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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Welcome to the board, glad to have ya even if yer a rider fan lol. All kidding aside, it's refreshing to have a fan from another team here who doesnt simply post here to troll..
  2. Boy am I tired of hearing that. Yea hes kinda like the international equivilent to corey watson.. Just sucks hes so good when hes healthy..
  3. You can really only fully see his "MO" in the last three years as this is truly the only time he has been running the show. He has been quite adept at compiling mid to late round draft picks and these have been decent players.Taman does like to pay for veteran talent but it is hard to argue with his recent level of success. Not to mention some key cogs were already there or were not very hard to acquire. Durant, Labatte, Picard, et. al. It's easier to be a genius GM when the previous regime has already gone through the QB growing pains. This is pretty much it, He's got a good qb in Saskatchewan. When he had a good qb in Winnipeg he built good teams too. I still love the guy, no ill will here, but he operates in a certain way and that way is the same as it has always been, this year is more important than next year or the year after, he'll worry about them when they get here. We'll just agree to disagree... I think Taman value picks now a lot more than he used to and I can't blame him the draft pool is generally better and deeper now. Honestly, I see a lot of similarities between Walters and Taman. Uh.. Nope. Not seeing it. You gotta back up such a wacky statement with the whys..
  4. I think he's just saying ex-bombers in general..
  5. I liked what cohon brought to the table as commish.. Sad to see him go but time waits for no man or some other cheesy quote..
  6. Looks like a half finished bowling ball or one that caught fire.. Dunno, not liking it thus far...
  7. Yea me too... The added gold looks tacky and way out of place with the digital camo concept.. I've heard rumblings this jersey is for armed forces day next season as well... So, camo makes sense... The arctic urban camo is a unique look and I'm a fan of it..
  8. He looked like a monster when he was in... Time to see if it keeps going.. Sucks about vega being out tho..
  9. Cotton deserves a few games at least to prove himself again... Also, I'm not adverse to cutting either one if Bolton or even if meggett comes back and looks impressive.... Got keep on looking to level up... At all spots on the field.... Never stop looking..
  10. I don't know, an MLB in flames would definitely make the running backs a little less comfortable running up the gut While I do agree, I think the league might frown upon it just a tad..
  11. I don't think a dozen forum denizens coupled with like 2 dozen facebook posters constitutes as a huge reaction.. I've seen people saying they like em as well so it's really not a universal hatred..
  12. Keep it as is.. An off season does not make a reason to change everything.. Next season could be east are beasts again..
  13. Weird. Coulda sworn I saw a Facebook post of his that had him in the bears dressing room with his gear... Sigh, now I gotta go verify lol**edit** Knew I wasn't losing my mind.. As of August 16th on his Facebook account, "blessed with opportunity" with a picture of him with a name placard, #13 and in Nike bears shorts n a shirt... Dunno how to post pics so can't post it tho.. So we were both right? Perfect! I can't find any news story or see him on the Bears website though, so I wonder if they're just giving him a workout or something. No idea if that happens in the middle of the preseason or not. Yea i dunno.. i know not the ways of the NFL.. I assumed if he had a.name bar on a stall, he was there for at least TC..
  14. Yes but if the LBs make the plays on the ball carrier then its a moot point.. Our defense is run-weak but can handle the run if the players make plays..
  15. Interesting.. Injuries or just disappointed in milo? (is it milo?)
  16. Why can't it be both? And what's wrong with that? No one will be forced to buy them. If they want to spend their money on one that's fine and dandy. What's wrong? They're forcing garbage on the fans all across the league, that's what's wrong. In Winnipeg's case, the unis most fans want & the Bombers promised they'd wear, we never see.Like you, I think these are crap. But I'm going to interrupt you here because they aren't forcing anything on you. Don't want to buy one? Okay. Decide that this is the last straw for you? Fine, don't watch a game. The CFL is in the business of making money. You can vote with your wallet. Spare us though that these atrocities will somehow be forced into your life. Good call.. Its not like the jerseys are every game worn nor is there any requirement to like, purchase or even look at them.. this much angst is typically reserved for teenage girls..
  17. Sears isn't being stashed, he's hurt but should be back next week..
  18. https://twitter.com/cfllandry/status/501460287137284096 And boom goes the dynamite.
  19. The guys not allowed to dress as he wants now? Smh.
  20. Weird. Coulda sworn I saw a Facebook post of his that had him in the bears dressing room with his gear... Sigh, now I gotta go verify lol**edit** Knew I wasn't losing my mind.. As of August 16th on his Facebook account, "blessed with opportunity" with a picture of him with a name placard, #13 and in Nike bears shorts n a shirt... Dunno how to post pics so can't post it tho..
  21. He's looking a lot more likely to be that stokes, Williams type guy who if we just give him space can turn it into big gains..
  22. I can't complain about the league doing this, it's not like we are the first to roll out special jerseys.. Every other league that I can think of has been doing it for awhile now.. The more I look at the helmet, the more I'm anticipating the jerseys.. Personally, I'm a hat guy so I'm hoping some sweet pro-fits without straight beaks follow shortly..
  23. Hope he comes out on fire (not literally) and wants that starting gig.. Kuale has kinda been more kuala... Expected more heavy hits and more... I dunno... Oomph.. Guess this May be why he was readily available..
  24. Wonder if anyone is gonna say we support Russia now that our signature jerseys match their arctic urban camo style..
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