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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. No guarantee they go back to the Riders. But I think the Riders only have enough money within the salary cap to sign one not both. If so, I'd take Dressler & let Sheets go to whoever he chooses. Maybe Winnipeg? You know mathews was a bomber, right?
  2. Whatever let the doom and gloomin' negative nancy pontificate about how poorly we are off and how crappy this team is. Its not like anyone listens to them or that they are even remotely accurate.. They remind me of those street wackos with the placcard signs saying "the end is near! Repent!" But near and repent are misspelled..
  3. He is considered an extremely long shot to make the 53 man. However, he does have PR eligibility left, although most of the NFL pundits are suggesting he won't be asked. I have heard rumblings of a verbal agreement being in place with him for his return. Don't know how accurate that might be. That would be an awesome boost to our receivers as well.. question would be how to work him back in...
  4. Willy is a direct representative of his OC.. and willy hasnt looked out of place as a starter at all... An OC caters his playcalling to his players and for the most part the offense has had some very good games with some rough patches worked in.. Marcel B may not be a godsend but hes solid.. He knows the game, he can make adjustments.. We can win with him without question.. so id rank him at above average but not closer to the elite scale... Closer to the medium notch.. With that being said, hes made me change my opinion of him.. I used to think he was a hack.. But hes a talented guy who knows the CFL, give him some respect. Hes earned it..
  5. Is it just me or does the name bar cover the dark blue stripes? Like, that to me is insanely bush league.. Like mama ironed on that name bar..
  6. I cannot understand why we can't seem to find a even a middlin' level INT tackle at this point.. It ain't even a blind side tackle for.cryin out loud. NFL cuts hopefully bring us a beast but there is soooooooo many tackles in the states.. Is it that yard that just messes with everyone? I suppose it is a big change, having to suddenly move a craptonne more per game and per down but it really seems crazy that before they almost grew on trees and now... Nada. Gimme the days of Orlando Bobo, Dan Goodspeed and Garrick Jones... Hell, I'll take a Jermese Jones at this point..
  7. Especially Steele's run up the middle for a 19 yard touchdown, that was tough to watch from a defensive point of view.Oh yeah, kinda hung my head after that one Yea that one stung... Everyone knew a run was coming... We actually looked ready for it.. Bam. Thru the front seven and almost past the secondary with little to no effort..
  8. It's the root system. Weeds have roots that are thicker and more importantly grow deeper. People who water their lawns frequently create poor root systems for their grass. Less frequent waterings encourages the roots to grow deeper in search of moisture, and in times of low precipitation these lawns will be more durable than lawns that are overwatered. Over time a healthy lawn should overtake the weeds. So they say. In theory... Hell, in theory communism works lol Gravity is only a theory... Mind.... Blown!
  9. While I agree, he would be huge boost... He is a proven talent that id assume would get a shot elsewhere.. (note) I write this because it seems like 9 times outta 10 the things I predict go backwards... Sooooo, let's go law of averages!
  10. Whaaaaaaaa.... Me thinks someone didn't quite get the joking context.
  11. You realize it's not 2013 right? Smh. He's been in a state of depression since we cut Goltz. lol. So much this.
  12. He didn't get cut. He was being placed on the Practice Roster but chose to go the Bombers 46 man roster instead. Tough to blame him but in retrospect Stoudemire should have been on the 46 with Marshay Green on the PR. Nice, your loss is our gain... First willy now Stoudermire.. Let's keep this ball rolling lol
  13. You realize it's not 2013 right? Smh.
  14. It's the root system. Weeds have roots that are thicker and more importantly grow deeper. People who water their lawns frequently create poor root systems for their grass. Less frequent waterings encourages the roots to grow deeper in search of moisture, and in times of low precipitation these lawns will be more durable than lawns that are overwatered. Over time a healthy lawn should overtake the weeds. So they say. In theory... Hell, in theory communism works lol
  15. Yea that's exactly the opposite of what I was hoping for in terms of this challengable PI concept.. It's all over the place as to what is or isn't being called.. What was the issue on that one? The slight bump as they both went up? The miniscule hand fighting? This is just going to become a massive bungalow now... And kudos man, you definitely called it..
  16. Stoudermire was a beast out there... He had the same amount of return yardage that we managed to muster up on offence.. Hope he keeps killin it.. Why'd he get cut in saskabush again?
  17. I'm pretty excited to watch the forums poo poo over all the guys we scout and bring in too.. Technically, you're not scouting anyone... no offence. Community owned team... I'm part of the community, thus "own" it.. That makes me a we.. Capiche? Talk about being a sticky widget for the sake of knobishness
  18. Oh I agree, he's an outstanding LB at either wil or middle but still smallish unfortunately.. He does hit hard but seems to be lacking that oomph we need to stuff those inside runs..
  19. We NEED an mlb who has size and speed.. The little guys are getting ruined up against 240 lb brutes... We either need that or to work on our gang tackling..
  20. Looks like a weather advisory warning for thunderstorms or lightning lol.
  21. Whoa man.. Whoa.. Your like, in his head.. You should be a sports psychologist! Anyway, pretty sure its the fact he is met almost everytime in the backfield by 1 or 2 defenders on a regular basis.. When he gets the ball in space, do we see this fear of overextending or getting hurt?
  22. I'm pretty excited to watch the forums poo poo over all the guys we scout and bring in too..
  23. Seriously.. How is tanner marsh being leapfrogged by guys like brink and a cut from another team? This makes absolutely no sense regardless of how long marsh has been an al... I'd be livid and asking for my release or a trade cuz obviously his worth is less then zip. Hadn't smith and crompton only been in the league a short while too? Not that I give 2 squirts of piss either way but wow that guys getting screwed.. Also, I second the "why oh why did we leave the east.." Comments..
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