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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Yea he is struggling mightily.. Best pass defense and our run game isnt helping matters either tho..
  2. Pft. Been saying shitacular fer over a decade.. Public domain lol.
  3. I despise the riders.. And i despise a certain segment of their fanbase.. I also have a very strong dislike for the province and Regina in general.. Bunk city with no oomph! So dreary and boring.. its essentially brandon in saskatchewan..
  4. Dooooooom! Glooooooooooooooom! Pft. Bombers win, glenn throws 3 picks, one a pick 6 and harris gets his hunnit rushing and fiddy in receiving.... Bombers win 28-13
  5. Also, when this drivel is the ONLY crap we get to read... And i use this teem loosely.... As news, what are we supposed to do? Close our eyes and imagine it? Come to think of it... Probably get a better insight into the team that way..
  6. What... No guarenteed win this time? Guess they must be learning...
  7. yeah well you can't judge a running back when the most he gets are 4 carries in a game. Thankfully the coaching staff gets to watch him every day in practise, so they don't have to flip a coin to make personnel decisions. Good call... I doubt this decision was one made lightly seeing as how thin we are at RB..
  8. Recycled joke! Bad mark.. Bad! behave *rolls up a newspaper*. Ya wanna swat on the nose? Too soon?
  9. Oh come on..there is ALWAYS something to post about... How the comebacks happened, how injuries are piling up, how well the secondary has played, how awesome lirim and our return game has been of late... That's almost a weeks worth of material right there..
  10. Geez, what's the second part of that "and you can't make me" ?Is that even a question? Or are you going to add something to the conversion. I know it's hard for you but how about giving it a try for a change instead of your cheeky remarks, maybe you should just sit this one out or would you like to answer the question why staying the course is the best option? Or maybe if I read something to believe you actually are making a valid point with equally valid, reasonable answers, I would have something to address, instead of you remarking on a 6-5 record, or as you continually refer to it, a 1-4 record.Yeah, that's really adding to the conversation.Only a fool would ignore 5-1 to 1 -4, so what are you? Or can you explain why things are all rosy still despite the latest stretch, give is hope then, please.No, ain't biting, but I do more than to come on a fan forum and complain , complain, complain.That solves nothing.Good grief, you don't even know the difference between the complaining and constructive criticism, maybe a 'fan forum' isn't for you? I don't know or care but argue the post, not the poster, right? Isn't that rule #1 of every forum? What have you ever posted that was constructive criticism? The entire time I've seen your posts, your ragging on management and players,.. Period. Man that's constructive!
  11. Recycled joke! Bad mark.. Bad!
  12. Still can't believe someone predicted the pall signing and it came true... I legitimately thought it was never gonna happen..
  13. And zach Anderson is down with an injury as well... Whaaaat is going on down there lol
  14. The ironing would be delicious. I'd almost like to see it just to see all the headlines/ story lines. It's always nice to have a crisp, clean shirt on but I'm not really sure how that applies here... and I wouldn't strongly advise against tasting the ironing to see how delicious it is... Dude it's a quote from The Simpson's. Never mind that it's one of the most used lines on the internet. God, I hate people... It just bottles the mind that people continually miss references. Yea but at the end of the day, it's really a moo point..
  15. Of course they are... Why blame durant who continued the play as well... Nope, blame everyone else first and foremost.. What? Why would you EVER blame Durant? Simple really.. If your going to blame turner for continuing the play after the whistle... You have to blame durant for doing the same.. He could have pulled up, he could have ran backwards for all I care... If both players didn't hear the whistle then obviously both are free from blame but if either one heard it or felt the play was dead and continued on.... *shrug* just my opinion.. Kind of a really strange comparison to make, imo. Either way, hard for me to blame anyone. Oh me too.. I don't see blame to be handed out in anyway really.. Ref can't make his whistles louder.. Durant and turner both couldnt hear a thing I'm sure.. Just a shitty play.. Blame our crowd i guess for being so dang insanely loud lol
  16. ? Was there a whistle on the play? If so I never heard it. There was.. I heard one right after the snap (procedure due to Messam on the line I believe.. Moved) but I'm assuming on the field, nobody was hearing a thing..
  17. Of course they are... Why blame durant who continued the play as well... Nope, blame everyone else first and foremost.. What? Why would you EVER blame Durant? Simple really.. If your going to blame turner for continuing the play after the whistle... You have to blame durant for doing the same.. He could have pulled up, he could have ran backwards for all I care... If both players didn't hear the whistle then obviously both are free from blame but if either one heard it or felt the play was dead and continued on.... *shrug* just my opinion..
  18. Of course they are... Why blame durant who continued the play as well... Nope, blame everyone else first and foremost..
  19. The more you have to deal with Rider fans the more you wish for bad things to happen to their players. Really? Some of you guys take things way too personal. Come on man... Rider fans take it as we slapped their mom when we dare insult the riders, their players, their stadium, their city, their lack of cups, their nationwide following... Uh, did I miss anything?
  20. So I guess gophers can't change their coats... A rider fan is a rider fan is a rider fan..
  21. Sucks for BC and for Lulay.. Having "loose" shoulder joints is a curse, especially for a player who gets hit a fair bit.. I assume that's the issue now... Real hard to come back from that.. Even if he sits out a season to let the pins or whatever they do now to let it set, it may never be solid and pop out easy no matter what..
  22. I will agree, those 2 throws are back breakers BUT we shouldnt even be in those positions to have to force those throws... Also, the guy whos making those ints is the same cool customer who has orchastrated 2 (or 3?) Unreal last minute combacks.. Good with bad.. Unreal comebacks against the East. The interceptions are completely unacceptable. A #1 QB gets you those comeback wins while also not throwing games away. It's what makes qb's great. Frankly the lustre we saw on Drew is coming off mighty fast. Do you realize Willy is essentially a rookie? He's still learning but has all the tools, both mental and physical, that you'd want in your starting QB. He can be a rookie until the cows come home but he's had years learning behind Durant and is 28. And bad decision making isn't something you can necessarily fix overnight. If Willy indeed does have bad decision making and can be made to panic in the pocket we're in for a very very long rebuild. And people wonder why Winnipeg doesn't develop any Quarterbacks? Not everyone is Ricky Ray. So Willy is 28, has thrown for 2889 yards, 12 TD and 11 INT according to cfl.ca The first time Anthony Calvillo threw for 2889+ yards was in 2000 (and Willy is there with 7 games left) he also had 27 TD and 5 INT, that was his breakout year in those categories. He was 28 The difference between 28 year old calvillo and 28 year old Willy is prior to 28 Calvillo had 1697 pass attempts, 14,279 yards and 76 TD and 76 INT Willy prior to to this year had 147 pass attempts, 1182 yards 9TD and 5 INT's So give him time, it takes time playing to develop. Calvillo had 6 seasons under his belt before he broke out, you're freaking out when willy has half a season where he's actually playing. Nice informative stats. The problem is you aren't having a conversation with the poster. He essentially just walks into threads, takes a dump on the floor and walks away. Information is wasted on him. I hereby nominate this post for "post of the year".. That was absolute gold..
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