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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Geez, another well thought out, insightful post. Amazing. I thought...well hoped it was just the booze... This tells me it's based somewhere deeper and denser.. How he can honestly suggest Levi is that far ahead of willy when willy has put up the numbers he has on our horrific offence is astounding.. It's like he is incapable of realizing all factors..
  2. De ferk? Literally no clue what your going for here..
  3. It's not like we haven't drafted them tho... They have just been too good to trickle down yet..
  4. Jim carrey on this saturdays SNL was worth watching imo...
  5. We know one thing... He's not Alex suber.. And thats a good thing.. Honestly,did we see him getting back in at any time? He wasn't nearly as good as johnson or randle.. As the SAM id think undersized (and American) so he wasn't seeing any playing time anytime soon... Gibson is or was a chance to fix our ailing d-line and I'm still not sure if he is or going to be.. So essentially it was depth for depth.. One rare move from a position of strength to try and fix a weakness.. A for effort, ? on execution at this point..
  6. Kohlert put up a 4.45 40 time in college, which was better than Kelly's. Kohlert also had a faster shuttle time. Kohlert is far from slow.. He is often out legging his DB... He's not a stoddard or a Geoff drover by any stretch (tho his clutchness hopefully will catch up to Jaimie's)
  7. There is similarities to be made tho... Stand in pocket and throw, willing to take hits to make throw.. Very lethargic in escaping.. Both are bright, make right plays for the most part... Differences are willy accepts leadership and is wiling to accept blame.. Listens to coaches and players advice.. Elliot wishes he was a leader but blames everyone and doesn't listen to advice.. Believes he is much more then he is... Willy seems almost like he is wowed by the fact he is a starter and is overjoyed to be one..
  8. This is correct. They've made some puzzling roster decisions at times this year, but I do think they've gotten over that recently. Much more willing to make changes to things that aren't working. Losing will do that. Not as smart as they thought they were. It's a fine line to walk though, you want to show faith in your players. I really do think O'Shea learned a lot this season about head coaching. I think if we run this guy out of town we're going to regret it. He'll have one more season, 17. He won't be run of unless he keeps his coordinators which I'm afraid he will. Bomber fans need at least 2-3 lambs to stem them over. O'Shea would be wise to offer them up on a spittle. Tracy and one of bellfool and etch? My money is on etch not surviving..
  9. Can't be sure of that until he gets significant playing time. Chances are that once the DCs of the league get tape on him and his strengths, weaknesses and tendencies that his play will suffer... You are right, it might not but I cannot think of a single QB in the last 3-4 seasons who has walked on, blown the doors off due to the unknown factor... And then kept going... The point I'm making here is the odds are NOT in Robbie Marvel's favour here.. He definitely could be the exception to the norm but previous history doesn't lie.. I'm not sure I understand... Every QB has had to start somewhere right?? Are you saying that those who falter at first have a better chance at succeeding in the long run than those who "blow the doors open?" Thing is Marve clearly has a TON of talent, and it's been on display ever since he first partook in a Bombers mini-camp. We obviously need to see more of him before we come to any kind of conclusion, but he's certainly an intriguing prospect. Not sure if your following what we are saying here... I'll try to explain. A raw, unknown, talented QB who can run and throw will "shock" a team or two... Maaaaaybe 3 because none of the defensive coordinators know what the kid is capable of. They will draw up a plan they think will shut him down but often it will be one for the other QB the rookie is replacing or very generic. A QB like marve will make a defense built to defend against the things he doesn't do and is open to attack to his strengths (legs, shifty,strong quick throws) will be beaten... now, say 3 or 4 games in head coaches and defensive coordinators get to watch hours of film on him... His tendencies, his abilities, what he is excellent at, what he isn't good at, etc etc... They then game plan to limit the good stuff he can do and exploit the bad things he does... 9.8 times outta 10 the coaches win this battle and the QB is brought back to earth.. Now, this doesn't mean the QB is now done and shown to suck... Now the OC needs to build the offence to suit his QBs skillset.. And the chess match begins.. Well I definitely agree with you in that we can't get our hopes up too high just yet. Nevertheless, in the six years that I've had to watch the Bombers, I've never been as impressed with a young QB as I've been with Marve so far. Oh don't get me wrong... He looks very good, even outstanding.. That cross body throw while running to carter for the first down was a thing of beauty... He looks very capable running and passing.. But the true litmus tests will have to come sometime next season hopefully.. (Not wishing ill will towards anyone) after his game or two in preseason, and a small group of games due to injury or change of pace we will be in a position to see other teams game plan for him and THEN we can say we have the next big thing, a great backup or another Joey Elliot type... Great at small things but garbage elsewhere... My biggest concern is his mobility is directly related to his knees... If they get messed up...
  10. Dumping O'Shea would be dumb.. He is a rookie folks, expect mistakes in his first bloody year.. Ditto Willy, he was expected to stumble and stumble he did but it's frightening how far ahead of our last few seasons QBs were. Hell, doesn't he lead the league in passing? Behind our shitty line with our shitty receivers? That's a solid base to start with.. We definitely are lacking a defensive line that can get at the QB and that can stop the run... Our LBs need a little tweak (and a prototypical MLB) and our secondary is pretty tight.. Oline woes continue but that has to be addressed via draft or big splash FAs.. QB can be considered "set" even if brohm lands a new gig in the offseason.. Cotton looks like a legit RB but will keep searching I'm sure and receivers are a mess.. Baby steps made this season but considering how bad we have been the last 2-3 seasons, progress is made and it's not made on shaky ground...
  11. Can't be sure of that until he gets significant playing time. Chances are that once the DCs of the league get tape on him and his strengths, weaknesses and tendencies that his play will suffer... You are right, it might not but I cannot think of a single QB in the last 3-4 seasons who has walked on, blown the doors off due to the unknown factor... And then kept going... The point I'm making here is the odds are NOT in Robbie Marvel's favour here.. He definitely could be the exception to the norm but previous history doesn't lie.. I'm not sure I understand... Every QB has had to start somewhere right?? Are you saying that those who falter at first have a better chance at succeeding in the long run than those who "blow the doors open?" Thing is Marve clearly has a TON of talent, and it's been on display ever since he first partook in a Bombers mini-camp. We obviously need to see more of him before we come to any kind of conclusion, but he's certainly an intriguing prospect. Not sure if your following what we are saying here... I'll try to explain. A raw, unknown, talented QB who can run and throw will "shock" a team or two... Maaaaaybe 3 because none of the defensive coordinators know what the kid is capable of. They will draw up a plan they think will shut him down but often it will be one for the other QB the rookie is replacing or very generic. A QB like marve will make a defense built to defend against the things he doesn't do and is open to attack to his strengths (legs, shifty,strong quick throws) will be beaten... now, say 3 or 4 games in head coaches and defensive coordinators get to watch hours of film on him... His tendencies, his abilities, what he is excellent at, what he isn't good at, etc etc... They then game plan to limit the good stuff he can do and exploit the bad things he does... 9.8 times outta 10 the coaches win this battle and the QB is brought back to earth.. Now, this doesn't mean the QB is now done and shown to suck... Now the OC needs to build the offence to suit his QBs skillset.. And the chess match begins..
  12. Very strange idea, this.. We got people who thinks he's a rag as a RB coach and then we got people who want to escalate him to OC with zero play calling or drawing capacity shown... I love this place! But no. He needs to progress into that role, not just dive into it... Even a very cerebral and intelligent QB like Khari took his time getting to OC..
  13. Yup. The oline actually looked decent for stretches this game... Still a work in process as anytime a QB gets sacked for a franchise record setting 10 times, some of that is on the oline... Lots on Willy for not just chucking the duck into the seats tho.. 4-5 of them at least.. Would be interesting to have someone dissect each sack and see where the blame lies (not to assign blame but to get an idea as to what was going wrong where)
  14. Can't be sure of that until he gets significant playing time. Chances are that once the DCs of the league get tape on him and his strengths, weaknesses and tendencies that his play will suffer... You are right, it might not but I cannot think of a single QB in the last 3-4 seasons who has walked on, blown the doors off due to the unknown factor... And then kept going... The point I'm making here is the odds are NOT in Robbie Marvel's favour here.. He definitely could be the exception to the norm but previous history doesn't lie..
  15. Whoa whoa whoa there. You mean..... nah iso, goalie, Mr P and the rest can't be wrong about Drew freaking Willy can they? .... Ummmm, nope, it's me, I'm the one who doesn't know what he's talking about. Its the water boy (right Willy boys) -he's the culprit. Not Drew Willy, He had the time to go to his fourth reads, no one was open. That's why he was sacked. Willy is God, he can do no wrong. Now Willy is Jesus Christ, and he's shouldering the burden of the whole team You'd probably get a lot more credit for your opinion if you didn't sound like such a clown while you convey it. "look at me look at me look at me look at me" I concur... Krunch is no doubt knowledgable about the fooseball but his method of conveying his message is just so soaked in ******, ire and angst that it's very, verrrrrry easy to simply look at it and ignore it because it's so combative and condescending..
  16. Well you would assume so but I wonder if he even wants to coach as his career path is looking more likely into upper management.. GM, assistant GM, etc etc.. Otherwise wouldn't he be positional coaching as opposed to scouting?
  17. Glad it wasn't a long outage.. Dunno what I'd have done if I was forced to go to the other boards for sustenance..
  18. Yup. You have clearly shown yerself to be devoid of any football sense, any common decency or even an ounce of tact.. I honestly think that migs brings more value to this forum then you do.. Im done even attempting to show you how wrong your pompous pretensious views are..
  19. Im going to be nice here because your apparently losing any brains you have had but if you call me a goof again and im going to start to lose my cool... Goof, btw, is slang in jail for a child molester so again.. its time to check yourself son.
  20. I didn't call him any oif those things(you really need to learn to read or maybe just learn to comprehend what you read), I simply said his judgement is blinded by what he wants to see rather than by what is actually happening. So his opinions after every single game are predictable and the same every game. He doesn't put blame where it lies, he puts blame at the same spot every time, whether it deserves it or not. Yup.. Yer cracked out. You realize what you say conveys a message even if you attempt to disguise it in asinine drivel? Implying JBR doesnt know what hes talking about and implying he is deliberately misplacing blame (aka lying!) Is what you've just said... I know your dumb but your not as dumb as your making yourself out to be here, are you?
  21. Yup.. Threats of violence always make your point more valid..Smh. No - thats more frustration I get what he's saying. It can be infuriating when a 'fan' only see's what they want to see. Willy had all kinds of time to throw, he had receivers open. It was hilarious, on the telecast, Suitor tried to make a point that all the receivers were covered. The 'short' receiver was about 6 yards underneath the coverage, but of course Suits was on a roll so he said he was 'covered'. About 10 minutes of game time after that, Beck got the snap, turned, and fired a dart to Gore I believe it was, who was 'wide open' just like the bomber receiver was above, only the bomber defender was about 3 yards off him. It's amazing all the apologists there are for Drew 'freakin' Willy. At least more fans are finally starting to see what I've been seeing since mid-August. He hasn't nearly been good enough, and tonight was his worst start yet (but low an behold he finally threw another TD pass). But yeah, I get his frustration. Unless you know what the read progression is on the play that is called, it is impossible to say "he had receivers open." Probably the biggest fallacy in football from a fans point of view, when everyone goes "hey, that guy is open!" Ya, but it's the QB's 6th read, and the by the time the ball gets to him the DB or LB is going to completely fill in the "opening" most of the time. About as dumb as the people who yell "shoot" all the time on the powerplay at a hockey game. Invalid(preditictable, predetermined opinion based on prior posts) opinion from the biggest Willy apologist/bombers -oline hater I've seen through hte season. Lmfao lololol did you essentially call one of the most football knowledgable posters on our board a liar or an idiot? Im at the point where your posts are getting borderline moronic..
  22. Are you seriously attempting to suggest me and iso are speaking from "emotion" and your from logical common sense land? Cuz if you are, your credibility is plummeting... Not that it was all that high to begin with..
  23. He coached them BOTH all season... Seriously dood,yer delusional.. Its not like position coach only cares about one player.. Give yer head a shake..
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