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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Man.. I've heard of hairbrained theories.. But seriously... Lawless, is that you? Hall went out of his way to improve his run stopping ability while a bomber because he knew he was too "one dimensional" and now he's a selfish me first guy? As for the Evan Gill theory.. Hah. In bizarro world you may have a case for yourself..
  2. What? I dont know if its grammatically correct. Lol.But both players are burried and forgotten and rotting on the depth chart.... well, like dead. lease on life?? I LOLed anyhow.....so great. This part of the thread totally bottled my mind..
  3. Baahahaha my God, how many Joey E fanboys haunt this place lolol
  4. You realize he WAS in the CFL, right? He made his name up here.. Who can forget TSN going on and on about Thigpen being the first player to score a TD 5 different ways in one season back in 2010. Haha no kidding... Can you imagine rod black if Thigpen comes back into the CFL? I shudder at the thought..
  5. Sigh. The west isn't some unconquerable land full of NFL allstars. We can and will beat teams in the western division.. Negatron infection detected!
  6. I don't expect to see a big bruiser RB brought in but you would think Matthews would be a viable option..
  7. You realize he WAS in the CFL, right? He made his name up here..
  8. HAHA, did anyone seriously compare it even?Zach Collaros said THF is better. Yea before it was even built.. Tootin the company horn methinks..
  9. Good trade.. Spare parts for spart parts... Hope this works out for suber as he not only was a solid player for us but pure class act in general...
  10. It is a Rider fan on that account. No ties to the league. Pushes their own agenda. Ick. No wonder it was so one-sided..
  11. Oh ease up surgeon general.. Its a horrible drug but its no meth,heroin, krocodile, oxy or even mdma.. The fact he is injecting it tho tells me he has an addictive personality and probably stuggles mightily with addictive substances.. Hopefully he gets the help he deserves..
  12. That's..... Nuts. Didn't expect to hear something like this..
  13. Where's mike with the weird mayo eater when ya need him..
  14. For what it's worth here is O'Shea's statement. If his record was 2-8 he might come off sounding similar to Mike Kelly. The Riders finished with 160 yards along the ground against the Bombers, giving them a two-game rushing total of 346. "I’m sure that people aren’t going to agree with me, but I’m not concerned about it," said Bombers head coach Mike O’Shea about the team’s run defence. "No, I’m not." Asked to explain, he added: "Because we’re here and we’re in the game and I understand what’s going on more than what people see onon film. That’s it. I’m not worried about it." Former LB, played very cerebral and knows his DC very well.. Why would we assume he is putting up a smoke screen or lying?
  15. Still refuse to acknowledge that our lead scout went on record no less to say that the numbers wanted Willy as the best option huh.. Not too shocking as that would indicate the bombers did a positive thing..
  16. The rider db body checked kelly before the ball got there.. I dont know how they blew that call after reviewing it.. The only consistent thing about these stupid reviews is they are wildly inconsistent...
  17. Thats a lot of KMs to be hoofing, no?
  18. I realllllllllllly hope kromah draws back in next week..
  19. Yup.. I agree... The above are way nicer...
  20. Lol I vote for these last 2... Reebok you fumbled your opening kick off and it was scooped for a TD the other way...
  21. That's just lazy.. If you can't cut and hollow out a watermelon for this prestigious occasion... That rider fan needs to hang his head in shame..
  22. Anyway possibly I can vote for bombers, tiicats and stamps still for this week?
  23. NFL rules dictate no weed, regardless if it's legal in colorado or Washington..
  24. Who's better on teams.. Sears or unumba? Cuz Sears is pretty deadly on em too..
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