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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. oh look, signs of life. what? couldn't show up until the riders fluke out a play? It was almost eerie how well timed that was..
  2. Durie is definitely a talent, dont doubt that every team in the league would find him a roster spot if they had the chance..
  3. That was some embarrassingly bad tackling by the renablacks, yup.. No more of that crap plz!
  4. Well easy now 17. Szarka was a monster FB.. excellent blocker, very solid runner and very good hands.. He wasnt your run of the mill FB.. pretty sure we woulda gladly taken a player of his calibre..
  5. I shall never tire of that clip.. Greatness!
  6. Sooooooooo did milo play soccer or...? The foot twitches were a nice touch lol
  7. Odd post. How can a guy choke when he hasn't even got to a level where he could essentially "choke"? He held the lead on us... Don't get me wrong, he sucks thus far but he's not a choke artist... That's a glenn thing. Also, still think elliott oughta be playing and not burris?
  8. Awww that's not as fun as speculating that he's awol, bailing on us, going to nfl or a criminal stuck in the states lol
  9. This has been such a delight to watch lol. Also, the distinct lack of rider rhetoric has been such a blessing... Oh! Another renablacks TD! Come on ottawa keep the pedal down!
  10. The highway you take to emerson border crossing (75?) is apparently rebuilt to our best level of highway standards... You then cross the border and almost instantly you see and feel the difference.. Also, in town construction goes all day and night. they also fix the road once its fixed after like 7 years.. Here, a year later its torn up and redone.. I lost count how many times they have redone dugald road here in transcona...
  11. What a c-word. That word is reserved for special women and she definitely fits that description...
  12. I thought i heard NFL aspirations as well but did he do anything to warrant a sniff? If not, trade and let him explore next season with the hopes he signs back here if (when) he strikes out..
  13. Not my style. Unfortunately that seems to be more the approach of some of posters around here who are intent on stalking me over there and quoting me completely out of context.Your whining about that is insufferableMaybe if some posters on this board were a bit more dignified in their methods I wouldn't be "whining". This is classic coming from a "well your province really sucks" kind of mature poster like yourself.I don't quite think I said that. I took issue with the fact that someone said Winnipeg was just regina with more people shitting in potted plants. Which is entirely untrue.Plus you shouldn't have put quotes around whining since that is eaxtly what you're doing. You trashed Regina, the rest of Saskatchewan, and then you (or somebody similar) started taking pot shots at Brandon.Anyway, you are the last person who should be talking to me about posting etiquette. Had someone pulled this crap on you, you would be equally as offended and you would have every right. Quit whining. Was just educating you on how Winnipeg is nothing like Regina. Frankly, if our posting styles or etiquette is bothering you... See ya later.. Your typing to blind eyes in trying to make some stand or point here.. Also, no offense, your not exactly the smoothest poster here... You are abraisive and then get upset when you rub some the wrong way... It is what it is..
  14. That is very true too... Continuity is arguably one of the most important pieces of building a successful o-line.. If your constantly swapping in pieces, how are you going to be able to rely on the guard or tackle beside you?
  15. Ottawa and Hamilton are upcoming, so it's still possible. Don't waste the typing effort bud, outside revels in the fact we are losing..
  16. I'm pretty sure he isn't playing because he can't get passed the current starters in our secondary and isn't canadian so can't slot into where we have Canadians starting.. But by all means, continue to assume our coaches are just dumb as rocks and refuse to play a guy..
  17. And how do you know how old Duressler is compared to 17?Plus, 17 sucks at forum etiquette, so... Well.. Cuz.duressler is 14... And while 17 often acts like he's 14, id peg him closer to midlife crisis then to teenage angst..
  18. Mo: me too bro.. Dunno why but I fell in love with the Sens when the jets folded too... Still cheer for em whenever the jets ain't playing lol
  19. If that's what it references then holy **** that's offensive.. I was generally confused by it until you said something...
  20. Pffttt.. Kuale is way better. They don't play the same position. Hickman is a DE. If you must throw a Bomber under the bus every time a team in the CFL signs someone at least pay attention to what position you should pick. Comparing Kuale and Hickman doesn't make sense. not much does unfortunately.. Also.. Rumoured and confirmed are definitely two different things... Would be nice if the negatrons could hold off until things actually happen as opposed to rumours and things that could happen..
  21. Sucks for Andy. Hope he heals up well and can continue to play at a high level... Either here or in the NFL..
  22. For serious? Your attempting to quote forum etiquette to someone who's probably been online posting in one form or another since you've been born? Smh. And people wonder why rider fans are looked at funny..
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