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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Cotton tore it up once in.. Wouldnt buck pierce as RB coach be partly responsible for that? Not to mention that no one here has a clue what or how well he has been as a coach lol.. You need to breath bud, relax... Pretty confident Pierce is the least of our worries
  2. How can you say "hes a rookie starting QB" and then heap blame on him like hes a vet making rookie mistakes? Hes only going to get better.. He is and has been surrounded by garbage almost all season... These are the reasons people cut him some slack... Not to protect his feelings, lol
  3. Cotton, sears, unamba all showed why they belong today imo.. Ditto daniels and wilson... Willy should be done for the season... Marve n portis next week..
  4. Yup.. Threats of violence always make your point more valid..Smh. No - thats more frustration I get what he's saying. It can be infuriating when a 'fan' only see's what they want to see. Willy had all kinds of time to throw, he had receivers open. It was hilarious, on the telecast, Suitor tried to make a point that all the receivers were covered. The 'short' receiver was about 6 yards underneath the coverage, but of course Suits was on a roll so he said he was 'covered'. About 10 minutes of game time after that, Beck got the snap, turned, and fired a dart to Gore I believe it was, who was 'wide open' just like the bomber receiver was above, only the bomber defender was about 3 yards off him. It's amazing all the apologists there are for Drew 'freakin' Willy. At least more fans are finally starting to see what I've been seeing since mid-August. He hasn't nearly been good enough, and tonight was his worst start yet (but low an behold he finally threw another TD pass). But yeah, I get his frustration. I get the frustration.. You would have to be a compete moron not to be.. There is simply a right way to vent or express it and a wrong way... But yea, willy and bellfool are both wearing the goat horns on this debacle.. Willy for not just throwing the damn ball into the stands or to check down and marcel for not shortening up the game plan to get the ball out of willys hands quicker..
  5. Wow. You threaten to punch someone in the and then tell me to think before I "speak" How about you sober up keyboard warrior before you tell anyone to read before they speak.. Otherwise known as post or type..
  6. The long developing pass plays simply dont work with our offense.. Need much more quick slants and outs with more shovels and screens... Willy cant dodge long enough and our oline cant protect enough to get to 5 or 6 steamboats..
  7. Yup.. Threats of violence always make your point more valid.. Smh.
  8. I agree with most of what you say, but this is a forum not an echo chamber. Yup. While willy was at fault for not just throwing the damn ball at times, dont ever try to stop discussion on a forum, makes you and your posts foolish..
  9. Why is there a thread quota or limit?Nah, it's just not deserving of a separate thread. But it's allowed.Sorry but Rider fans don't get to talk about what's allowed to be posted here or not.+ 1000000 likes fer this... I mean seriously... you've not even put in the time like others and you feel the need to tell us how to run our board?Smh. oh but don't criticise him for his posting, he'll get such a pout going on. Nothing more annoying than the rider fan who oh so desperately wants to be liked by the rival teams fans. Sorry but it's not going to happen. It is a very weird desire, no doubt.. It really wont ever happen... Tollerence, sure... Acceptence or like? Neg.
  10. Why is there a thread quota or limit? Nah, it's just not deserving of a separate thread. But it's allowed. Sorry but Rider fans don't get to talk about what's allowed to be posted here or not. + 1000000 likes fer this... I mean seriously... you've not even put in the time like others and you feel the need to tell us how to run our board? Smh.
  11. Is that the Taman effect?Do you mean the Grey Cup championship win at home effect? Most teams will never enjoy that feat in their lifetimes. IMO he deserves a mulligan considering we are without our marquee QB.It's all about the playoffs. Nope it doesn't work that way. No mulligan given for not having your marquee qb. Sask needs to find a QB who can at least manage a game allowing other players to step up. To date, that has not been achieved Taman and group. As much as it pains me to say this, see Calgary as a perfect example of what needs to happen when a 'marquee' player goes down.Agreed that our backups haven't stepped up at all this season but to say this is typical Taman is nonsense as our backup last year is Winnipeg's new saviour. Taman can't win em all, a lot of folks thought Sunseri had what it takes to step in, too Jekyll & Hyde however.It'll be very interesting to see what happens in playoffs when hopefully we get all of Durant, Labatte, Best, Dressler, Allen, Taj, etc back in the lineup. Looks like Riders vs Ticats in ESF. No typical Taman is to pay a premium for starters and star players and save money by neglecting the depth. How is this not exactly what is going on in Saskatchewan? Trust us, we watched Taman GM our team longer than he's been in Saskatchewan. There's a certain way he operates and that really hasn't changed.Other than QB & MLB I don't think our depth has been that bad. I'd like to see someone other than Rod Williams on the corner.And even if your evaluation of Taman is true, I'll take a year or two of rebuilding to pay for a championship. It's the year after & we still made the playoffs & it looks like alot of our injured starters will be back in time for the playoff run. It's anyones to win this year. Any one's except the team starting the 41 year old QB with the "local boy with the brother in the NHL" stinking up the receiver corps. You guys are sowing the seeds of an inept GM with a big check book. I thought you said you were leaving? Now go! Like was mentioned on the telecast last night, Durant will likely be back this season. And please cease trying to make this personal. I'm here to talk football. Cheers Hes on the 6 game, theres less then five left IF you make the GC... youve lost the bet... WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!! Your credibility and honour are both clearly non-existent.. Not there was any to begin with so im not terribly surprised your pulling this... The mature thing to do woulda been to leave and come back IF he played reg season again..
  12. Classic Grigsby. Guess the Hamilton OL sucks too? Damned shame that it took so long for the Bombers to give up on an obviously not good enough running back. Wasn't there like 6 teams in 4 seasons... Theres a reason fer it..
  13. Course we are! You know how we do round here!
  14. we gave up more than just a 2nd round pick. We also gave up a player who was one of the best at his positions who helped the Riders win the Grey Cup. People need to stop pretending that Hall had 0 value and shouldn't be counted as part of the trade. We gave up a star player AND a 2nd round pick to get an injury prone OL. That trade stank from day 1. Could have used those assets to get something more worthwhile. Yer Fkn delusional if you thought we could get more then a starting canadian lineman for a rent a player for x amount of games... Especially knowing the NFL was his goal for next season... What, you think we coulda got ray or bourke or Cornish? Give yer head a shake man..
  15. Whos to say this isnt just a nagging muscle injury and it will be gone by next year? sometimes you just gotta roll the dice..
  16. There is a god! Lol. Ah buhbye migs.. We hardly knew ye.. And didnt really want to anyway!
  17. I believe that we are on our way to be competitive and continue to be competitive for season after season.. Not a big splash to push for one year then suck for many more... Small market teams like ours cannot afford to new York Yankee our way to the playoffs and beyond.. We need to build a stacked deck of very good players and roll the lines to grind down other teams.. This concept also requires exceptional depth to take injuries in stride and not lose momentum.. Depth and great core of grinders... Hopefully we see the fruition of our rocky road in a year or two..
  18. Guess that tryout didn't go so well, let's hope their loss is our gain..
  19. I'll be waiting outside the store with my gold pellet paint ball gun.Hey, might improve it lol.. So note to self, wear hockey equipment and welders mask on day of purchase.. And a cup. Really, always wear a cup. It's just smart. When hockey equipment is on... So is a cup.. Catching a 80 kph wrister to the nether regions sans cup is not a fun time in my books.. Once you have kids it's best you just wear the thing all the time. I got a lil-un (2 year old daughter) so the day is coming soon when baseball bats, soccer balls, etc etc take me out for a series or two... Joy.A two-year old is a mixture of joy and frustration, so enjoy- that time is all too short. BTW, daughters are God's punishment to guys for being male.Definitely more joy then frustration at this point.. Me and wifey have been blessed to say the least.. And yea I keep hearing that lol.. Good thing I'm a big guy and she's gonna be a tall chick.. Minus the bullying she will most likely face, most guys will be intimidated by her lol.. (She's the average height of a 4 yr old and just turned 2 ) My daughter is almost 5"10" and loves being tall-(her mom was almost 6"0") and we are the best of friends. I wish that for you also. Thanks man, me too.. Shes already a daddys girl (pushes mommy outta the way to see me when we pick her up at day care.. Poor momma) so im hoping that continues... Just less harshly towards wifey..
  20. very true... If i was being referred to as his "brother" id take big time offense..
  21. That says everything you need to know about how teams feel about the Riders without Durant "we can beat them with our backups" Cornish is just that real good mix of speed and power. He's big and strong and has good enough balance he can run through tackles but he's also fast enough to break some big runs if he gets a hole. If you can draw up the kind of running back every team wants to have that's the guy there. The fact he is Canadian is such a bonus as well..
  22. I'll be waiting outside the store with my gold pellet paint ball gun. Hey, might improve it lol.. So note to self, wear hockey equipment and welders mask on day of purchase.. And a cup. Really, always wear a cup. It's just smart. When hockey equipment is on... So is a cup.. Catching a 80 kph wrister to the nether regions sans cup is not a fun time in my books.. Once you have kids it's best you just wear the thing all the time. I got a lil-un (2 year old daughter) so the day is coming soon when baseball bats, soccer balls, etc etc take me out for a series or two... Joy. A two-year old is a mixture of joy and frustration, so enjoy- that time is all too short. BTW, daughters are God's punishment to guys for being male. Definitely more joy then frustration at this point.. Me and wifey have been blessed to say the least.. And yea I keep hearing that lol.. Good thing I'm a big guy and she's gonna be a tall chick.. Minus the bullying she will most likely face, most guys will be intimidated by her lol.. (She's the average height of a 4 yr old and just turned 2 )
  23. I'll be waiting outside the store with my gold pellet paint ball gun. Hey, might improve it lol.. So note to self, wear hockey equipment and welders mask on day of purchase.. And a cup. Really, always wear a cup. It's just smart. When hockey equipment is on... So is a cup.. Catching a 80 kph wrister to the nether regions sans cup is not a fun time in my books.. Once you have kids it's best you just wear the thing all the time. I got a lil-un (2 year old daughter) so the day is coming soon when baseball bats, soccer balls, etc etc take me out for a series or two... Joy.
  24. We definitely need a change at OC, but no LaPo. Should find another (reduced) role next year for Buck Pierce too, IMHO. I just can't see what he's bringing to the O. Running backs coach? Really? I don't really know how good or bad of a job Pierce is doing, but I really have to ask ... when you say "you can't see what he's bringing", what are you expecting? Weekly blog updates with meeting minutes of what he covers with the team? How would we as fans ever gather an idea of what he's doing, good or bad? He seems to be bringing Cotton along quite well and he certainly got Grigsby to improve particular facets of his game (pass protection) Exactly, how would we, as fans, have any idea? That would be up to MOS. But to me, I don't think a first year RB coach should be jumped to OC. Clearly a step up to OC from RB coach would be much at this stage of coaching development.. Anyone suggesting he take the OC reins is a bit delusional. He has shown decently as a RB coach as I agree he made grigsby into a better blocker and cotton seems to be pretty solid as well.. The intangibles he brings wouldn't be measurable by us tho that's for sure..
  25. K.. Fine fine.. He was an Exceptional Above Average QB... That's all I'm saying. Truthfully, I think that is what most of us are saying.. It's other folk who seem to think that anything other then "omgz bestest mobility QB evar!!" Is an insult to his accomplishments... When, really... Saying he belongs in the hall, that he had a great career despite not being the most accurate or "football talent" QB are not insults either.. This place simply spawns bitchfest after bitchfest.... Can we all agree on that at least? Lol.
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