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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Spuds what are you doing? Floyd was having a nice conversation by himself and you had to come in and ruin it Sorry i was just worried about his sanity is all..
  2. Still drunk? How many times you gonna bring up.showboating as well? Every other team does it a million times worse. (see edm summersault, orbs scream and pound every tackle or pass defense, etc etc)
  3. Good call and epic liar liar reference.
  4. Another piss poor oline performance.. Frighteningly bad actually.. How is it possible to let willy get that much heat from a dline that is last in the league in sacks (by a wide margin) So disappointed tonight..
  5. I dunno what to think after that piss poor performance.. Im still in a stunned, utter disbelief... What the fawk was that.
  6. What a dumbass.. Can he really believe that? waaaaay too self centred.. Time to move on even if it screws us worse then what he's doing (or not doing)
  7. Not sure why this is so crazy.. It was done by the team. If it was a jets (or sens) one id consider buying it..
  8. Naw.. Keep the same helmet and speaker/microphone.. If it's broken, why fix it? Smh.
  9. Yea I mean with all the injuries we have had, I'd have thought our defense would be a smoking crater. Yet we still manage to be competitive in all our games... Etch is undervalued around here..
  10. 1. How can you honestly say that from his... What, 3 mins of game time this season? I'd say blocking is a wash.. 2. He had some nice runs.. But also got stuffed at the point of attack as well.. Not sure what game you've been watching.. 3. See point 2 and grigsby isn't as weak as your attempting to claim.. 4. He hasn't had enough carries to really say his ball protection has improved..
  11. Aw man...I can't believe we were that close to getting Rodgers. Missed it by that much..
  12. Why no prider post in here no mo? Sad panda..
  13. It was very very quiet in that stadium. Willy said he made a mistake not calling his own play, and would learn from that. and thats all we need to hear really... That he is going to learn from his mistakes or at least try to..
  14. Technically, still on track as we are discussing burris and the salary cap implications to our cross-eyed cousins to the west..
  15. Very true but I just can't see Miller caving in to the pressure by the media. I think miller tells them where to go in a kind, politically correct manner as opposed to caving in lol
  16. Very true but I just can't see Miller caving in to the pressure by the media. I tend to agree...but stranger things have happened. This regime looks, feels, smells, and acts different...I hope that continues... I think that O'shea dealing with toronto's media goombas and miller growing up professionally here gives them a distinct advantage when dealing with the assclowns that make up our local sports media.. I dont expect them to ever really bow down to their will to appease anyone..
  17. Careful, your gonna rile up the pro-media fans here..
  18. No offense but how would you know? There's lots of us can remember exactly how it went down. Calgary wanted to make a big splash and sign a big name qb to wash the stink of the Feterik era off the team and they paid Burris a ton and gave him the starting job outright. Riders offered him nice money but they were keeping Greene around and wanted competition at the position. Burris doesn't like competition and he likes gettin' paid so he went to Calgary. Why should I be surprised that Calgary completely overpaid a player . They seem to be the Ottawa of the west. This coming from a fan of the team that over shoots the salary cap without fail since it was implemented The ironing truly is delicious here yup..
  19. I don't think we've ever played a game with Knapp and Jones at guard and tackle. They played opposite tackles when January was out for a bit in the 2nd half of last season. Maybe you're right... I thought we started 3 import OL for a few games last year though. Regardless, Knapp looked dominant at RG and terrible at RT. Vice versa for Jones. If this was truly the case, don't you think we would be doing it? Contrary to belief around here, the fans don't know better then O'Shea, Wylie, Walters et all..
  20. With most of these lists it's tough to make a poor choice.yep, unlike the Riders the Bombers have a rich historyWho's the troll? Gee I wonder. I don't think a guy on his home forum can really be called a troll when poking fun of a rival fan... But that's just me.. Road Griller wasn't a troll, SPuDS? He was (is?) a strange ducky.. Pretty close to troll as one can get but i almost think he believes the jibberish he spews..
  21. He had all day because they were playing to stop the pass! Do you really believe the drivel you spew or are you simply here to antagonize?
  22. 1) How did that play affect the outcome of the game?2) I bet if it had been a Bomber receiver, people would be saying it was the correct call. Even Irving and Currier thought the correct call was made. And I'm quite sure that call that was made against TJ Harris 3 years ago when we lost that game to Calgary was the exact same thing. Bang bang play, and it has been called against us all the time. Fumble hands down, and Greg Peach got robbed of his touchdown. I agree.. He took a full step, ball was secured and then second step sherman lit his man up and seperated receiver and ball.. How they reviewed that call and STILL got it wrong (all too commom occurance already) blows my mind..
  23. Such insight! Why not tell us how ya really feel..
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