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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I will say... Lack of gold is odd... It does look a tad.. Argoish
  2. Looking forward to seeing the jersey... Helmet looks good IMO, better then Mountain Dew dome or plaid skull
  3. I'm digging that helmet too... Very urban camo vibe. Much liking!
  4. Was that actually a hot action cop reference on a football board? *walks away shaking head sadly*
  5. I'd be stunned if mulumba or muamba came back north this season.. We might see bikuilidi at some point which would be awesome.. Hopeful for Chris Mathews as well...Sheets and dressler will fuel a bidding war (well dressler anyway) with sheets landing in saskabush again... Dressler for some reason lands in Ottawa in my minds eye.. Odd note that i came across.. Prechai Rodriguez is still toiling in the NFL.. with the bears I believe this year... Never thought he was there for anything other then a cup of coffee..
  6. The thunder scares me. Came back from under the bed did ya lol
  7. It looks like milt is charming that football like a cobra... That or making it levitate in his hands..
  8. Glen and Colin Scrivener. Both D. That's right... There was another scrivener.. Good call..
  9. Do we expect to hear the "official" signing during the interview today? Also, do we recall ever having brothers playing on the opposite sides of the ball (and line) before? I remember the ball bros in the secondary and the boyko bros on the special teams...
  10. It should be equally easy to referee from the review booth.... You would flippin' think so... I cannot fathom how with review, they still botch things..
  11. He was trying out at guard but played predominantly at right tackle in college... From what the tidbit on him explained anyway.. I assume his interior play wasn't as good as his tackle (but again, who knows... This is still a "rumour" technically)
  12. I concur. IF this is legit then i have a hard time imagining that he doesnt get a sure shot at stealing a job..
  13. As long as its not an automatic pencer in..
  14. And ive come to the conclusion that rod black couldnt call himself out of a wet popcorn bag.. He is simply brutal.. The boltus equivilent of broadcasting..
  15. Soooo... Horrific offenses or great defenses? I missed the first half and a bit..
  16. That's my fault. Sorry.Nah, all good.. I confuse easily
  17. Wonder if keeping white is going to haunt them all season..
  18. Wonder what the optics were on fuller not being a bomber... He sure woulda looked good in blue and good..
  19. Back.to game, wtf is white (doh!) doing!
  20. Ah, k makes sense.. Just saw mathews n dressler being discussed so was confused lol
  21. Huh. Sweet! If he plays with the fire and intensity of his brother, could be a gamer..
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