum, by design... I nated out their for a moment..
  17. And this is why politically correctedness is out of control..It really wasn't homophobic in anyway shape or form.. But if someone can misconstrue it to be homophobic then darn tootin' it will be labelled as such.. Meh - I think it's heterophobic Did you just quote eminem? Lol.
  18. Why the hell is there such a panic for news? I dont understand it.. Two teams are literally melting down like a nuclear reactor and yet people expect us to be reacting in the same manner? My word we are a fickle bunch.. But here is why id say their is no "news" (as there is action like the FA signings) A) walters and o'shea are both rookies... As such are taking a meticulious look at everything to make the best call possible.. they are both probably out in the US involved with the scouting C) taking some time off as again, first timers and are probably.burnt out..
  19. What more is there to say? He made our OL better when he was starting but he couldn't stay healthy. Good player to have around but we still need to try to upgrade in free agency. I'm assuming the comment was directed at the guano fanboys and bomber previous regime haters completely hijacking this thread.. Personally, I'd like to know if he is looking at being a guard or becoming a tackle.. Also, if he will be fully healed up.. Also, if he got a raise or if its a bonus laden contract..
  20. And this is why politically correctedness is out of control.. It really wasn't homophobic in anyway shape or form.. But if someone can misconstrue it to be homophobic then darn tootin' it will be labelled as such..
  21. Atta boy. KB.. congrats... I will admit, I fell off mid-season lol. You're welcome
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