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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. And bluto sheds a solitary tear..
  2. We hire the the best o-line coach ive ever seen or heard of and because he has some other commitments, this is a bad idea? Are you people seriously that dense? Our o-line has been abysmal season after season.. Wylie WILL fix that, away for a day here or there but he will fix our o-line. only winnipeggers would find a way to get worked up and angry about this... Truly a sad state of affairs..
  3. stoddard... The best adequate canadian receiever ever! hands of glue no doubt but otherwise...?
  4. I came to read about my method of transportation to the bomber games and ended up in a most heated political battle... a week away from tc no less... Only on MBB..
  5. Outstanding job guys.. I was skeptical at the start due to being a diehard but this forum not only rapidly blew away expectations but became my new home (to the chagrin of some im sure ) and i think out community here is unbelievably awesome. The donations on behalf of the board was an amazing gesture and all the mods deserve a beer or 6 in their honour. Cant wait for the contests and rocking that smexy t-shirt hopefully at some point! Heres to MBB.com's birthday and many many more! Cheers!!
  6. I'm pretty sure Al didn't play in the CIS. Yea im pretty sure the talent level hypotherically would similar tho which what my point was.. Lotta levels between a mythical high school league and cis versus CFL.
  7. Yea I'm pretty sure al bundy averaged 7yrds/carry at Polk High too..where'd he end up?
  8. I thought Gilmore was a solid dlineman... Must not be an "etch" type guy..
  9. I'm a fan of pretty much all of Kevin Smith's work but am particularly a fan of Dogma, clerks and mallrats.. As for for the football edition, I know not of his body of work but with all the fans in the know getting excited for his signing and hilites, I'm pretty stoked either way..
  10. Worked on me mobile device.
  11. Kelly is probably on the roster because he knows the bellfuielle offense.. Need to have SOMEONE on the same page as the OC, even if he isnt a stegall or simon...
  12. Awesome signing.. Hope he looks at it as an opportunity and not a cake walk..
  13. Love the site.. Go to place now for all things bombers now.. atta boys to all admins and regulars for making this place the delight that it has become..
  14. I woulda hulked out if i didn't read this, showed up tomorrow and she was down.. SPUDS SMAAAAAAAAASH!!!
  15. We got 17th overall for 20th and 26th Nice, thanks.. And that turned into Briggs... Someone walters really coveted no less... Win in my book..
  16. Im a narcistist, what can i say? (i unliked it too.. It was an accidental thing lol)
  17. As for the fagg0t and n bomb word use, i too agree that the world has become brutally politically correct... When "shock" commedians have to apologize to crowds because their material is so intense, i find that completely stupid.. Know who your going to see ffs. Guys like tracy morgan, kevin hart or chris Rock can be vulgar as hell.. Deal with it! You think robin williams, george carlin or richard pryor would have ever apologized for their acts? Hell no! Should they have? Hell no! The world is now raising a bunch of soft ninnies who cry foul all day long... Its like we are seeing the life equivilent of european soccer players.. Flopping all over the place at every perceieved perversion, insult or slight /rant off
  18. Quotes are broken and im lazy sooo... Brandon sayz.. "be glad we live in a country with free speech.. Stop being ao closeminded, ignorant and disrespectful of others views/opinions.." Or some such... So i says... >Sooooo.. Are you deliberately trying to be an argumentative dummy or are you seriously this dense? We should let bigots be bigots because we live in a free speech society? Huh. So klansman get a free pass in your bizarro world too? Guess we shoulda let jeffery dahmer keep on chowing down on people cuz hes different and we should just accomodate him?Wow.. Just.. Wow. You have one screwy assed view of the world we live in man..Smh
  19. Stupid broken quote.. Delete plz.
  20. So what was the trade we made to get a second rounder?
  21. No.. But Cauchy is that lousy and that expensive that we could just as easily roll with Alexander or Newman or whomever else and get the same or better production for less cost..
  22. This is one of the dumbest arguments ive ever seen on mbb.. And we have seen some dooooozies.
  23. Kelly was not even charged eventually and yet people STILL say he beat the chick, blah blah blah... If he truly beat her up like people keep claiming, anger management wouldnt have been his only real punishment.. Juas sayin' villify him for his on field failures but cut the guy some slack, crazy broad cried foul and the justice system managed to put 2 and 2 together..
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