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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Nope. I really don't believe that.. CFL reffing is atrocious.. Nba, nhl, nfl and even arena league refs don't miss nearly as many obvious calls or Make as many wrong calls...
  2. I disagree.. Ray is on a different level then glenn.. Glenn is so prone to stupid decisions.. Bad passes, bad timing to run and panics so quick.. I think parallels can be much more clearly drawn between glenn and burris..
  3. What does that mean exactly? The amount of questionable and blown calls are almost uncountable. Dunno what games you're watching... Until the cfl mans up and either improves the coaching of refs or thieves some NCAA or NFL guys for our season, it's not going to improve sadly... I agree with you 100%, it makes us look bush league and embarrassing especially now we are back on tv in the us..
  4. Helmets were apparently not ready.. Not sure the reason for delay... Saw it on twiter, think paddy had tweeted the redblacks
  5. According to Doug Brown the fundamentals of football dictate that the first guys job is always to wrap up or contain the ball carrier and the second and third tacklers go for the ball. Be that as it may... Is etch a fundamentals guy or a crazy idea guy? Me thinks more so the second option. I'm pretty sure he emphasizes turnover opportunities versus fundamentally sound play... Or assumes the players are fundamentally sound and says "go for it.."
  6. Hall over rated. Lolololololololololololololol.. Just a top 3 DE, grey cup champ, league leading sack guy... Nope he's a bum.. Smh. If etch likes him, I hope we make.a big play for him..
  7. Yea he was just so teeny weeny stopping all those rush attempts lol
  8. Doh.. Thanks for the correction
  9. Opening it up is about throwing more intermediate passes and a few more bombs .... its different than all this short passing and running up the gut too frequently ... nothing to do with passing skills or execution .... if you won't go downfield with your passes the D just starts creeping up giving us less and less room to maneuver and run that short stuff ... not hard to understand is it? Well what I got from it was we ARE opening it up.. We lead the league in opening it up lol.. But when we don't execute properly with the dropsies and the fumblitis then they don't show up on the sheet or in people's memory banks apparently.. Could go for it more often but then you gotta balance the risk/reward,right? Willys served up a few.. But again, we lead the league in big plays..
  10. I did like how you could see plain as day that Watson was making the catch attempt one handed as the defender held his other with 2 hands and suitor was mystified how this was pass interference... Who's dumber at this junction... Black or suitor?
  11. Exactly... It's designed to take advantage of the blitz.. It's not like they were fluking into it.. The play is going to punish the blitz 9 times outta 10..
  12. Higgins is a dinosaur.. He needs to plod off into the sunset with his severance package. Brutal calls, bad challenges, lack of emotion and next to no adjustments mid-game..
  13. Higgins is a dinosaur.. He needs to plod off into the sunset with his severance package. Brutal calls, bad challenges, lack of emotion and next to no adjustments mid-game..
  14. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is none of us here has a clue how to judge who's doing better then who because we don't know what calls are made, who's making or missing blocks, etc etc.. All we can truly base decisions off is stats and who has the trust of the management..
  15. Id go as far as to say he's been improving every year in the league.. And I wasn't a big fan when he signed here..
  16. Ignorance is bliss spudsy. You realize I wasn't referring to you as you've been out from under the bridge for awhile now, right? I keed I keed... It was for the rider prider throwing around insults in his first 3 posts on the board..
  17. Sweeeet.. Another troll found their way from under their bridge... Woot woot
  18. Bronson pichot or some such... Dont think he was on kotter..
  19. Well i am glad that im not in the minority here (no pun intended) as i always felt the protesters side of the story was always a little fishy... in my opinion, if a cop asked me to stop or move over then I'm simply going to do it no questions asked.. They are tasked with huge responsibility and deal with a ton of bullshit every day.. I truly doubt the "arms in the air" story and if anything his hands went right up when the cop got full control of his gun but at that point your prettt much screwed.. Lie down and take your arrest... Dont run after attempting hit or subdue a cop..
  20. From rooter to tooter, its all delish!
  21. Ok i guess its cool to make an out there statement and then ignore the replies with a "i dun wanna play anymoar!"
  22. One thing to note.. I believe our defensive philosphy is rip n strip then go for tackle... Sometimes that puts the player(s) in horrible positions to wrap up... I like the idea, forces turnovers and all but i think the LBs need to be reeled in a bit on this concept as the first contact goes for strip and RB/REC is already gaining positive yardage.. IF the gang tackle is on, rip away but otherwise just wrap the bleep up and let everything else sort itself out..
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