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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. It's been one week but already I feel like this coaching regime is heading in the right direction.. I despised O'Shea as a player and as a st coach cuz he ALWAYS caught us napping.. Sometimes twice a game.. I truly believe tho he will continue to improve and grow as a coach and who knows, dark horse candidate for coach of the year?
  2. Holy crap I love Leggett. He just hammered that guy in midair. It was awesomesauciness. Amazing how the bomber faithful finally have a legit QB to get behind (and I know there's some bad games there to be had, but Willy looks like the real deal to me - and I'll shout out Mr.Perfect as well for calling it - good job sir) but Cauchy in the safety position last year was worse than our QBing - he couldn't tackle (he was afraid actually - I know, I play football the same way, but I'm not paid to play lol... been paid not to though) and he had no idea where to be on the field in passing situations. Time and time again he was always on the wrong side of the field. Was he even in a training camp this year? My heart lept to my throat when Leggett when down. Does anyone know what that injury was, and is it something that may come back? We need him out there. I thought he came back in the second half...
  3. Holy crap I love Leggett. He just hammered that guy in midair. It was awesomesauciness. He's like a bigger, faster, meaner version of terry ray.. Now we just need to see him crush a dude into puking on the sidelines a la woodcock..
  4. Me thinks if Ottawa gets off to a baaaad start and their LB/secondary looks porous, we may have a dance partner.. Otherwise it might be pretty hard to get anything for him.... Unless injuries riddle a team and they become desperate for vet presence and decent player..
  5. Said it earlier in the offseason, bob Wylie could easily be the biggest signing besides O'Shea if he can work his magic and out of the gate he looked to have the hogs in then right direction.. 1 sack against some decent looking guys in preseason anyway.. Willys quick decision making and movement also helps for sure but they looked very respectable tonight...
  6. Etch had some great plays drawn up to get pressure on frito.. It was nice to see him look unpolished for once.. Moe leggett is "that" safety we have been waiting for.. Plays very confident back there for a cfl rookie and hits like a beast.. Secondary was excellent as a whole as well with very nice coverage and some solid step up coverage by LBs..
  7. Grisby wowed the hell outta me.. 122 yards, huge average.. My math was weak lol 6 YPC.. For a 3rd string RB that's craziness.. Very shifty with slick cuts and that spin outta the backfield was a thing of beauty.. Totally did not see that coming..
  8. Those cards were kellyesque in how pathetic it was..
  9. Fair enough. That's too bad but maybe a year of coaching and strengthening his quad will get it back to game level and he can come back for another try..
  10. Got a source for this? Other then being a former athlete who wouldn't give up the dream until was pretty much told I had to? No.. Making an assumption here... Obviously he wanted to play if he bothered.coming here at all.. Probably saw the guys ahead of him and then weighed the 700 a week versus whatever he's getting coaching and went where the money was knowing it would be awhile till he sees the field..
  11. I think we need a Faceplam or 12 to balance that out a tad..
  12. Was it bomber related? Otherwise take this to gen pop!
  13. Positive note... He chose to go and give up being a QB and coach because he didn't think he could beat out our current guys.. Seemed like he had the skills to do something here and was highly regarded.. So should we consider this a good thing minus losing out on a solid prospect?
  14. You're too quick to judge. And too lazy to read the thread, lol.. He did take it to some odd places tho in that rant..
  15. Only if we can rename you MR. CFL. Bazinga!
  16. I concur.. everything ive learned about o'shea speaks to his integrity and ability to wear two hats (one for media, one for the team) obviously without a follow around camera we may never know what's said behind closed doors but word of mouth travels well and ive yet to see a o'shea the coach hater...
  17. Well, that and his inability to play RB properly anymore..
  18. Wow. I cannot believe he did a double bitchslap of "i didnt want the job" and "the talent wasnt there" What a pompous raging thunder ******... hope he falls into coaching pergatory..
  19. Well, I might boo him if he dresses for our club. Because Bryant clearly quit on his team-mates last time he was here and in my opinion he doesn't deserve to ever again wear a Blue Bombers jersey. It also bugs me that current management shows such obvious disregard for recent history - and disrespect for fans and former players. They may not be mindful of that - new slate etc. but to bring in a player like Bryant, who demonstrated an utter lack of professionalism while here, borders on arrogance more than desperation. Such arrogance is not a good sign and will inevitably boomerang on Walters, O'Shea and Bellefeuille down the road.You guys have no idea of what a total schmuck Mike Kelly was.I can't blame anyone for not wanting to play for him. Complete douchebag, asshat or arrogant prick there is still a right way and a wrong way to deal with it.. He literally chose the worst option possible.. He stopped playing for the logo on his Jersey, the fans in the stands and the soldiers beside him in the trenches.. If this was a military situationsituation, he would have been court-martialed for mutiny or cowardice..The guy quit. He gave up because he didn't like his boss.. You don't do that, especially when your position on a team is often based on respect.. I'm sure he lost alot of it in that locker room.. LOL! Romby is just a puss filled zit on your butt. YouYou haven't sat down in 5 years, SPuDs!! Why you talkin' bout my ass? Questionable.. Very questionable... Not that there's anything wrong with that..
  20. ehh pretty sure Spuds was a big Kelly apologist, it's no wonder he's out of sorts at a player who bailed on that assclown. Players always quit on bad coaches. We had a lot of guys quit on Tim Burke last year and we never see any comments about them because #1 Burke didn't trade them and #2 Burke didn't try and save face by trashing them for it in the media. A) I've already admitted I was wrong on Kelly.. Right ideas, wrong implementation and a horrible failure. no connection between the 2.. Bryant quit. He stopped caring. He stopped supporting his team mates.. No player last year gave up nearly as badly as bryant did with the exception of Simpson and he was roundly called out for it.. C) did Kelly trash Bryant in the media? Didn't recall that. Regardless, another nonpoint because you continually fail to rationalize how it's acceptable to you for a player to QUIT on his brothers, his fan base and the team and community he was wearing on his back... And you can't. Because quitting is unacceptable. It's just as much a **** move as Kellys actions were and you know you don't fight fire with fire..
  21. Well, I might boo him if he dresses for our club. Because Bryant clearly quit on his team-mates last time he was here and in my opinion he doesn't deserve to ever again wear a Blue Bombers jersey. It also bugs me that current management shows such obvious disregard for recent history - and disrespect for fans and former players. They may not be mindful of that - new slate etc. but to bring in a player like Bryant, who demonstrated an utter lack of professionalism while here, borders on arrogance more than desperation. Such arrogance is not a good sign and will inevitably boomerang on Walters, O'Shea and Bellefeuille down the road. You guys have no idea of what a total schmuck Mike Kelly was.I can't blame anyone for not wanting to play for him. Complete douchebag, asshat or arrogant prick there is still a right way and a wrong way to deal with it.. He literally chose the worst option possible.. He stopped playing for the logo on his Jersey, the fans in the stands and the soldiers beside him in the trenches.. If this was a military situationsituation, he would have been court-martialed for mutiny or cowardice.. The guy quit. He gave up because he didn't like his boss.. You don't do that, especially when your position on a team is often based on respect.. I'm sure he lost alot of it in that locker room..
  22. Blah blah blah he quit on his teammates! That's it, that's all there is IMO. If I go to war (and yes football is a war if you ask me) I need to know the other guys lining up with me are fighting as hard as I am.. He was not. He chose to act in the manner he did.. I would have respected the hell outta him if he simply said "bench me.. Trade me, I ain't playing.." Not go out the way he did.. Same goes for any player who went thru the motions because they hated Kelly and gave up on the team, fans and players to show their displeasure..
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