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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Sad but true... Just being plain horrendous doesn't have to coincide with some conspiracy theory..
  2. 1 TD.. That's it.. Their offence managed one freakin TD... For all that clock time chewed up, we STILL had a chance to win at the end of the game... If you rush for 200 yards and still win by less then a TD... It's obviously not working that great..
  3. Yea, I read that and couldn't help but think "stay classy foley.." Then remembered, he is simply incapable of class.. Or being even noticed during a game this season..
  4. I perhaps may have heard something that might be along those lines, maybe. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
  5. Don't think it matters if he is or isn't.. Homophobic slurs are unacceptable.. Same level to me as racial slurs.. Words designed to disparage an entire segment of the population cannot and should not be tolerated... Seeing as he was caught on tape there had better be some form of reprimand..
  6. Those feathers or wings on the shoulders... Sooooooooo fugly.. Like bad wrestling costumes!
  7. I'd say the loss came from the blocked fg for a TD and the hold on the kick return that let dressler waltz right by the defender.. Plus romby not fighting for that last INT didn't help us much.. I kind of think willy might be playing hurt or dinged up.... That last toss (and a couple others) looked pretty soft and not as hard or on the money as usual..
  8. The yards on the ground did not win the rudders this game... How is this point not understood? Special teams and brutal, horrendous officiating cost us much more in the last 2 games.. Let em run for 200 yards... Their offence scored one TD... One.
  9. Which part of our run defence distresses you the most? The fact that they gave up 196 yards ? or that it led to one TD being scored on the defence? Exactly! Sure they chewed up yards.. But was it what did us in? Not even close..
  10. I will agree, those 2 throws are back breakers BUT we shouldnt even be in those positions to have to force those throws... Also, the guy whos making those ints is the same cool customer who has orchastrated 2 (or 3?) Unreal last minute combacks.. Good with bad..
  11. How about two games, two game winning or tide turning touchdowns given to riders directly due to refs missing blatant, insanely obvious holding calls? Last week it was wild getting mugged to death and today it was leggett I think on that return TD..
  12. All these points are super important for the Bombers to continue building the underlying base for future years. It's not possible to have a Salisbury section with the new stadium configuration but maybe colour coded sections to highlight support would help. And now would be a great time to have that Superstore down the road get more heavily involved with tickets in their own SuperSection. Good on Co-Op for a unique approach in their support for the club. Why not? There are at least 4 sections that are consistently empty in each corner, probably more. That means there are few season ticket holders in those sections if any. They could easily give dozens of blocks of tickets to an interested partner (most likely a grocery store or restaurant) to sell for cheap. I used to ***** up the safeway tickets with my friends when they sold endzone and.upperdeck ones at reduced rate... Still kinda surprised they havent got around to blowing out the non-sellers... Maybe next year they will see the "trend" data and sell em to schools or wutever else to at least get something from them..
  13. The same d line who is dead last in the league for sacks Steinhauer is not playing an aggressive D... I'd still take Bulcke over Cornell and Richardson You and everyone else im pretty sure..
  14. Unreal. "capable" MLB. Henoc, if he stayed in the cfl, may have been one of the best... If not the best... Canadian MLBs.. Smarts, athletic and i dont think his potential is even remotely close to topping out...But yea, you 2 are right... An over-rated, merely capable MLB.. smh.
  15. The panic and outrage in this thread for a guy missing 10 mins of practice is hilarious..
  16. ESPECIALLY considering that we are a community owned team... shouldnt this one thing that we can actually have a say in, go in our favour?
  17. Oh ease up surgeon general.. Its a horrible drug but its no meth,heroin, krocodile, oxy or even mdma.. The fact he is injecting it tho tells me he has an addictive personality and probably stuggles mightily with addictive substances.. Hopefully he gets the help he deserves..... let's not even try to rationalize cocaine or crack use here. They're no mary jane, that's for damn sure.Not rationizing it at all but the fact remains its not anywhere near as bad as the others I mentioned.. Also, its not as taboo as one would think... Lotta people have tried it or use it.. Injecting anything is pretty much the most dangerous drug to do, particularly street drugs. Any impurities and you're dead. Injecting cocaine is on par with injecting heroin, most people who do one will do the other, and sometimes both, which is the quickest way to die. Yea that's very true.. The fact he's injecting is a scary one as its well beyond recreational at that level... That's full-fledged addict with an ugly road to recovery ahead.... Luckily, american rehab centres are out if this world (if he can afford it)
  18. Randle one nod? Lol. Leggett not enough love either but hajrullahu got jobbed with only 3..
  19. I think Thigpen did it first or did one less then Williams..
  20. Oh ease up surgeon general.. Its a horrible drug but its no meth,heroin, krocodile, oxy or even mdma.. The fact he is injecting it tho tells me he has an addictive personality and probably stuggles mightily with addictive substances.. Hopefully he gets the help he deserves.. ... let's not even try to rationalize cocaine or crack use here. They're no mary jane, that's for damn sure. Not rationizing it at all but the fact remains its not anywhere near as bad as the others I mentioned.. Also, its not as taboo as one would think... Lotta people have tried it or use it.. Yeah, that's the most surprising thing -- how relatively common it is amongst young people. Considering how bad it really is (and make no mistake, it can and does ruin lives), I don't know why anyone would even take the chance. Besides, people on coke act like f*cking as*holes. Yup.. True on both counts.. It can definitely ruin a life and it has done so countless times.. Some people cannot handle how addictive it is.. And I too have come across my fair share of blowed out douchebags.. Know what's a great mix?? Coke, roids and alcohol.. A hyper violent, pain numbed, jacked up juice monkey is always a fun person to deal with..
  21. Doesnt make any difference.. Just funny how a guy who has been cut this many times has a fanboy following who thinks hes "just that one chance away..." From being a legit CFL QB..
  22. Oh ease up surgeon general.. Its a horrible drug but its no meth,heroin, krocodile, oxy or even mdma.. The fact he is injecting it tho tells me he has an addictive personality and probably stuggles mightily with addictive substances.. Hopefully he gets the help he deserves.. ... let's not even try to rationalize cocaine or crack use here. They're no mary jane, that's for damn sure. Not rationizing it at all but the fact remains its not anywhere near as bad as the others I mentioned.. Also, its not as taboo as one would think... Lotta people have tried it or use it..
  23. Oh ease up surgeon general.. Its a horrible drug but its no meth,heroin, krocodile, oxy or even mdma.. The fact he is injecting it tho tells me he has an addictive personality and probably stuggles mightily with addictive substances.. Hopefully he gets the help he deserves.. Wouldn't lump in MDMA with that. Pure, pharmaceutical MDMA -- the stuff developed by Bayer in the '20's, not the garbage street drug or Molly -- is being considered as a (highly controlled) psychotherapy drug for its ability to break down psychological treatment barriers. Fascinating stuff. If the Feds in the US would get out of the way there is really convincing research that MDMA could make chronic PTSD a thing of the past. Then again... a lot of illegal drugs have other potential uses that gets blocked by their illegality - low dose LSD (daily dose of a 1/10 of a regular hit) is apparently (their is a big subculture experimenting with medical uses) a much better solution to ADD/ADHD. It resolves the attention issues without turning the kid into a zombie like ritalin. While I do agree with both of you... Real, pure MDMA is next to impossible to locate due to the manufacture of it requires chemicals that are next to impossible to obtain.. So "MDMA" that the kids get now is incrediblly toxic and dangerous.. So in summation, i was referencing the street edition, not the good stuff that could benefit people..
  24. What?I dont know if its grammatically correct. Lol.But both players are burried and forgotten and rotting on the depth chart.... well, like dead. lease on life?? I LOLed anyhow.....so great.This part of the thread totally bottled my mind.. That's a mute point. Uhhhhh.. Nooooooo... It's a moo point..
  25. The kid has some game and I still can't believe we managed to land him without a draft or trade.. A walk on beast mode kicker.. Hopefully he just keeps going and going..
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