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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. because any OC that sees him out there is going to pick on him... Try.. Is going to try and pick on him.. He will stand up a lot of receivers..
  2. They also managed to make the terrible error with Kim Babij as Kim Back ***** (well, Lady Dog) Well, woulda been ok if back was bad..
  3. I simply find it hilarious how quickly people pile on players who have looked rock solid up to a preseason game and then boom they must be trash.. Banks, suber, pencer, January (dafuq?) and wild are all going nowhere unless they fawk up something serious in Calgary.. You guys DO realize we are working into a new offence, a new defence and a new HC coupled with crazy rotations all game long, right? Smh.
  4. Isnt he literally missing an ACL? Like, it ain't there no more..
  5. Kuale not being noticed isn't shocking.. Guys hurt and wasn't playing lol
  6. Plus our non-imp prospects ain't going anywhere soon, we can't afford them to.. Until other cuts show up, what we got is what we got and we have a lot of film and in practice with em (minus the new kids who are safe im sure until after camp) so wouldn't more time be dedicated to the guys most likely to protect our QBs blind side and rushes off the edge a wise choice? Especislly so, considering the inexperience with QBs, Rbs, possibly centres, receivers and OCs? Start from the outside and work your way in with the exception of centre..
  7. Well,damn. That's even more unfortunate..
  8. So, you're saying it's OK to sometimes call you numb ass? Did you just pinch my ass? . But by all means, feel free to name me thusly..
  9. Sounds cool.. Can't wait to get this crackalackin
  10. BUT BUT... Wasn't he such a beast and we was gonna regret that cut? Still a shame, thought he had the skillset for cfl ball
  11. I don't think it is up for debate that the Bombers were interested in both Burris and Collaros, since they made offers to both. They didn't sign either one, so whether that is "losing out" on them or not is really just a matter of semantics. This is a topic that hasn't been debated nearly enough. You forgot to use the sarcastia font lol
  12. Cramped, sure. If you're 300+ lbs maybe. $40 a year...enjoy spending that on gas by the 2nd home game. Last 2/3 of the year the P&R was run perfectly, IMO, so same as usual for this guy. 260 and 6'8 so yea cramped.. Ever tried to walk a few blocks with a numb ass and leg? Not fun my friend..
  13. Yea but the pool of talent at DE for canadians is shallow... Arguably the most shallow position in the CFL in my opinion.. As for a legit game day starter? How many are there in the league, 2-3? Its a rarity in this day and age.. Kinda like canadian MLBs but worse..
  14. Me too, i always thought he was wasting his skills on CBC. should be cool to hear him on the radio and see if this translates into a move into tvland
  15. Yea but I'm unable to go so for your sake I hope it's a go.. Be a shame if they did ya dirty like that..
  16. I believe he is healthy when his leg is not broken. That and he started a buncha games for sasktchy did he not? Love misinformed fans ridiculing depth incorrectly.. Cauchy Muamba started a bunch of games too for us and BC. So what? No correlation with ability to be a good player today. The jab was at neufelds apparent constant injury woes which have essentially been a broken leg.. I realize there is nothing guaranteeing him being an excellent or even average lineman for us at this point..
  17. If its still a go.. Is it to be televised?
  18. I believe he is healthy when his leg is not broken. That and he started a buncha games for sasktchy did he not? Love misinformed fans ridiculing depth incorrectly..
  19. Park n ride to sit in a cramped, non air conditioned bus AND pay for this sweet hookup? Thanks but no thanks.. Had my fill of that bull plop last season... Perimeter and then close as possible and walk or shuttle for this guy..
  20. Park n ride to sit in a cramped, non air conditioned bus AND pay for this sweet hookup? Thanks but no thanks.. Had my fill of that bull plop last season... Perimeter and then close as possible and walk or shuttle for this guy..
  21. I love O'Shea. His players are going to go to absolute war for him. Tap the breaks. Similar things said about Burke before he became HC too. You'd think someone who is from ontario would know the kinda zealot inspiring type of leader o'shea is.. So makes me think A) strong dislike for a guy who caused problems for the kitties for so long or jealous hes coaching for the bombers.. Guess C) trollin is possible too..
  22. I wonder what the deal was???? Something is weird with this.... Read the same thing, then a few hours later heard he was released. Maybe that was rhetoric - trying to get him to be more humble. Who knows? Don't think we ever will. Looks like our RB's will be lame again this year unless there's a 'surprise' player in camp if the guys hurt AND his attitude sucks, would you keep him around? I wouldnt..
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