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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. He took two holding penalties but otherwise I thought he was solid. O'Shea said the penalties were a result of him playing RT when he's a natural LT. O'Shea says a lot of things. I don't believe 95% of them. Why? Has he lied to you? Has he lied about anything? Very weird that you question his honesty without any real reason to..
  2. Bingo bonzo, give the man a cigar! you nailed it perfectly... Frankly, i think he gets off on beefing with people online regardless of the topic.. Why else wouldnt his MO have changed in the past... What, ten years?
  3. Weird late signing.. Never heard of him... Always need more national talent..
  4. LOL! Not after you pissed in it. I sincerely believe smokin is either a very poorly informed know it all or a complete troll... Either way, i have concluded that any post is essentially garbage and based off insanity or ridiculousness..
  5. Serious question: Is this your first year following the Bombers? Because the things you are suggesting are the exact things that have doomed the Bombers to failure at the QB and Coaching spots for years. Honestly, this city might be suffering from it's worst and most irrational case of "backup QB envy" we've ever seen. We finally have a star in the making and we have multiple people clamoring to sit him for the the greenest backup we've trotted out there yet. It's like Bomber fans are addicted to throwing unproven quarterbacks into the fire and hoping for a miracle. Except this time we already have a good one! We don't have to ruin anymore young QBs people!!!! Just once we can let a young guy develop and JUST MAYBE he'll actually be ready when it's time to give him meaningful playing time. You know, like what Saskatchewan did with Drew Willy for us. Unless the plan is to keep on trying new quarterbacks until we find one who is perfect every single game. In that case, sit Willy and let's try out Marve. You're absolutely dead on. It can't have been that long that people have forgotten how this works. The backup QB envy around here, quite frankly, is disgusting and as a fan, I'm pretty embarrassed by our fanbase when they talk about this. Robert Marve, as much as I like him and think he's got the right tools in his toolbox, came into a game in garbage time and completed half his passes but ran around enough to make people stumble over themselves to hop on his bandwagon. It wasn't even that he played well, he just played DIFFERENT and people equated different to better because what Willy was doing wasn't working. It's like people have forgotten that young quarterbacks, especially those saddled with a poor supporting cast, are going to go through ups and downs. Especially when that supporting cast is allowing said young quarterback to get demolished on a weekly basis. The comparison to Joey Elliott? Embarrassing. Joey Elliott, as much as I liked him, put two quality games on his resume. Drew Willy, on the other hand, was probably the favorite to win the MOP award through the first third of the season. Two very different situations. The reality is this - Drew Willy is QB1 now and he will be QB1 next year. The point of this Saturday's game is to gain as much value from it as we can and the reps and experience for Willy are of more value to us than the reps and experience for Marve right now. If Willy was a 5 year veteran, everyone here would be right in their demands to see Marve start. But for all intents and purposes, Willy is a rookie. At least a rookie starter. He needs the reps, just like he needs to be able to be given the leash that Mike O'Shea has afforded him. Do I wish Willy had been pulled mid-game sometimes? Yeah. I get that concept, because sometimes taking a seat to collect yourself is what is needed. But with the starting job comes the first team reps in practice. The reps with your receivers, guys like Justin Wilson who need that chemistry to develop with their QB1 for next year. Going into next year on a positive note is important, but it's important to make sure it's positive all around, not just in the win column (which is basically one of the last things that matters at this point) If anyone thinks that by having Marve start this week, it means anything for next year, they're sorely mistaken. Marve could throw for 400 yards and 5 touchdowns and all it means is that the media will have some ammunition for when they conjure up their articles this offseason about a QB controversy. Willy is still QB1 going into next year, he's earned the reps, he deserves the reps and even if he's dinged up, beaten down and it ends up in a big loss for us, it's still all part of the process we need to be prepared to go through as fans. Because the end result will be a properly developed star QB. Period. Excellent synopsis Mike, bang on... Best explaination of this situation that ive read...
  6. It's short sighted and doesn't take into account the starting point, and it's part of the reason why we've had this 25 year drought. Too many people have been fired because the instant results weren't there, or the team took a slight step back. All these knee jerk reactions because people only looked at wins and losses has done more damage to this team than anything.This.. Omg so much this.. If previous regimes hadn't mortgaged the future so often to try and appease the filthy unwashed masses,.maybe the drought would have ended years ago... But because they got so caught up on wins and losses, draft picks a plenty were traded or burned... QBs crushed without getting ample time to acclimate...A rebuild will never take a season or two... Especially after the destruction of our core like we have seen over and over again. It HAS happened before, yes... But that's the exception, not the norm.. Nope. Edmonton did it in one season. Not the exception at all either. Soooo deliberately ignoring what ive typed or just being obtuse? Edmonton was never as badly off as we were at oline, QB and overall canadian depth.. We signed one of their castoffs to start for crying out loud.... If you wanna argue, at least research what your arguing about.. Two completely different scenarios.. There is a turn around and then there is a rebuild..
  7. Gl swiston. Shame he couldn't get it together here..
  8. Moore ... Denmark ... Cotton ... Leggett ... Turner ... Anderson ... Washington ... Stoudermire ... Hajrullahu ... You know, I'm really starting to notice ... as much as people say we have homers, we sure do have a ton of gloomers as well. Finally.. Someone else sees it lol.
  9. Throw gobs of money at.both.. Force other GMs hand... If we are not successful then we get to throw money at the second tier guys that fall due to SMS inplications.. Frankly, if Walters doesnt land 3 oline options with 2 capable of starting this off-season, we will continue to have oline woes (now im not saying all via FA.. draft, trade, fa, etc)
  10. And you don't think 70 sacks contributed to that? All I'm saying is cut the rookie QB some slack... He is nowhere deserving of the amount of slings and arrows being launched his way.. I don't get how people don't factor in stuff that or the injuries he has dealt with or is dealing with..
  11. O'Shea just confirmed this on the coach's show, he was waiting for Willy to pull a rabbit out of his ass to salvage the victory against the Stamps. Don't get how he sees this transition taking place, Willy isn't like Durant who can run like a bull in a china shop when he needs to make something happen. Our boy Willy ain't got no tricks.Dont gimme that ish.. He HAS mounted crazy comebacks this season... Why wouldnt O'shea think he could do it again... Are just you and Mike completely unaware of the swing in momentum that took place in that game? I heard from every fan in the stadium that caught on to it and it turns out they were visionary. Hey, I never once said I wouldn't have put in Marve. I'm telling you why it does make sense that O'Shea kept him in.. He HAS pulled the chicken outta the fire on more then one occasion..
  12. O'Shea just confirmed this on the coach's show, he was waiting for Willy to pull a rabbit out of his ass to salvage the victory against the Stamps. Don't get how he sees this transition taking place, Willy isn't like Durant who can run like a bull in a china shop when he needs to make something happen. Our boy Willy ain't got no tricks.Dont gimme that ish.. He HAS mounted crazy comebacks this season... Why wouldnt O'shea think he could do it again...
  13. It's short sighted and doesn't take into account the starting point, and it's part of the reason why we've had this 25 year drought. Too many people have been fired because the instant results weren't there, or the team took a slight step back. All these knee jerk reactions because people only looked at wins and losses has done more damage to this team than anything.This.. Omg so much this.. If previous regimes hadn't mortgaged the future so often to try and appease the filthy unwashed masses,.maybe the drought would have ended years ago... But because they got so caught up on wins and losses, draft picks a plenty were traded or burned... QBs crushed without getting ample time to acclimate...A rebuild will never take a season or two... Especially after the destruction of our core like we have seen over and over again. It HAS happened before, yes... But that's the exception, not the norm.. That excuse is getting almost as old as the original sin and this draft thing is also getting well worn. How many of the Oline guys do we have left from our first choices? The fans had nothing to do with the choice of Etienne. But I guess it much easier to blame the fans instead of the very poor choice of managers we hired. We didn't trade or burn our choices, we wasted them because we picked the wrong guys. Further we did not pick up vets that could have helped us but choose to go with raw US rookies in previous years or in this year for that matter. How are the fans to blame for that? We let an all star guard go because we wanted to make him a center and he said no. (His words).However, after the results of this year it will be very hard to blame the fans again. Going into next year with this team will get MOS in a very bad position comes LDC. One thing you must agree with, the fans will not wait another 2 or 3 years to get results and they shouldn't. Hamilton were 6-12 in 2012 and Grey Cup participants the next. By the way MOS keeps saying he has a very good team, so much for the destruction of the core. The previous regimes panicked over and over again when the losses piled up and the fanbase got up in arms.. Deny it all you want but why else would they throw away first rounders on bum QBs or go for boom or bust draft picks who were expected to wow from the start? Frankly, i dont care if you agree with me or not.. Im confident that miller wont sway from his path, nor walters or O'shea.. i believe they understand what needs to be done to finish this process and know just how brutal this teams non imp and imp depth was.. Oh and for the record... That core we have.. Its pretty small. How much of it was carried over from 2-3 seasons ago? Thats not destruction, thats rebuilding..
  14. I think you don't understand the concept of responsibility when it pertains to sacks.. If he has time and moves away from pressure and then is sacked, ok. It's on Willy otherwise they are normally the responsibility of the oline/blockers/rb..
  15. De ferk? Literally no clue what your going for here.. Maybe something to do with Robert Baker not coming to Winnipeg from Toronto years ago? I dunno, just a guess. Yup, Shake Severs was his rap name, he never showed up. Fixed your post Exactly.. That's what you were going for and failing lol. No wonder the confusion..
  16. Not when your rebuilding from the.. What, last 3 rebuilds that we have endured? Have you not watched what we have been fielding for Canadian talent in the last 4 seasons? How about our QBs? Yer out to lunch if you think our franchise was just a season or two away from competitive at any point in the last 3 seasons.. Even if we were "on the cusp" we threw it all away with new GMs and coaches... Our non imp talent is finally looking like we have something to possibly build off.. Our secondary is finally rebuilt to be respectable.. And we are still a ways away from being a top contender.. Way she goes bud, even if you refuse to believe it..
  17. It's short sighted and doesn't take into account the starting point, and it's part of the reason why we've had this 25 year drought. Too many people have been fired because the instant results weren't there, or the team took a slight step back. All these knee jerk reactions because people only looked at wins and losses has done more damage to this team than anything. This.. Omg so much this.. If previous regimes hadn't mortgaged the future so often to try and appease the filthy unwashed masses,.maybe the drought would have ended years ago... But because they got so caught up on wins and losses, draft picks a plenty were traded or burned... QBs crushed without getting ample time to acclimate... A rebuild will never take a season or two... Especially after the destruction of our core like we have seen over and over again. It HAS happened before, yes... But that's the exception, not the norm..
  18. Live by the sword, die by the sword.. I love my bombers thru thick and thin.... Tired of the letdown? Yup. Gonna make me change how I feel about the colours and the Jersey? Nope. Blue and gold til I'm dead and cold..
  19. I agree.. Hes obviously on the downturn on his career but hes not at jermese jones or Jordan taormina levels yet.. He's still a very good tackle..
  20. Yup.. Faaaaar too many times we saw penetration thru the middle unblocked or off the edges untouched... Those cannot be attributed to willy.. Now if he has had 3+ steamboats and he hasnt thrown the ball away then obviously thats on willy..
  21. And it tells me you don't understand that not all sacks are the OLs fault. Lots of those sacks are on Willy. Im not an idiot... Ive agreed with willy is at fault for some... Not lots tho. 70 sacks and maaaaaaaaaaaaybe 30 are directly willy responsible... But that to me is a crazy high estimate as well..
  22. I'll say demotion maybe but cut outright? Doubt it.... Look how long it took us to find a decent tackle as is..
  23. Some yes but others are percentage based... Whats your refute for that?
  24. I know more then a few athletes who aspired to be in the cfl... So, no. Its not conscription... bit of an exaggeration me thinks..
  25. So at one point do these dumbass willy hate comments start to be considered trollish? How you can look at a stat like 70 sacks and still deduce hes not beaten down or ran down but just crappy.. It tells me something... That your clueless..
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