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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Its such a shame that bobby gordon got old, lol.. Ditto derek armstrong tho not as talented overall... Plus he gets bonus points for being an ex-rider who came here and did pretty good
  2. Alex Hall = Geroy Simon? Hes a very good DE but I mean Simon was one of the best, if not the best receiver in CFL history... But i do agree with the idea that he could easily go on to do awesome elsewhere (and against us) or we can figure it out and not pass on 12-15 sacks and some very good run stopping for a pass rush specialist..
  3. Pall.. He of 3 very unproductive seasons in the cfl and a suspect work ethic... And go!
  4. According to Doug Brown the fundamentals of football dictate that the first guys job is always to wrap up or contain the ball carrier and the second and third tacklers go for the ball.Be that as it may... Is etch a fundamentals guy or a crazy idea guy? Me thinks more so the second option. I'm pretty sure he emphasizes turnover opportunities versus fundamentally sound play... Or assumes the players are fundamentally sound and says "go for it.."You have absolutely no idea if that is true or not! so why say it?Well for one thing, I see the defense going for strips all game long... And for 2 I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in an interview that forcing turnovers is priority #1 and that means more rip n strip n punch then form tackling... Actually....it was said after the bombers poor display of tackling...that when the players watched the film they could see they were trying too hard to strip the ball 1st and tackle properly 2nd. That is why you saw a large improvement in the Montreal Game. You still have no idea what Etch does or does not tell them! ACTUALLY... from watching the defense all season long, i can hazard a guess because... Yip, you got it park pontiac, they ARE ALWAYS STRIPPING, RIPPING AND PUNCHING AT THE BALL!!! Did that maybe penetrate? I never once said "etch says this.." I said "its my belief or opinion.." This is a discussion board for opinions about the bombers, is it not? As for the interview, im pretty sure i heard it in week 3 or 4 after shermanator got his second forced fumble in two games..
  5. If hes matched up against a decent db... Hes invisible.. If he has a slouch, he can be very effective... A la chris brazzell..
  6. Oh and mchenry has a fractured 6th vertbrae.. Sucks.. Another pretty big injury..
  7. Westerman got an assault charge? Bar fight as per usual football player? Wonder if hes on the outs in BC (well out of thw team, maybe into the oen lol) and if walters would be interested if his charges drop..
  8. I thought that too... Lazy reuse of the line used last week... At least put some effort into it..
  9. We still could have easily landed one of them and willy if willy was hoping for a better shot at starting.... Being behind durant is like being behind AC.. i would have pushed that big time if we did land zac or frank..
  10. what, so im a heartless **** who hates all 5 dogs ive had because im not a thin-skinned whiner when someone dares a tiny bit of animal abuse in a completely joking and non-realistic manner? This is whats wrong with the world today... People get unbelievably butthurt and all aghast about the smallest and dumbest stuff... Political correctness can suck my left one..
  11. Nobody wants to point out that no one called iso a dog kicker or animal abuser... Only that someone had done it? The imaginary boogydog booter we will say... man this place can suck the life right outta stuff some days..
  12. According to Doug Brown the fundamentals of football dictate that the first guys job is always to wrap up or contain the ball carrier and the second and third tacklers go for the ball.Be that as it may... Is etch a fundamentals guy or a crazy idea guy? Me thinks more so the second option. I'm pretty sure he emphasizes turnover opportunities versus fundamentally sound play... Or assumes the players are fundamentally sound and says "go for it.." You have absolutely no idea if that is true or not! so why say it?Well for one thing, I see the defense going for strips all game long... And for 2 I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in an interview that forcing turnovers is priority #1 and that means more rip n strip n punch then form tackling...
  13. Holy crap, you seriously have a hard on for hating this guy... All because he left your beloved stamps?
  14. People are digging the ALS jersey? Looks like a WWE outfit for cryin out loud...
  15. Whomever is the odd man out... Fraser, peach, either or.. I care not!
  16. Why would it be in violation? Reebok make the other uniforms too. I don't know if the team is allowed to change them tho as it might be contractual they wear the designed ones... Im guessing obviously but maybe even the cfl might be bothered by it as it isn't the teams "official" jersey if your mixing and matching..
  17. Yes, more players required means less talented players spread out across more teams. Which means we get more obvious mismatches that teams try to exploit. In those situations, the mismatched player can do one of two things: let his man beat him clean or do something that warrants a penalty. More instances where this happens means more times players get busted for it. Which means more flags. See ANY league in ANY professional sport the year of expansion. Penalties and bad play always go up. Always. Good players are a finite resource. Adding another team in a league of 8 where there's already a shortage of quality Canadians and this is a short-term consequence that you get. Or, you know, the refs are just assholes. Whatever floats your boat. Uhhhhhhhhhh................... No.. The refs are not assholes, they are simply ill trained and unable to do the job required of them.... It's been an eyesore for the league long before Ottawa came around again..
  18. Penalties are related to expansion?? Uhhhhhhhhhh....
  19. Ford is a decent back but I agree that the struggles we see with grigsby and cotton would just be the same with ford..
  20. Rod suitor or glen black... They are both some of the worst analysts of any sport on any channel or broadcast.. It's embarrassing as to how pathetic they are.. Both barely know what's going on in the cfl at the best of times and the fluff or filler they use is so mundane it hurts to listen to.. CJOB with the PVR back a few seconds is going to be my way to watch from here on out me thinks..
  21. I believe they will fluke another 2 wins... But this lameness can't be a shocker to anyone, they are an expansion team in a talent-thin league..
  22. Could/would we be willing to don gold helmets and pants with the camo jerseys tho? Would we be in violation of reebok deal?
  23. Any new additions? Saw a lot of guys go down but duno how many stayed down to speak..
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