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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Too much to drink? Not nearly enough to deal with the plethora of priders currently rutting around here..
  2. I didn't bash anyone... Why you getting all butthurt for?
  3. Check the thread title. Cuz for the last page and a half its been about willy..Smh. So you don't like threads that go back on topic? I know you are but what am i?
  4. Same amount of 4th quarter comebacks as Willy after his first start. Im talking about willy, this season, do try to keep up.. Sunseri, a backup, is not comparable to willy, the starter..
  5. lol, it's a discussion forum, what else would be going on? How is it a discussion when its "RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE O'Shea needs to do this! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE walters needs to find this!" discussions require 2 active paticipants... Most of these ones are statements...
  6. Check the thread title. Cuz for the last page and a half its been about willy.. Smh.
  7. Its not like we go out of our way to insult them.. They bring it upon themselves..
  8. Ok lemme rephrase.. He wasnt the QB of discussion post massive thread jack.. But now sunseri is being discussed and using willy as a measuring stick is kind of fruitless.. Hes led how many 4th quarter comebacks now?
  9. Well, its simple really.. People would rather blame incompetence with the "we didnt get burris or collaros like we needed to!" Crowd then to suggest our staff actually managed to do something right..
  10. Yeah...I hate Saskatchewan more then anyone else here, but I know mfranc isn't even close to being a troll on this board. The trolls that frequent this board are mostly Bomber fans unfortunately. I duno man.. He kind of migs'd his way in here.. All cool and suave with no insults, rider rhetoric and pissing contests and now... Hes starting to slide down that slope of trollery
  11. Nope. Not going to get dragged into a bickerfest.. Willy wasnt the QB of discussion so bringing him in as context is simply a backhanded insult because you feel like we are insulting tino..
  12. I don't think he looked poor at all against Winnipeg, he did what a backup is supposed to do. Manage & win the game.And like I said already, if he plays again like he did yesterday they put in Doege who's also taking 1st team reps in practice. I think Cortez's record speaks for itself, he knows what he's got. He looked poor against Winnipeg. He barely managed to hang onto what should have been a pretty safe lead. You truly are viewing him through green goggles. He came close to costing you guys the game.....yeah and Willy cost you guys 3 games against us with late turnovers. Sunseri held the lead. We aint talking about willy tho are we? Dont try to change the subject..
  13. .... IC Khari, that you? Burris is the starter.. Elliott isnt even rostered.. No.
  14. As a proud Brandonite and diehard Bomber fan, I'm sure you'll understand why I take issue with the above statement. Just because it's the "Winnipeg Blue Bombers" doesn't mean there aren't Bomber fans outside the Perimeter Hwy in Manitoba. You wanna slag the Riders and Saskatchewan, have at it. Leave my city out of it.As a former brandonite, i will gladly say brandon was.. By far... Some of the most boring time ive spent outside of winnipeg... houstons was unbarable, every other bar was a dive or a hole in the wall, restaurants minus humptys and bp were closed at 9 or maaaaaaaaaybe 11. Other then a so so whl team and some decent university sports, what else is there? Sorry man, i tried to love brandon, i really did.. No need to apologize to me. I can't change what your experience was like living in Brandon, but if your only criteria for judging your time here is Houstons, how late restaurants are open and the BU Bobcats I would say you missed out a little while you were here. But to each their own. I lived in Winnipeg for 12 years and enjoyed my time there for the most part, mainly because of the friends I made and the experiences I had there, not because of the Forks or the Goldeyes or the dance bars or the Ballet. Hell if I have the urge for RWB or the WSO I'm only 2 hours away. Simple fact is Brandon is around 50,000 people, Winnipeg is 700,000. The main difference is variety or more of the same things. Winnipeg may have 50 chinese restaurants, Brandon might have 5. All that means is I have a few less takeout menus to sort through, still get a damn good meal. And I will put Little Italy pizza up against any pizza joint in Winnipeg! People from Toronto or Vancouver say the same things about Winnipeg that you say about Brandon or Regina. You happen to be in a bigger city than me. Is there more to do in Winnipeg than Brandon? For the most part yes. That doesn't make Winnipeg better, just bigger. My rambling aside, I think the main reason I took issue with your post is that being a Bomber fan in Brandon isn't easy. There are more Rider fans here than Bombers fans, and it's not like they're all ex-pats from the Rectangle. A lot of them choose green because they hate Winnipeg and its perceived arrogance to the rest of the province. Cheering for the Riders becomes easy for them. It's a normal reaction I know, hating the big guy on the block (much like most of Ontario hating Toronto). But there is a lot of Blue and Gold here too, and we don't need Winnipeggers bashing us. We get enough of that from our Rider neighbours. You used to live here so I figure you would appreciate that point of view. And a so so whl team? Brandon's only missed the playoffs twice in the past 20 odd years. The Bombers and Jets wish they were as so so. Different strokes for different folks... All family and friends lived in wpg... met some cool people but in the end I simply couldnt wait to leave... Its weird tho how many rider fans live there... especially considering crocus has a freakin football team... You would think next to nfl dreams, being a bomber and not a rider is what kids should aspire to..
  15. I doubt it's changed much. That was a little over 10 years ago. Cuz you've lived here for those 10 years? I used to run into bombers everywhere in the offseason.. Malls, movies, walmarts, bars... Now in the offseason id be lucky to see miller or cvetty.. It has changed even if you think not.
  16. You cant really cancel vacation for that many players who are all essentially only here football... Families, friends, less stress, home cooking... These are all things that help heal injuries and psyche... Brown, a guy who built his home here i believe, could afford to have practice cancelled.. Guys like leggett and randle need a break.. How many guys in a ritchie era made winnipeg their home versus the roster now... Apples n oranges folks.
  17. As a proud Brandonite and diehard Bomber fan, I'm sure you'll understand why I take issue with the above statement. Just because it's the "Winnipeg Blue Bombers" doesn't mean there aren't Bomber fans outside the Perimeter Hwy in Manitoba. You wanna slag the Riders and Saskatchewan, have at it. Leave my city out of it. As a former brandonite, i will gladly say brandon was.. By far... Some of the most boring time ive spent outside of winnipeg... houstons was unbarable, every other bar was a dive or a hole in the wall, restaurants minus humptys and bp were closed at 9 or maaaaaaaaaybe 11. Other then a so so whl team and some decent university sports, what else is there? Sorry man, i tried to love brandon, i really did..
  18. So, as long as they stayed in their gaps, and made their tackles, the run defence would work….sounds about right. So, what does that tell you? I'm an O'shea fan, but this quote is like saying that if you step in front of a bus, you'll be alright if you hold your ground and don't get mushed. so your saying o'shea and etch are putting defenders in the box and they are getting ran over by the hugely massive bus-like football players? Huh. Dont recall any dlineman or LBs looking like they were mushed... Seemed like for the first 3quarters the run game was held in check...
  19. Its funny tho as some posters here seem to think that if they complain loudly enough about an aspect of our team, the coaches will suddenly go "oh! Jeez.. They're right! Wtf have we been doing this whole time!" Scream it at a wall, its about as effective as trying to tell our coaching staff what they are doing wrong... Over and over again.. I can gaurentee that walters and o'shea are not fiddling as rome burns... I bet it chaps their asses much worse then our own when we play poorly..
  20. It is funny how kuale goes out and we reaaaaaally crap the bed on run defense. Maybe he isnt as useless as many profess?? We definitely need to get healthy more so then anything.. Our defense is built on misdirection and pressure... Lose either one and it becomes predictable and easily picked on.. I think injuries causing shuffling of the front 7 has caused us a lot grief... We were undersized before but the backups... Yikes. Our depth has been exposed more so then anything else..
  21. Cute.. migs shows up then calls for douchebag reinforcements... Riddle me this rudder fans... if there is SOOOOOOO much to do in rudderland, why do soooooooo freakin many priders sit on the interwebs all day to rise up and defend saskatchetoon, the rudders, regina and everything else green? Between forums and facebook, the entire ****** contigent of rider nation is online like 24 7
  22. Smoooooooth I think jones is a ******... I think his style of coaching works well when the wins are there but losses and they get tuned out. He does have a knack for defense and defense wins. truthfully tho, i cant explain why edmonton is doing so well.. It cant all be on jones...
  23. Well when you post a meme directed at the coach moments after a loss... In a thread dedicated to the belief that our coaches feelings on the run are wrong.... What tha hell were you trying to say?
  24. Blech. Collarbone would suck but the way he went down and with the defender falling on him could be one..
  25. Well.. It was a pretty crappy performance but was definitely not a prime time to see what he is capable of...
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