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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Welp, at least I went out with some good company... GL to the rest of the the survivors!
  2. I know, the post was in jest.. Guess I shoulda used a
  3. One would assume not as he is undoubtedly going to have a chance to wear ours.. No? Seems against what O'Shea would be preaching about unity and the team, etc etc.. Unless it's insanely hideous... Imma assume it's about the mountain dew soccer Jersey lol
  4. Or jeff garcia at this point... Or freddy garcia... Either or would be better then smith... Hey russ michna just lost the afl arena bowl with san jose, maybe he could resurrect his cfl career lol
  5. And I doubt you would be the only one as well..
  6. Excellent call, totally agree.. Without those turnovers, we probably win that game easy...
  7. Only one practice this week prior to the game will hurt.Plus the Argos are coming off a bye .. Plenty of time to recoup and prepare for us .. Going to be a tough game in the Big Smoke. They still have a crappy oline, crippled by injuries and our dline is healthy.. I don't see the toughness of this game.. just another game to me...
  8. So you guys realize he was out of work and has had literally one good half of football in a long time? Maybe we can hold off before engraving the MOP award with his name on it?
  9. Wifey says " looks like mountain dew designed a football jersey.."
  10. Come on people.. Even the blind can see how this goes... Turnovers led directly to riders lead.. Riders lead means messam is getting the ball.... Lots. Our defense on the field back to back to back almost crushed their endurance... Sask oline made massive holes.. So, without those turnovers messam doesnt get nearly that many touches as we would (i assume) have the lead and durrant is going air attack... Its not like messa stepped on the field and suddenly our offense and defense folded.. We shot ourselves so many times in the foot, im surprised we dont have peg legs...
  11. Jeeebus that hurts the eyes.. Im scared to see ours now most definitely..
  12. The ironing is delicious! A little shocked at the dig truth be told... Seemed a tad bitter..
  13. We can send the youtube footage out on the field if necessary. Still more likely to win then boltus I'll never forgive Marcel B. for his decision to continually use Boltus on short yardage when Goltz was sitting on the bench sulking. That decision was beyond stupid and is as much on Marcel as it is on Burke. Unless it was solely Burke's decision. And judging by his tendency to hold grudges against his players, I believe that is a strong possibility. I'm pretty sure this is accurate as anyone with a brain cell could see goltz was money and boltus was borderline useless.. He could receive a snap without fumbling like 7 outta 10 times so that counts for something I suppose..
  14. I like to start the night with a ceasar, not something you can go all night with. Caesar, ceasar, vodka red bull, vodka and sprite/sev/oj then a ceasar then a rock star vodka.. Then your primed and anything becomes the next option... Normally patrone or any other shootable stuff..
  15. We can send the youtube footage out on the field if necessary. Still more likely to win then boltus
  16. Pft. Just wait til they start saying they are the reason igf sold out.. I promise you, one idjit fan will leap to this conclusion...
  17. Guys been pretty good playing MLB for us so not sure the issue here.. Was he anyones pick coming outta the offseason? Nope. Has he met or exceeded expectations? Id say so..
  18. We win enough to make playoffs.. We make GC but win it only if we don't lose any of our elites to injury up to the big game..
  19. Worked for us (so far), but man... those lumps sure are tough to endure. That's why I never wanted glenn back. Would rather go through 10+ qbs to find the right one then spin our wheels with something average. How many qbs have we been through since Glenn? I care not about the revolving door that we used to get to where we are... I'm also very happy we never brought back Glenn or that Burris had a chance to land here... Getting willy can and should play out awesome for us.. His ceiling is pretty high and he's shown what... twice already that he has more cajones and gumption then Glenn ever did.. Mediocrity kills.
  20. Jones seems douchey but Austin seems like, super mega thunder douchey
  21. I swear, every week there's a post like this and we end up with the W.. Let's hope the trend continues! *knocks on wood*
  22. Its freakin hilarious that people refuse to believe something that a GM would say and stand pat on their own opinions.. Why do we simply take a member of leadership at face value and automatically assume everything out of their mouth is lies and "spin"..
  23. Unreal.. So this has to be considered absolutely that the wheels fell off, right? Montreal is hooped.. On another note.. As garcia is a "coach" and say he's paid 600k a year... If he steps onto the field of play, does that not count against the cap now?
  24. What a moron... Take the boy out the ghetto but cant take the ghetto out of the boy.. Shame for riders, bully for us
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