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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I will say that there is some serious chicken little syndrome happening here.. Could it be that some coveted WRs or DEs are still down south or considering options? To suggest failure because Kelly is here and Bryant May or may not get a sniff is a bit much.. Don't get me wrong, I don't like it much.. At all.. But the scouting otherwise has been very good, no? DBs, Cotton, American tackles..
  2. Shocking that the pitchfork and torch bearer during kellys reign would pipe up over this... The sense of entitlement..
  3. No but the team can and will pull their pass so they are not allowed to be that outlets representative... If the next guy totes that same line... Then pull it again.. Essentially the same concept, no?
  4. But if they sign him you'll be okay with it. Enthusiastic even. Cute attempt to paint me with that fanboy brush but I've disliked rotten romby since his attitude Issues with Kelly (and by proxy the team and the other players n coaches) he was solid when he started here.. It's been down hill since he was here.. He's older, slower and less capable then when he was here and frankly, I always thought of him as a better brazzell.. So no.. No I won't be happy if he's the best we can do. I will not change my tune if he becomes a bomber.. For the millionth time, my opinions don't change on a player once they become a bomber.. If Im not a fan before, I'm not a fan after.. IE Kuale.. Always considered him a dirty player and slow for MLB.. I'm not a fan that he's our MLB.. at all..
  5. But if they sign him you'll be okay with it. Enthusiastic even. Cute attempt to paint me with that fanboy brush but I've disliked rotten romby since his attitude Issues with Kelly (and by proxy the team and the other players n coaches) he was solid when he started here.. It's been down hill since he was here.. He's older, slower and less capable then when he was here and frankly, I always thought of him as a better brazzell.. So no.. No I won't be happy if he's the best we can do. I will not change my tune if he becomes a bomber.. For the millionth time, my opinions don't change on a player once they become a bomber.. If Im not a fan before, I'm not a fan after.. IE Kuale.. Always considered him a dirty player and slow for MLB.. I'm not a fan that he's our MLB.. at all..
  6. Again, I don't understand how the roles have somehow flipped.. Media is not the big dog in this fight.. The cfl teams are. The media get by because of the cfl team (when it pertains to cfl coverage obviously) and not the other way around.. If the SUN, for instance made a huge stink about this and demanded access, couldn't the shmoes just ban them outright and only own freepress or Harald or whatever paper publishers are out there..
  7. Don't think that will happen, tone is set. Mike O'Shea expects to make the playoffs and compete for the Grey Cup. Tim 'dear in the headlights' Burke, well, I would dare to say #1 in all time loser coaches for us, even ahead of Kelly and Reinbold, as at least those two took charge. Burke didn't take charge and set us up for failure. I think O'Shea, by years end, will be a front runner for coach of the year. I would tend to agree that Burke was the worst head coach I have ever seen this team employ. Now obviously there's a lot of years I wasn't around to see, but we've had some bad ones in the last 30 years and Burke was as bad or worse than all of them. Never have I seen a team fold at the first sign of adversity like last years team did and that all comes back on the guy who is supposed to lead this team. Actually, it comes back to the smarts of the man who thought Burke was the answer to replace LaPolice. And that includes some of those here who thought the same. Ouch. you really want to start this argument for no reason? First time on this forum, is it?
  8. Man what a waste of 5 mins.. I might email them and demand that time back.. Marvel solidified himself as.#2? Ripping the city and province under the guise of "angry bomber fans" This is why I hate the interwebs.. Any moron with a computer can write such piles of manure and post it.. Then some dimwit reads it and shares it with some other knuckle draggers.. #stopinternetstupidity
  9. Yessir.. It's pretty good to be honest.. As good as delivery if you cook it right lol. Worth the price tho and have some decent deals.. Also, the deep dish is very tasty..
  10. I'm a fan of Revelstroke spiced whiskey, as well as white owl..
  11. But.. We talkin bout coaches here...
  12. I wondered that too.. Im assuming salary management is complicated enough as is..
  13. Id like to know too, i took him in my draft lol
  14. Gee, I see it differently:I was impressed by the way Romby Bryant stood up to that schmuck Mike Kelly, gave him the finger, and forced Kelly to trade him away. But by doing that to Kelly, he also did it to all his teammates as well. Kelly was an idiot & control freak. I don't recall all the circumstances that led to Bryant coming to Calgary but Kelly's "My way or the highway wanting to control the message" arrogance led to his ultimate dismissal as head coach. I blame the coach & not the player. His Majesty King Kelly treated just about everyone badly in the Bomber court, fans, media & even Bob Irving. You didn't/don't like Kelly and I'm certainly not going to defend him. But I do remember the circumstances of Bryant's trade. I do remember the absolute lack of effort by Bryant. He didn't like Kelly's offence - fine but that didn't give him the right to quit on the team. I still remember this play in his last game as a Bomber. He made a catch along the sidelines - both hands on the ball - and then the Als' defender reached in with one hand and easily grabbed the ball from him. It's difficult to describe how pathetic the play was - it really does need to be seen - but the one thing it showed clearly was that Bryant didn't care. So, Bryant goes to Calgary & he has back to back to back thousand plus yard seasons. Sure, blame the player not the lunatic coach running the team at the time. Kelly squandered a very good receiver. By criticizing Bryant you're defending Kelly so... Man.. What part of HE QUIT ON THE TEAM AND OTHER COACHES are you missing here?
  15. While they should teach the players the do's and don'ts in interviews, i really see no problems with a team mandating when and where the media get to talk to players n such.. I mean, the media are essentially there because of the team and not the other way around... The story IS the team... So, i kinda wonder where they get off with demands and being butt hurt about rules like this...
  16. how do you figure that? Glenn to start and they seem to be getting older not younger... Just a bunch moreso then anything..
  17. Oh calm yer titties... I'm sure Walters will grab one or two more nats from the cuts and frankly even if we don't, we are not any worse off then Edmonton or Ottawa right now..
  18. Not saying Glenn had to play in front of Willy in order to deprive BC of his services, backup would have be fine and that would have given the Bombers a much stronger QB tandem than they have now. Bombers had months to work a deal before the draft but were obviously not negotiating with Ottawa. In hind sight could have offered Watson or Pencer, Renaud and any number of replaceable starting imports they planned to cut anyway. No one can say what it would have taken to get Glenn out of Ottawa prior to the draft but the result could have been Joey Elliot taking snaps for the Lions yesterday in place of Kevin Glenn. So you would burn a draft pick, delay the development of our own young guys, potentially create a QB controversy all to spite BC? seems reasonable...
  19. CJ gaybell or gable if you wanna be fancy
  20. Well BC looks sets to stumble out the gate and edmonton hasnt looked all that stellar.. I think we should still be competitive and made some noise but the weak sister mentality in the east is more obvious then ever..
  21. Or..... they kept these players because they performed better.......Wait wait wait... Hold on... They can actually DO that?! Wonders will never cease...And ill say that while max did get into a lot of games last season and developed some experience (negative as it was..) Its not like willy and brohm are wide eyed, wet behind the ears cfl rookies.. Both Brohm and Marve are wide eyed, wet behind the ears CFL rookies. Neither has played a down. I know marve is, this why i didnt mention him but brohm sat "injured" with hamilton for a full season so hes familiar with concepts, how the game is played and differs from NFL.. hell, he probably ran the second team offense in practice i would think... So, no.. Not wet behind the ears cfl rook even if he hasnt played a snap of real game action.. Did he get into preseason last season?
  22. Hefney... If willing to be an LB (which is doubtful as all hell) would he be an etch guy or too slow now?
  23. Sorry iso, I have to call you on this one. 1) First, quality control coach is about one step above water boy in the grand scheme of things. Its just another set of eyes on the game film, and some of their job is to collect and sort it (from what I've heard, maybe this won't hold true for the Bombers). 2) You would like the staff to "encompass a lot more experience" but both our coordinators have been in the CFL for over a decade (with brief stints out). 3) This hire isn't meant to 'inspire a lot of confidence.' Its a quality control coach. 4) Re: cheap. The Bombers now have added a ton more coaches than last year (hell, almost double) which would indicate that they are spending quite a bit more in the coaching department in previous seasons. But yes, I am assuming a quality control coach came cheap, because its a low, entry-level coaching position... Great post, not sure why hiring another coach in any form should be considered a bad thing.. Especially one with experience with canadians and the cfl... I really start to see grampa simpson yelling at clouds whenever i see some of iso's posts..
  24. Or..... they kept these players because they performed better....... Wait wait wait... Hold on... They can actually DO that?! Wonders will never cease... And ill say that while max did get into a lot of games last season and developed some experience (negative as it was..) Its not like willy and brohm are wide eyed, wet behind the ears cfl rookies..
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